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Brett Jerome's barn build aka "Ain't Easy"

TN12Valve said:
I can't tell you how much I want to read this build thread but I only made it to the bottom of page 2 before I got tired of waiting for ButtPirate to scroll down... Am I the only one who has this problem? Took me 20 minutes to scroll through 2 pages.

Not sure I quit that site a long time ago. I went back the other day to find that thread to post up here. Hopefully it speeds up for ya
FS76 said:
So is it ready for Big M
eats next week end

Yes she's ready, Just put side mirrors on the tow rig. Borrowing a trailer this trip no funds for a trailer yet. We will be there Saturday morning if the tow rig makes it, it's pretty much the first trip for it as well.
MoonlightRacing77 said:

Hey thanks for that. Spent two years building something drove it 30 minutes on the trail and pulled that off. Pretty happy. Having some trans issues getting hot. Overall I'm really happy tow rigs first trip and buggys first trip. I know it's not the toughest hill but it's the toughest I've been up for sure. Let's just say going from a 7,009lb rig on 54's to this is night and day. Power is stupid. Hit the rev in first about 30' from the top shifted to second and she ate. Gonna be a few trips before I go big boy bouncin though gonna take some getting used to.
It sounded good from where i was at. Is the matching side by side yours too?
MoonlightRacing77 said:
So what ended up being the problem with the rear steer?

Damn joystick came un plugged from the switch . Stazworks setup.
CHASMAN9 said:
Was that the "Bounty hill" from a while back? :dunno:

OWNED!!!!! :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:

Ya that's the old bounty hill showgirl smoked. I drove around for about an hour and didn't climb a thing. Went and topped the fuel off and tried that hill. Should of got some more seat time but what the hell. First try shifted into second about half way and I thought I smoked the convertor. Smoke was coming out right at or around the convertor. Backed back down and my rear steer switch came unplugged ha. Let it cool off and tried it again. Let it stay in first until about 40' from the top then hit second. I think I need to play with the t case gears a bit 1:1 is too high. Unless I'm doing hills like that all the time. I'm going to get some 1.5:1 and I already have a 1.25:1 so hopefully I will be closer to what it needs. It needs a little heavier coils up front. Gets around pretty good though I'm sure there will be a bug or two to iron out later. First time ever on a trail though pretty happy, I never thought I'd say this but I think the motor is a little excessive. Going to have my tuner look at it again and maybe help with the fuel mileage ha.
MoonlightRacing77 said:
On your first attempt I was like damn that Motor has some Wopow drool

Ha got a little carried away! It's a re occurring problem....
Just thought I'd update ,been out of commission for a bit. Had some transmission issues with the tow rig but that's been resolved with a lot of coin...back in action now and thought I'd share a couple vids. After wheeling this thing like it should I don't see myself competing at all. I would love to but I aint got the money to do so. And let's just say coming from a rig on 54's to this is night and day. Loud, fast and hard to say the least. I give props to all the guys that keep me entertained every day on youtube thrashing their rigs and their bodies. I see myself wheeling this rig for a bit and then doing something slower paced, we will see. Anyways thanks to everyone on hardline for all the info ect while I was building. The rig works pretty well, I need some different springs but there were not any real bugs to work out yet. Here's a couple vids more or less just to say thanks nothing crazy but vids none the less. She does make some steam..