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Chevy Buggy Motors

That is disaster if you do a big wheelie and land on it. I understand they don't see much of them but if it were on a rig I was working on I would look for another way. It just scares me to mount some thing that is meant to take abuse from rocks to my engine. But I know Twisted has built tons of stuff and they know their stuff ( I am personally a BIG fan ), but there is always room for improvement an anything.
They are kicking 3 buggys out this week and then one 4 seater to Easter Jeep then mine gets the front seat. All mine is is a chassis axles and all the parts in a pile.

No build thread on mine. I am going to keep it up until I pick it up.

On the skidplate, I will look into it when I get it home. I may pull that steel plate and replace it with AL and plastic.
matt, probably
Wow, **** mounting it like that. That's just me and I ram **** a lot. I like the skid to the frame and the engine isolated. that said, I see adam midplating them and not breaking trannies. I might need to do this on the next build.
Man I have broke more trannies than I care to admit from frame flex, to bad motor mounts, to the skid plate coming up and hitting the t case. After I started mounting with solid motor plates I have had no issues. That and raising the transfer case and crossmember up from the skid plate all has been good. I do tend to over build in some areas but the underneat should be built for abuse.

This is the bet pic I could find to show how I mount the engine skid plate and then 3/8" Aluminum is mounted to the bottom of it.

Here you can seethe aluminum plate on attached to the tube work.
For the record, I have never had an engine skid plate at all on any of my rigs.

I have only dented an oil pan one time and that was in the Bash Buggy. I had to pull the pan and bang it out and it was all good.
I haven't either until I used a cast aluminum pan. I know that it would shatter if it got hit. You will probably be running one also on your 6.0. But I would almost take my chances when using a sheet metal pan to dent the pan rater than take the chance of shoving the engine around with a solid mounted skid pan mounted to my engine.
Woodlee said:
I haven't either until I used a cast aluminum pan. I know that it would shatter if it got hit. You will probably be running one also on your 6.0. But I would almost take my chances when using a sheet metal pan to dent the pan rater than take the chance of shoving the engine around with a solid mounted skid pan mounted to my engine.

My new pan is steel. TC makes one that has baffles that are supposed to work well for oiling. So much so, they dont run accumulators and never fry their LS motors.