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Choc - Thrills In The Hills

This was my first time up boat ramp and pick your poison :dblthumb: was even able to empty my wallet at the swap meet had a blast. Now if I can get all these damn bees stings to quit itcthing...
musselman said:
This was my first time up boat ramp and pick your poison :dblthumb: was even able to empty my wallet at the swap meet had a blast. Now if I can get all these damn bees stings to quit itcthing...
Yeah we were halfway up the hill down from boat ramp when someone stopped us because of the bees. You could see where someone had hosed the bastards down with a fire extinguisher. :****: I got a few short videos of boatramp but there is no way I can get them posted, youtube is not my friend. A pretty cool guy was running around hells revenge while I was putting a ujoint and stub in the left side of mine and filmed us going up the rest, maybe he will throw them up!
they were bad at msorp this weekend also(the bee's) we all started to load up and come to the parts swap meet but never made it maybe next time.
There was a yellow jacket frenzy this weekend at msorp for shure, them things were goin CRAZY, I ended up with 5 stings outta 2 seperate episodes with the little bastards on Saturday,several

more folks ended up with multiple stings as well , from seperate nests too, I have never seen yellowjackets this bad.

Maybe it is only a once in every ten years thing or something :dunno:

A couple with the GTR group got their buggy hung on a huge rock down in bears den valley, and so many bees came out from under that rock it was like some Alfred Hitchcock type **** :eek:

We ALL got stung at that episode :****:
Thats awesome man :dblthumb:, but I want to see the vidio of you dancing all the way down PICK YUR POISON with your amaginary passenger. molaugh molaugh AHHHHHHHHHHH, OOOOOOOOO, AHHHHHHHHHH, SHHHHHHHHHT, GET OUT, GET OUT, RUN!!!!!!! molaugh molaugh