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Current pics, Old trails - Reiter

Seeing all those pictures make me sad!!!!!! cause our old fun area looks lonely!!!!!For the life of me I can not understand why they had to take our area away from us!!!!!!! The Hikers/Tree huggers have the WHOLE Cascade range to hike on ....Why did they need any of our little piece of wheeling heaven!!!!!:puke::booo::booo::booo::wtf:
She looks good! Thanks for posting those... It's an absolutely perfect area for what is was used for. I still feel the same way about the decision to close it, as I did the day it happened. ****!

Good pics buddy:cool:
Because apparently we destroy the land we wheel on even though we have photo evidence in this thread that proves that bs fact otherwise. Even though they have all of the cascades they need to "save" nature from us humans and our earth destroying machines.. what used to be an old road out here was blocked off because it got rutted out about 2 years ago and its mostly over grown now BY SAGE BRUSH. This wheelers destroy land stuff makes me sick :puke:.
All the erosion BS is just the biggest fish net like enforcing tool they have. I believe it has almost everything to do with Money (the paper kind, not the legendary kind:kiss:). It's all about the $...and the lacking ability to enforce laws & rules on us out there.

Reiter is and was the culmination of a perfect storm. When you take in the big picture it's really interesting to look at. We are all a part of it.
very nice pics Mark. :awesomework: do you mind if I steal some of them for my records and a possible PowerPoint presentation ?
Pretty good evidence that 4x4 usage, even HEAVY 4x4 usage doesn't "destroy the environment" like our opponents always claim. It just temporarily alters the landscape. Given the chance nature will always take it back.

Heck, first good natural slide or forest fire and you'd never know 4x4's were there.

No kidding, if it all grew back that quickly why not open it up seasonal or every other year. Sell tickets to it. Then nature will repair itself by the time it opens again...
No kidding, if it all grew back that quickly why not open it up seasonal or every other year. Sell tickets to it. Then nature will repair itself by the time it opens again...

Because then the greenies will see people smashing plants, trees, and other foliage that has grown back each year and that is killing nature, in their eyes that is probably just as bad as a muddy trail through the woods that causes oh so much erosion, creek contamination and salmon smothering :rolleyes:.
Or maybe it could be that we planted most of that stuff during some of our work parties out there.
Glad people are paying attention.:awesomework:
All the erosion BS is just the biggest fish net like enforcing tool they have. I believe it has almost everything to do with Money (the paper kind, not the legendary kind:kiss:). It's all about the $...and the lacking ability to enforce laws & rules on us out there.

Reiter is and was the culmination of a perfect storm. When you take in the big picture it's really interesting to look at. We are all a part of it.

I cant agree more!!!
Simple vegetation on the ground can easily hide what was there--more than any other growth of the forest. But to say erosion caused no problems out there is silly but at the same token many of those issues could have easily been resolved to "our" standards but not the states standards. We all caused some sort of problem up there and we all paid the price for it.
The the erosion thing is so over hyped though if you consider how much erosion we cause compared to how much mother nature does everyday and how small of an area we affect. There is also the pollution "problem" but damn what do the greenies think happens to those lovely toxic prius batteries when theyre dead? I will agree railing your rig into a stream and smashing some salmon is bad and should not be allowed since there are many things that could happen if repeated. But seriously mother nature erodes a lot more than we do and one event that happened in Alaska proved that when a huge boulder fell into a lake and created a couple hundred feet tall wave that blew down everything it hit including the forest along the banks. I just dont see why any of that comes into consideration. Dont mean to rant but being a part of the new generation it sucks to see places get closed and more laws and restrictions get made every year and makes me wonder where it will be when i am older.
The the erosion thing is so over hyped though if you consider how much erosion we cause compared to how much mother nature does everyday and how small of an area we affect. There is also the pollution "problem" but damn what do the greenies think happens to those lovely toxic prius batteries when theyre dead? I will agree railing your rig into a stream and smashing some salmon is bad and should not be allowed since there are many things that could happen if repeated. But seriously mother nature erodes a lot more than we do and one event that happened in Alaska proved that when a huge boulder fell into a lake and created a couple hundred feet tall wave that blew down everything it hit including the forest along the banks. I just dont see why any of that comes into consideration. Dont mean to rant but being a part of the new generation it sucks to see places get closed and more laws and restrictions get made every year and makes me wonder where it will be when i am older.

Its really very simple. They cant control mother nature but they can control us. Its also simple that the greenies are much smarter than the average ORV user. They support their movement by joining in, paying up and pitching in to get what they want. Just take a walk into your local wilderness society or WTA office to see what the few of us fighting are up against :booo:
The the erosion thing is so over hyped though if you consider how much erosion we cause compared to how much mother nature does everyday and how small of an area we affect. There is also the pollution "problem" but damn what do the greenies think happens to those lovely toxic prius batteries when theyre dead? I will agree railing your rig into a stream and smashing some salmon is bad and should not be allowed since there are many things that could happen if repeated. But seriously mother nature erodes a lot more than we do and one event that happened in Alaska proved that when a huge boulder fell into a lake and created a couple hundred feet tall wave that blew down everything it hit including the forest along the banks. I just dont see why any of that comes into consideration. Dont mean to rant but being a part of the new generation it sucks to see places get closed and more laws and restrictions get made every year and makes me wonder where it will be when i am older.

I agree and like I stated the issues we had up there were simple fixes--all the water crossings up there were all hard pan/rock crossings except the one to the wall trail and we corrected that with extensive work.

But as jim stated we are an entity that can be controlled vs. what mother nature does.
Its really very simple. They cant control mother nature but they can control us. Its also simple that the greenies are much smarter than the average ORV user. They support their movement by joining in, paying up and pitching in to get what they want. Just take a walk into your local wilderness society or WTA office to see what the few of us fighting are up against :booo:

Ouch!:thud: The truth hurts.....bad.:mad:
Then I say lets control the greenies and say they are impeding upon our right as citizens to wheel :D. I'll continue to write my reps whenever there is a bill that puts our sport in danger or restricts what we can do and keep hoping for better or at least the ability to keep what we have.
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I have walked all those a dozen times in the last 6 months making sure nobody is going in there. Because I love the DNR, and us wheelers were really hurting the environment...

fixed :fawkdancesmiley: