Lucky Jeff
Well-Known Member
Injection pump threw that code when it died. May be fine, may not be. Depends how long you were running with little fuel pressure. Probably quite a while.
Are you just having a tough time getting it started? Once you completely drain that filter housing. It takes a while to get it filled back up. And then you need to crack the injection lines to get all of that air out. It can be a real pain and takes a while.
Your pump has been dead for a while--it took out the VP.....
Im no mechanic by trade and dont claim to be but constantly working on that damn 24valve dodge has taught a poor boy a thing or two and one thing for sure is I wish I wouldve waited and bought a 12valve...
just read the earlier posts and yup sounds like the vp44 **** the bed. that sucks man
So I'm thinking about this set-up
Damn Jon, I know we've had our differences but I thought you were smarter than this. If you're going to fix this thing to keep and drive, is the cheapest Ebay pump you can find really the right answer? :fawkdancesmiley: