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DNR update

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Can't say anything for the DNR meetings, but Jim and I are going to put in some work at Elbe tomorrow morning, meeting up at 7am. Come out and join us:awesomework:


I would love to, but my kids are making me a b-day breakfast in the morning...:cheer:

I do need to get up there and finish up the cable on the shelter...

I wanted to get that done when we fixed the shelter a few weeks ago...:booo:
X2 billion :booo: :awesomework: Just think if we could harness all of this energy into one large Org. We could then take the fight to them :awesomework:

If we could do that jim---it would be amazing at what we could acomplish

We have actually started a Multi-User Alliance up here in Whatcom county to try and get an area opened up in Whatcom. We are just getting off the ground and organizing. So far we have a few of the more really active user groups on-board like Motorcycles, Mt. Bike, 4x4 etc. with equestrian interested. All the contacts that Myself and Jakob have made have been very positive. But like anything that is good it takes time and just the right touch. Some folks you need to be able to step on their toes without scuffing the shine of their shoes. Everyone wants something, you need to be able to accomplish that, and with that has to come compromise. Which we have already done in regard to the areas we are working on.

The problem I see is that there are a few of these types of groups out there, which is good that they are there, but they need to consolidate as one very large group. In just the few months I have been working on this I have come to realize just how much work is involved, and how gun-shy a lot of folks are. There is still a lot of distrust among user groups. So it does not help when you have a select few that are always stirring the pot. Or circumventing the process or even working outside the group. Everyone needs to be on the same page and listen to and adhere to what the Leadership says. Everyone has a role to play within an organization based on their skills. When those roles get crossed over it makes it hard to move forward and can actually damage work that has already been done. So you need to trust those in charge and stay within your scope of what you are good at and designated as. That goes right down from the President of the organization to the individual supporter.

Lastly, my hat is off to those of you have worked on getting Reiter, Yacolt and all the other closed or unauthorized areas opened up. It's hard and thankless work that meets opposition from places you never thought it would come from.
Hey Jim...

I know I'm just a rookie in your eyes...

But, I've only seen you at one, wait two, Elbe DNR meetings in the last 2 years...

One was at the "2 million man march" we had about restrictions...

The other was the pizza party in Sumner...

Are you getting your information from the interweb or the newspaper???

Cause you aren't getting it from the meetings...

Now, before anyone takes this as an attack, I'm just stating what I have seen at those meetings...

A preacher is more than often the one that goes against what they preach...

Jim, I respect what you have done for the wheeling community, I just have a problem understanding where you stand in 2009...

I hope to see you at more meetings this winter...

First and foremosst. I have a very dedicated represenitive that gives me exellent reports (joe)(elbe) I have been to several more meetings at the firehouse than you give me credit for hell even Gabe can vouch for that :redneck: And your just talking about Elbe. In my region we have Elbe, Evans, Tahuya, Naches, Then I have the Copper city in the naches. I also sit on the mount baker snoq forest service RAC. then theres the various other DNR and FS type meetings and such Plus the PNW4WDA meetings. So yea I tend to get around some. I also have ALL of the area land reps right in my cell phone as well as a lot of private communication by e-mail.
We have actually started a Multi-User Alliance up here in Whatcom county to try and get an area opened up in Whatcom. We are just getting off the ground and organizing. So far we have a few of the more really active user groups on-board like Motorcycles, Mt. Bike, 4x4 etc. with equestrian interested. All the contacts that Myself and Jakob have made have been very positive. But like anything that is good it takes time and just the right touch. Some folks you need to be able to step on their toes without scuffing the shine of their shoes. Everyone wants something, you need to be able to accomplish that, and with that has to come compromise. Which we have already done in regard to the areas we are working on.

The problem I see is that there are a few of these types of groups out there, which is good that they are there, but they need to consolidate as one very large group. In just the few months I have been working on this I have come to realize just how much work is involved, and how gun-shy a lot of folks are. There is still a lot of distrust among user groups. So it does not help when you have a select few that are always stirring the pot. Or circumventing the process or even working outside the group. Everyone needs to be on the same page and listen to and adhere to what the Leadership says. Everyone has a role to play within an organization based on their skills. When those roles get crossed over it makes it hard to move forward and can actually damage work that has already been done. So you need to trust those in charge and stay within your scope of what you are good at and designated as. That goes right down from the President of the organization to the individual supporter.

Lastly, my hat is off to those of you have worked on getting Reiter, Yacolt and all the other closed or unauthorized areas opened up. It's hard and thankless work that meets opposition from places you never thought it would come from.

Well said Len...:cool:
yeah back when elbe was the subject, DNR worked with one or two contact individuals that wanted to have restrictions and wanted to get it passed quick with the support of the PNW.

That is a complete lie but I'm not going to take up the discussion here.
I got through 16 pages...but work is almost over so I won't be able to finish reading it all.

What's the word on the new meeting date? Since I live in Everett, I wouldn't mind stopping in. My new rig my be in the works, but I still plan to wheel Reiter for years to come.

I got through 16 pages...but work is almost over so I won't be able to finish reading it all.

What's the word on the new meeting date? Since I live in Everett, I wouldn't mind stopping in. My new rig my be in the works, but I still plan to wheel Reiter for years to come.


here you go muddy:
I just saw DNR post on Facebook:

RECREATION: Learn about upcoming restoration& trail work for Reiter Foothills. Attend the Oct 22 meeting in Monroe. http://bit.ly/1gfoRd


October 16, 2009

DNR invites the public to hear about restoration and trail work at Reiter Foothills

first and foremost, i'd like to tell everyone who IS doing something and getting involved in the matter in a constructive way trying to get reiter opened back up in a timely mannor thank you, your efforts are greatly appr. I dont go to any meetings and dont make it out to wheel very often BUT i do have an opinion as well as many people like me, we would like to atleast sit in the background and see whats going on and feel as though our thoughts are also being expressed and if so that it is done in a respectful and apropriat way. I feel that my concurnes to this matter are being handled to my expectations by those representing us as a group. Thank you all for the time you have spent in making all this happen.

Second, i have just read this entire thread and as i have seen a LOT of good points i have also seen a LOT of bad ideas and banter that is not very constructive. Hate it or love it, it happens and i know that and its all for a purpose to get a point accross but there are better ways to do this. I'm not going to waste my time going back and syfting through all of it to it all out again as i just look over it. If you were in this thread the entire time or read through it all you know what im talking about. As i am fairly new to the "behind the scenes" of the wheeling community and would love nothing more than to be a part of it to help as much as i can, i know that i do not have the experiance that alot of others out there have. So i will just do my part in keeping these area's clean and making sure all those i am around do the same and are well informed as to the happenings and results of not doing this. We can take this as prime example #1. Reiter is a very fun and eventful place for recreation but it HAS been abused very much and as much as we try to keep it clean, we cant make up for all those that dont. We also have to remember it isnt JUST the garbage and such, as much as its ALSO us being there in general.

At some point we have to step back and look at how large and how much more common our sport has been getting in the recent past. There is alot more people out wheeling and the rigs are getting more and more advanced meaning they can go further/faster/harder. It was only a matter of time until we had to calm down for a bit and maintain our trails/spots to make them fun/ a challange again. If no one was to do this think of how run-down the trails would get, i mean sure there are work parties and such but that only does so much and it doesnt make up for the fact that almost all the trails are just "homebrew...lets run those tree's down" and eventually turned into the trails we have today. Well now all the trails are going from easy/med/hard to a mix of all those, take for example after stair-step you have poop-shute, then you either cross the river or keep on heading in and it turns into a jumble-mess of go to the right and its easy, go the left its harder and so on. Well its only a matter of time untill it all gets run down into one big mess of easy/easy-ish and isnt much fun and also does alot of damage.

I know that if we build new trails with guidlines as to how easy/hard it is everyone is going to try it out wither way and itll just turn back into what we have here but if built right and maintaned from the start it could be a very affective plan and i see exactly where the DNR is coming from on this matter, but dont get me wrong i still have the fear in the back of my mind about the government not caring and shutting it down. I just hope we as a group can get together in a posative manor and make sure they see us as a willing group to do good and keep these places clean and kept up esp' after they do rebuild it in our favor. :awesomework:

Again thank you everyone going to the meetings and keeping us updated and please keep us posted on the happenings and findings at these meetings so we know what to expect and do and how we (the ones willing atleast)can help. :corn::awesomework:
Ted Jackson (Reiter Foothills Planning Committee)
Les Leonard (Reiter Foothills Planning Committee)
Rick Rice (Reiter Foothills Planning Committee)
Ed Tenney (Reiter Foothills Planning Committee)

Does anyone have the full list of people that are on the planning committee?
Ted Jackson (Reiter Foothills Planning Committee)
Les Leonard (Reiter Foothills Planning Committee)
Rick Rice (Reiter Foothills Planning Committee)
Ed Tenney (Reiter Foothills Planning Committee)

Does anyone have the full list of people that are on the planning committee?

Look back at earlier posts or in the other thread, the entire list is there.
May 20th?

It looks like May 20th was the last time the Reiter ORV area planning commitee had a meeting. Those are the notes from that meeting. At the next meeting I suppose similar issues will be discussed.
Good Post

Your level headed-ness, comprehension of the situation from a step back and reasonable attitude towards the resolution of necessary compromise should be banned and censored. You're no fun.:fawkdancesmiley:

I"M KIDDING!:cheer:

Great point of view. :cool: I wish the majority of others would share this point of view......I do.
Your level headed-ness, comprehension of the situation from a step back and reasonable attitude towards the resolution of necessary compromise should be banned and censored. You're no fun.:fawkdancesmiley:

I"M KIDDING!:cheer:

Great point of view. :cool: I wish the majority of others would share this point of view......I do.

lmao. thanks alot.:fawkdancesmiley: :awesomework::;

(notice its all the toyota guys that use their head and try to fix the problem not go gung-ho and make it worste..hmmm) :eeek::haha::;
also i'd like to add sly-yota for forum pres' 20-10, sorry crash but group vote(group being mainly me) your getting a little old and starting to get the grumpy old man attitude and forget things. :fawkdancesmiley::haha: :corn:
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