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DNR update

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Was this after closing the entire area that people have been working hard to keep clean and opened???

I'm not trying to fight about this, I think this dialog is healthy for everyone that is involved... Open dialog such as this should be "the norm" within our group...

How it was done. The DNR/northern toys mapped out a course and we drove it. With this they were able to see what areas needed attention and so on.

The same with tight ass when we punched a now route to bypass the closeness to the creek. We walked it and then drove it.
How it was done. The DNR/northern toys mapped out a course and we drove it. With this they were able to see what areas needed attention and so on.

The same with tight ass when we punched a now route to bypass the closeness to the creek. We walked it and then drove it.

So, it wasn't after closing the entire area???
Now, with everything that has been said...

I hope that this will turn into a good thing...

I would like to think that the DNR would compromise with the user groups and leave some of the area open while other parts are being worked on... I know that's a tall order, but shutting the whole place down in my opinion could do more damage than good in the long run...

I take my hat off and applaud those that are working very hard, past, present and future, to keep Reiter open...

But, we have to understand as a group, even though we my have different views and opinions, that we are all fighting for the same thing...

I also feel that having an open discussion such as this, will benefit our cause with other obstacles we will face in other areas as well as Retier...

See you at the meeting...:awesomework:
How do you ask someone for help to fix something, when the last time they helped out that trail or area was closed......

A group of us last spring put a TON of work into reopening the Issy trail. The next time I wheeled it was the last day it was open. Then I hear they let select people wheel it still at times.:rolleyes:
A group of us last spring put a TON of work into reopening the Issy trail. The next time I wheeled it was the last day it was open. Then I hear they let select people wheel it still at times.:rolleyes:

One group that I selected had to go up the trail to where the old bike/quad bridge to haul it out then they came back down.
One group that I selected had to go up the trail to where the old bike/quad bridge to haul it out then they came back down.

I would like to add that it was David that asked for help with this and did so at a RTW meeting since that is one of the groups he comes to for volunteer help. I wish you would come to a $$$ Meeting and see what happens and voice your concerns there to the group and David. It would be far more productive than doing it here and words being misinterpreted and such. :awesomework:
I understand that, but it's a fine line... Who draws those lines???

The agency does and its done all of the time. In fact I am doing the exact same thing next week with a select few. We will be going into the copper city trail to do a work party. The trail is closed to motorized use until its done and the road to it is also closed due to a washout that now has a creek with "special fish" in it. The Little Rattlesnake trail has been closed for the last few years while it was being rebuilt as well. These are the ways that things are done. The agencys work with people they know and trust to set up these work partys and to get things done. Personaly I cant believe the negative attitudes that people have been showing to the volunteer leaders in this thread. What were seeing here is the cause of the effect of "screw it" why do I bother. We have lost too many hard working volunteer leaders over the years due to this exact kind of BS:booo: People need to get behind these "leaders" and show their support instead of bickering and complainging so damn much. If you dont feel that they represent you then form a credible group and ask to be included and quit tearing domwn the same people that are trying to help you. :mad:
A group of us last spring put a TON of work into reopening the Issy trail. The next time I wheeled it was the last day it was open.
Oh wait! What was I thinking, I don't do **** for the sport.
Forget I said anything.
I wish you would come to a $$$ Meeting and see what happens and voice your concerns there to the group and David. It would be far more productive than doing it here and words being misinterpreted and such. :awesomework:

Was this directed to me? I've been to a few RTW meetings.
I don't base my opinions soley on the intardnet.:haha:
A group of us last spring put a TON of work into reopening the Issy trail. The next time I wheeled it was the last day it was open.
If you put all that work into reopening Izzy, why didn't you wheel it Rick??? Just curious...
A group of us last spring put a TON of work into reopening the Issy trail.

So have many of us put many hours into areas that are closed(including izzy). We move forwards anyways.

Yes its frustrating and its happened alot to places over the years---we move onward to the next fight.
So have many of us put many hours into areas that are closed(including izzy). We move forwards anyways.

Yes its frustrating and its happened alot to places over the years---we move onward to the next fight.

X2 billion :booo: :awesomework: Just think if we could harness all of this energy into one large Org. We could then take the fight to them :awesomework:
X2 billion :booo: :awesomework: Just think if we could harness all of this energy into one large Org. We could then take the fight to them :awesomework:

If we could do that jim---it would be amazing at what we could acomplish
Who ever wants to represent me Should bring something up at this meeting. I would like a response when the meeting is over and will send a P.M. To all represenatives who are members of this forum.
Will D.N.R allow weekend work partys one day of work one day of wheeling?
I do believe this will get alot more people to attend said work party's!!

It shouldn't be presented to them as an ultimatum... Rather, more of a concern, that some people feel that the work they've done in the past and more recently may have been in vain...

No demands I just wanted it brought up and discussed. I also wanted feedback as to what was rebuttled good or bad. This was my way of trying to make it a little better for everyone including D.N.R. I am trying to be pro active. If we go around just conforming to all of D.N.R's wants than when there might have been a better way well then we only missed out because we didn't try.

Personaly I cant believe the negative attitudes that people have been showing to the volunteer leaders in this thread. What were seeing here is the cause of the effect of "screw it" why do I bother. We have lost too many hard working volunteer leaders over the years due to this exact kind of BS:booo: People need to get behind these "leaders" and show their support instead of bickering and complainging so damn much.

I just want to make it clear I am not wanting to fight anybody I have only been pushing for answers. The inital response was not good and if we did not push the meeting would have not gotten changed. I have said before I do appreciate all the hard work and I hope that I can be more involved in many of these steps in the future.
Hey Jim...

I know I'm just a rookie in your eyes...

But, I've only seen you at one, wait two, Elbe DNR meetings in the last 2 years...

One was at the "2 million man march" we had about restrictions...

The other was the pizza party in Sumner...

Are you getting your information from the interweb or the newspaper???

Cause you aren't getting it from the meetings...

Now, before anyone takes this as an attack, I'm just stating what I have seen at those meetings...

A preacher is more than often the one that goes against what they preach...

Jim, I respect what you have done for the wheeling community, I just have a problem understanding where you stand in 2009...

I hope to see you at more meetings this winter...
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Can't say anything for the DNR meetings, but Jim and I are going to put in some work at Elbe tomorrow morning, meeting up at 7am. Come out and join us:awesomework:

Can't say anything for the DNR meetings, but Jim and I are going to put in some work at Elbe tomorrow morning, meeting up at 7am. Come out and join us:awesomework:


Change your sig. Highjack off
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