Nice work man, Keepin it clean!
Thanks man, that is my goal with the build.
Nice work man, Keepin it clean!
Wow the fit and finish on this is amazing. I am bet you get tired of hearing it, but nice work James. Are you really cutting all your brackets and parts with a porta band?
Wow the fit and finish on this is amazing. I am bet you get tired of hearing it, but nice work James. Are you really cutting all your brackets and parts with a porta band?
portaband & beltsander.
some tabs were pre-made.
james are you putting a freeze plug in place of the thermostat? if so what size hole do you drill in it?
thanks alan
another fine product James !
You need to come to Canada and put it to the test !
theres not really much mud on the trails here.
fuct none
upper ****ed none
blueballs none
alpine none
up and over none
stoner none
mooseknuckel none
mustard tiger a little in a few spots but no monster mud holes
plumb sucker has very little mud
I will this summer. :cheer::beer::beer: