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Endurance Race - Southeast

A Robbie Bobby endorsement?! :dblthumb:
Hell yes I am in, If my propane bottles stay in of course. ::)
Finishing is definatly the name of the game. It is hard to keep your whits about you and not slip into "kill" mode when you catch those taillights in front of you. My co drivers have both been instructed to punch me in the side of the head if I start to get ahead of myself or when the temp gauge pegs out. That has seemed to work so far.
Damn, tons of endurance and ECORS talk!!!

Thanks Matt O for sending me a link to the thread. I simply overlooked the e-mail until yesterday...

Anyway, ECORS is considering a race or 2 in AL and some in east TN, so hopefully it'll be a little less of a drive for you guys. I know there are some hard core racers (and riders) in AL that want to race. I don't blame you for not wanting to drive 8 hrs.

Some things we are CONSIDERING:

a North and South division
updating the entry fees and seriously updating the payouts. what better way to get more racers than to increase the payouts! ;D

I've exchanged a few messages on FB with a few of the AL and east TN parks about having an ECORS race in AL. With enough interest, we can have 2 or more :)

Sponsors are awesome and spectators are cool too, but ECORS is focusing our efforts on the racers! I think with a lot of the other series that have failed (or are failing), they do more catering to the spectators and sponsors rather than the competitors. We are here as a racer's series, so we are concentrating our efforts on the wants of the competitors. Bring happy racers back for more and spectators will come, bring them and sponsors will come.

We've also written the rules to try to not break the bank for competitors since we realize most will have a beater A class rig or their trail rig that isn't normally set up for racing. My buggy meets KOH rules but to do that it was costly even while I was building it the first time. There are additional safety items we'd like to put in but we are slowly adding them year by year as a slow progression to our ultimate set of safety requirements.

Feel free to keep the thread going, hell I dug it up from the grave after a month! :D

[email protected]
Endurance racing series in Alabama is a great idea. From a park owners view I think organizing the parks into a North and South division with a championship race rotating yearly to each park would work well. I'm just learning about all this promotion stuff but an organized event series would be good for the riders and owners alike. I think organizing this would not be too hard to do. First off we need to set some type of design for the courses so parks know what they need to do to host an event. Second, all of us park owners need to get together and look at the calendars and decide the dates for our respective division. Once we get some organization going and get a schedule down this thing can take off. Would be nice to see a well attended championship and with that you can get the attention of sponsors. Once you get sponsors then racers have a shot at some decent cash payouts and park owners get the spectator numbers that really help pay the bills.

Hawk Pride is all in and I would encourage all parks to think it over as well.
Damn Trey... That would be a big ol' lap right der. I think this idea of an endurance race sounds great! It would def bring a lot of folks out in my opinion. I hope you guys can get together between the parks and get something going.
onetoncrawler said:
that is my main goal for the first race....finish... learn a lot and go from there...spend the $$$$$ in the areas that need it most

Youve skipped out on like 4 races now... Said how great qualifying for Grayrock was goin to be and skipped out on it too... How in the hell do you think your goin to finish if you never start.

drag racing to the top of the hardest thing you can find and endurance racing is a lil different - props to those guys that beat down cable and will beat down Primos this weekend - that shits not for me but i enjoy watching it

no go back under your rock or to your deer stand and dont talk anymore **** till you have another rig :flipoff1:
onetoncrawler said:
drag racing to the top of the hardest thing you can find and endurance racing is a lil different - props to those guys that beat down cable and will beat down Primos this weekend - that shits not for me but i enjoy watching it

It is not, and my rig is not the best at it, but it is race experience and you can learn a lot. Also with the low entry fee and high payout it is pretty low risk and you will definately have fun..
onetoncrawler said:
drag racing to the top of the hardest thing you can find and endurance racing is a lil different - props to those guys that beat down cable and will beat down Primos this weekend - that shits not for me but i enjoy watching it

no go back under your rock or to your deer stand and dont talk anymore **** till you have another rig :flipoff1:

Just say youre a *****. :****: :flipoff1:
i think so the switch was bad. shane and bobby wire to the fan switch an it ran great the rest of the day. ive still got a problem where the propane hooks up at sealing off