I am proof of that. I started with a CJ 5 for th B class in The ECORS series. By the time it was kinda competitive, I had spent enough to have purpose built from the ground up. Learned a lot , improved the safety and reliability of my "trail rig" ten fold. Pushed the limits of what we could call trail parts, but l did dto a lot of innovation with the parts I had. I have the time to out built and push the limits of the rules v.s. buying my way to the podium. I love the challenge of racing and enjoy the people more than the podium. Do I want to win, hell yes, but with my chosen career I have way more time to build than money to buy.
For those that think leaf springs are old tech and can't compete, I had front and rear links and good shocks, I remember being passed like I was sitting still by a Ftoy with leafs. Damn I miss being run over by Mark. Not true, Mark is a Gentlemen racer, he always let you know he was gonna pass.
I never left a race without a plan to make something better .