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Evens Creek idiots

Well, since we don't know if Steve did anything and some that are posting don't know who Steve is... Including myself...

Why don't we be fair about this,we'll all head over to his house and burn a cross in his front yard...:awesomework:


Sounds like a bunch of high school rumors...:rolleyes:

Unless someone can provide proof, I feel Steve is owed an apology...

If Steve is convicted by an online jury of his "wheeling" peers, not "web-wheeling" peers, I'll stand corrected... Until that point, I'll stand by Steve... Who ever he is...:beer:
I just read back through this and I sure as hell dont see any kind of a "witch hunt" going on for "Steve" It does look like he "might" be able to help identify the group in question though and if he has nothing to hide then he would be doing us all a big favor by helping the FS find out who may be responsible for the damage done.
So nobody is blaming steve, he was just in that group where the grafitie happend, nobody said it was him or larry or iceman, they just happened to be in the camp where it happened and mayby they saw who did it and could help the ranger.

btw the ranger thinks it was maybe the girls due to the paint being pink and painted hearts and ****.

Mrs. Pink is just trying to get the word out so maybe whoever did this can get caught because its things like this that get our spots shut down. This is not a witch hunt, just gathering information.
I just read back through this and I sure as hell dont see any kind of a "witch hunt" going on for "Steve" It does look like he "might" be able to help identify the group in question though and if he has nothing to hide then he would be doing us all a big favor by helping the FS find out who may be responsible for the damage done.

Well, his name is the only one being put out there... I don't see a "witch hunt", but some people will assume guilt by association...

Maybe Steve didn't see anything, maybe Steve has no idea people are talking about him online, maybe Steve doesn't care...

Why is it Steve's place to come on here and explain anything???

Why are we talking about Steve???

This whole thread is hearsay...

And the only person's reputation at risk, in this thread so far, is Steve... Maybe it's not at risk, but does he want anyone talking about him online???

I still think it's juvenile bullshit drama...

But, whatever floats your boat...
Well, his name is the only one being put out there... I don't see a "witch hunt", but some people will assume guilt by association...

Maybe Steve didn't see anything, maybe Steve has no idea people are talking about him online, maybe Steve doesn't care...

Why is it Steve's place to come on here and explain anything???

Why are we talking about Steve???

This whole thread is hearsay...

And the only person's reputation at risk, in this thread so far, is Steve... Maybe it's not at risk, but does he want anyone talking about him online???

I still think it's juvenile bullshit drama...

But, whatever floats your boat...

I have yet to see any of this "guilt"--yes some guy named steve came up. As brad said this "steve" really could care less about what is said about him on line or even the internet.

Thats the reason I stated steve should contact the ranger and make sure his name is not thrown to the wolfs by them--that would be my main concern because those are things that could affect him.

As far as I am concerned steve is just some guy that might have some valuable info the rangers can use. Some people just read too much into things some times...
I have yet to see any of this "guilt"--yes some guy named steve came up. As brad said this "steve" really could care less about what is said about him on line or even the internet.

Thats the reason I stated steve should contact the ranger and make sure his name is not thrown to the wolfs by them--that would be my main concern because those are things that could affect him.

As far as I am concerned steve is just some guy that might have some valuable info the rangers can use. Some people just read too much into things some times...

I agree with your post about contacting the ranger.. Although, I didn't post about it...

But, "some guy named Steve" is already bringing a Steve into this... Like I said, I don't know Steve, but it seems that others do know a Steve...

IMHO, this thread has nothing to do with "some guy named Steve"...

It has to do with the fact, that people will start a thread without any solid info and throw something out there for the masses to decode on their own...

Then a name gets thrown into it...

People start to create opinions...

Some will leave with an opinion and never come back to see the outcome...

It could be anyone's name, Mike, Holly, Jim, Brad or Luey... It doesn't matter... It still doesn't make it OK to start the rumor mill churning...

Maybe I'm wrong, but at least you guys have seen my point of view... Maybe not...
I understand what your saying but ms. pink passed on what was said to her by the ranger regardless if it makes sense or not.

I just don't want to see "anybody" have fingers pointed at them out where it matters/out wheelin.

Heck "even" if it was you I would want the same thing...

I don't care who it is..
I kinda agree w/ Luey but also, W/O this thread we wouldn't have found out that some people on here know "Steve" and vouch for his character plus they may be able to ask him personally if he saw anything. Since he isn't a web crawler he may never have known there was a question of his involvement.
I understand what your saying but ms. pink passed on what was said to her by the ranger regardless if it makes sense or not.

I just don't want to see "anybody" have fingers pointed at them out where it matters/out wheelin.

Heck "even" if it was you I would want the same thing...

I don't care who it is..

OK, fair enough...

Thanks for understanding...

I just have a funny way of getting a point across...
So nobody is blaming steve, he was just in that group where the grafitie happend, nobody said it was him or larry or iceman, they just happened to be in the camp where it happened and mayby they saw who did it and could help the ranger.

btw the ranger thinks it was maybe the girls due to the paint being pink and painted hearts and ****.

Mrs. Pink is just trying to get the word out so maybe whoever did this can get caught because its things like this that get our spots shut down. This is not a witch hunt, just gathering information.

Thanks! I am just REPEATING what the ranger said to me......An you are right about that, she never once metioned names other the the ethnicity of the group.
An if I would have seen Iceman an his group after I talked to the ranger I would have mentioned it to them to see if they had any information. She even stopped the guys who were with my group on the road an asked them the same questions.

I see the points on this thread an I'am sorry if I may have made sence or not. An for all we know it could have been the kids that were there. But even if they were children the parents should still stop them from doing the graffity.
This thread wasn't ment to bash on someone or blame anyone:eeek:. It was about giving information, an getting information about the situation. It should have been a PM to me or a phone call to the ranger an telling them what you know, an what you have seen......:awesomework:
Thats what these boards are for to pass along information an comunication between wheelers. We all can help pass the word around on things that effect the wheeling community. I most of all want to see people who distroy the wheeling area be accountable for their actions. An if I would have seen them out there doing stupid **** that could cause the area's to get shut down then I will make sure they suffer the concequences...............Because of thier stupid actions is why more an more trails are getting closed!
An she did mention to me that it is getting harder an harder every year for them to keep Evens open.
There I put my two sence in. I'm done with this an if anyone has more info that is creditable an will help the rangers persue this farther then CALL THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont put it on the boards please dont name names PM me if you want. I will pass the information on. :kiss::kiss: peace out girlscouts
........and now you know what NOT to do on the next "Lets get 'em!" thread.

I want to "get 'em" too.......but there are certain ways to collect information and criteria for reporting of illegal activity. We should embrace the correct ways of doing things. This thread was NOT done that way.

While your "efforts" are appreciated......Ted Bundy made "efforts" too. Take that analogy and shove it up your ass.

Whatever just repeated the words from the ranger!!! SO GO BASH HER IF YOU want!!
........and now you know what NOT to do on the next "Lets get 'em!" thread.

I want to "get 'em" too.......but there are certain ways to collect information and criteria for reporting of illegal activity. We should embrace the correct ways of doing things. This thread was NOT done that way.

While your "efforts" are appreciated......Ted Bundy made "efforts" too. Take that analogy and shove it up your ass.

Whatever just repeated the words from the ranger!!! SO GO BASH HER IF YOU want!!

Ms Pink did absolutly nothing wrong in this thread and for that matter neither did anyone else that tried to help. Its the "do no gooders" that mucked everything up Both at the park and in this thread:booo:. If we dont police our own then were doomed to be policed by others. Thank you ms pink for posting this up. Hopefully the asshats that did the damage will get caught or at the very least they may hear about it on here and realize that people are watching and that some of us care about what goes on and arnt scared to chastise the wrong doers.
Ms Pink did absolutly nothing wrong in this thread and for that matter neither did anyone else that tried to help. Its the "do no gooders" that mucked everything up Both at the park and in this thread:booo:. If we dont police our own then were doomed to be policed by others. Thank you ms pink for posting this up. Hopefully the asshats that did the damage will get caught or at the very least they may hear about it on here and realize that people are watching and that some of us care about what goes on and arnt scared to chastise the wrong doers.

I fully agree jim :cool:
I will hope that the next time someone wants to post a thread (like this) to relay and gather information regarding possible illegal activity; will do so with the lessons learned in this thread, in mind.

If you point fingers, you might get 'em chopped off.

Only lesson I see here is no matter how hard someone trys to do the right thing and help protect our sport there will always be a certain group of naysayers trying to discourge them and beat them down :booo: I can only hope that Ms Pink and others that commented or read this thread do not get discouraged by the "do no gooders" and continue fighting to protect our sport.
........and now you know what NOT to do on the next "Lets get 'em!" thread.

I want to "get 'em" too.......but there are certain ways to collect information and criteria for reporting of illegal activity. We should embrace the correct ways of doing things. This thread was NOT done that way.

While your "efforts" are appreciated......Ted Bundy made "efforts" too. Take that analogy and shove it up your ass.

I'm glad people are learning before they spout off unfounded bullshit about person/s and or group/s and illegal activities on our fine fine trails here in the great PNW :awesomework:
I will hope that the next time someone wants to post a thread (like this) to relay and gather information regarding possible illegal activity; will do so with the lessons learned in this thread, in mind.

If you point fingers, you might get 'em chopped off.

What fingers were pointed?
At "Hawaiians" by a forest service employee and the OP.

Later to be believed "Steve"......later unanimously agreed to not be pursued as an offender.

Then the blame was partially directed at the new scapegoat; at "kids".

Were the kids Hawaiian too? Who gets the next finger?


I still don't see where the OP was in the wrong for trying to pass along what the Ranger asked her to. You should be bitching at the person who mentioned the name of someone who was there. That poster could have just passed the word to the person they *THINK* might have been in the group.

Money, I find it pretty sad when people like you just sit by and don't get involved with protecting our sport. You will bitch just as loud when the Ranger closes an area that YOU wheel at even though you would prefer to stand silent when people are abusing our resources. :rb:

The next finger is mine poking you in your little scrawny ****ing chest DOUCHEBAG
At "Hawaiians" by a forest service employee and the OP.

Later to be believed "Steve"......later unanimously agreed to not be pursued as an offender.

Then the blame was partially directed at the new scapegoat; at "kids".

Were the kids Hawaiian too? Who gets the next finger?


Your nit picking at bullshit for nothing more than cause drama over this :looser:

Bottom line folks if we don't do what we can to find and hold those folks responsable for there actions that put our lands in danger then you all might as well sell your **** of stay on private land.