EOR MFG said:Friday: Mayhiem for the early arrivals
Sat: Iron Gap in the AM, then break for dinner and head into cove
for evening/ night ride.
Sun: Repair rigs & determine destination
This is the peliminary plan. You guys will probably have you hands full if its wet on friday.
You will love it if its dry, wet and will probably send ya another place.
Any suggestions or objections? It's your ride, I'm just taggin' along so you don't
get lost and eaten by the locals.
Sounds badass to me!! How far is Mayhem from Monteagle/Tracy City? I have heard good things and if it is wet we might as well not even try! Since some are concerned about logistics and towing/driving so forth, make sure this is right Matlock. We will trailer to Iron Gap Saturday from the Hotel in Tracy City. Trailer back to Hotel and then drive rigs to the cove? Sunday ride will probably be somewhere close where we can drive rigs to?
Edit: Looks like Mayhem is 33 miles from our hotel...... About 45 mins or so.