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Few Updates to the TJ

Thanks guys, the d ring is mostly for looks. I have plenty of places to wrap a strap to in the rear. Thanks for the concern :flipoff1:
Cut the front stinger off today and got my battery box situated today. The stinger netted me another 15lbs plus I think it looks better. Have about 3-4 more rides this year then I plan to start work on the new hood setup. Ditching the steel hood and tube fenders should net me about 150lbs at least. That will put it very close to my goal of 4,000lbs loaded.
Bumper and the radiator hoop, no stinger. It was cool when I did it originally but BTF has made it a kit and now everyone is running the stinger setup. Plus it hurts when you are trying to get two rigs on a trailer because it sticks out so far..
I think just the grille hoop will look cool man... your right on everyone havin a jeep boner. laughing
i almost got a jeep boner yesterday seeing your jeep for the first time. i have jeep envy now..... maybe one day ill like lookin at my rig
jontrich2 said:
i almost got a jeep boner yesterday seeing your jeep for the first time. i have jeep envy now..... maybe one day ill like lookin at my rig

Thanks man, good to meet you. It is good for Captn Carl that you are his neighbor, maybe his **** will finally run right now!
there are no guarantee's when it comes to redoing someone's funky motor swap.... id rather just build him a new sbc and tbi it.For now i'll keep his going long enough to get mine right.
Fawk right, got some work done last night. Joe was a big help as always, it is fun working in a fully equipped body shop!

So I guess it is bad when people on the trail stop you because they think your upper link is broken because the rubber bushings are so worn it moves that much. New bushings are on order and will go in next week. Also had somebody comment on my super tight brakeline at full droop, this became an issue when I lowered the front 1.5". In WindRock I had my rod end at the ram that connects to the tie rod work loose and fall out twice. I knew it has been a problem for some time, but it kept holding on. The reason it was like this was entirely P's fault, but it is fixed now :flipoff1:. New tie rod with new joints went in last night, now the rod ends on the ram are both set at 3/8" thread showing. New brake lines are in and are almost too long at ride height, but they will work better when it is flexed out. Replaced some mangled up diff cover bolts and did some other odds and ends. Good night of work.
Got a lot of little things planned for the jeep in the next week. Put new bushings in the front end yesterday, 3 of mine were totally shot, and 3 were fine. Pulled the coilovers to re-valve them to 50/70 instead of the super stiff 70/90 they are at now. Also have the fox dual rate sliders to replace the crappy SAW poly ones. Talked with D-Lux on PBB about my spring setup and he things it will get me by just fine. I have learned a bunch from him so if anybody needs help setting up coilovers let me know. New hood with the flame job should be done tommorrow, TK said it is bad ass!
I really need to get mine setup right, but I also need to do some link adjustments on the front before I do that. I will be talking with you about it.

BamaTJ said:
Got a lot of little things planned for the jeep in the next week. Put new bushings in the front end yesterday, 3 of mine were totally shot, and 3 were fine. Pulled the coilovers to re-valve them to 50/70 instead of the super stiff 70/90 they are at now. Also have the fox dual rate sliders to replace the crappy SAW poly ones. Talked with D-Lux on PBB about my spring setup and he things it will get me by just fine. I have learned a bunch from him so if anybody needs help setting up coilovers let me know. New hood with the flame job should be done tommorrow, TK said it is bad ass!
the softer on compression is great for crawling, but what about soaking up jumps like in xrra type action?
I am not gonna make it crazy soft, but it is crazy stiff as it is now. 50/70 is close to the middle of the spectrum, much better than 70/90 that rattles your teeth out
Wow re-valving coilovers is very easy, took me about 2 hours and that was taking my time and cleaning all the parts as I took them apart. First one took about 45 minutes as I was learning, second took about 15.

Got the new hood today, holy crap does it look good. Can't wait to get it mounted up