Weekend Two
Went to Tom's (tomsbrokeagain) shop on Sunday to get some more work done on the XJ, I was pleasantly surprised to see Tom had a little extra time this week and started the rear bumper in between his other projects. This is the top piece of the rear bumper, it wraps around the sides before coming up to meet the section of cage we built last week. 1.5" tube is going to be used to form a second piece that will protect the stock body and allow us to tie into the stock bumper mounts. Where designing it so that if the 2 shackles that are going to be mounted to it get pulled on most of the force will be distributed to the new cage structure.
After some basic planning we got to work cutting more stuff off the XJ. A small notch had to be made so that the tube bent last weekend could run closer to the body and with in the original front fenders. We then got to work building the driver side hoop that will run from the windshield all the way back to the rear quarter. Instead of bending it strait down like most cage designs, I had the brilliant, and I use that term loosely, idea of continuing it strait so that it would meet with the front flare, then run a separate piece of 2" down to form a triangle. The idea is that with out the extra bend the cage will be stronger.
For the record, the engineers who designed the XJ apparently had the mentality of "When in dought, add another layer of metal, if all you need are welds, add bolt too, and every now and then, add glue, just for good measure". We found no less then 3 layers of metal between the outer fender and the inner wall of the Cherokee. Most of this metal was welded on, but we encountered 2 bolts that appeared to hold nothing up, but where designed with laser like accuracy to get in our way. We even found two sheets that where further glued together for good measure!
Anyways here is the partially finished cutting job.
Once metal was cut away the real planning got under way. Tom and I threw around possible heights for a good while all with in 3 inches of each other. 3 inches doesn't seem like that big a deal, But Tom is something of a perfectionist when it comes to his work so wanted to get it just right, and as it is we hit the stock XJ height to with in ½ an inch, which after cooping and bending struck me as fairly impressive.
So after all the measuring was finished we finally got around to making the first bend. This was better then any excitement any "bowl" game being played at the time could have provided since I finally was starting to see how my design was taking shape.
I drew in the vertical support that is going to be added later.
Next up was the rear, the tube goes to the end of what is going to be the new roof, and then angles down in the back to end at the rear quarter, where that new rear bumper I mentioned earlier now resides. Part of the way down the lower tube that was fabbed last week had to be cut off and cooped so that it ended into this new tube. Over all I think it came out fairly well.
The rear here is going to be boxed in more and a Comanche (MJ) tailgate that was procured from "junkyard jim" (Thanks man!) will be installed. Where still not sure if we will be able to make the tailgate open and close, or if we will just weld it in, but as long as it has the "J E E P" logo my wife will be happy, which will keep me alive when she sees how much money I'm spending.
Finally some of the sharper eyes might have noticed in the above picture there is a 10% bend inward at the height of the stock firewall. This was one of Tom's improvements to my original design, which I think is going to greatly improve it. You can see here how it compares to the stock window pillar on the Passenger side.
We got started on the other side but I had to go since I had yet another Mid-term to study for. However I couldn't help but play with some pics in MS Paint to get an idea what it would look like once more tube is up in place.
Kind of Cool if you ask me!