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Finally got a wheeler!!

Dear POO;
Longfields before a front locker??? Puhhhhhhhhhh leeeeeeeezeeeeeeeeeee!It's really no wonder that today's youth is so screwed up, with a bunch of putzes offering up tidbits like that!

Just an FYI, in MOST parts of the world, people seem to get along fine and dandy without Longcraps, or Marshits, or whatever else you can think of to waste your $$$ on. And guess what? No Hi-Lift jacks either!!!

And please, don't be jealous because someone happens to know more about Toyotas than you think you do.
Your friend;
Lamar is a troll and that post was his bait. you fell for it. :booo:

First thing I do with a rig before I buy it is go over it with a fine tooth comb. if you find issues then you may be able to negotiate a lower price.

With the new purchase home. I fix all the issues, add recovery gear, tools, spare parts and fluids. If the rear is open I pull it and weld it then take it wheeling:cheer:

Dear POO;
Oh yeah, that's a great way to get someone killed! Weld up the rear diff, hit a slick spot going around a corner and then kiss your azz goodbye when the back end of the rig suddenly becomes the front end! Awesome advice! Do you actually THINK, even a tiny bit, before you write crap like that???
Your friend;
Dear POO;
Longfields before a front locker??? Puhhhhhhhhhh leeeeeeeezeeeeeeeeeee!It's really no wonder that today's youth is so screwed up, with a bunch of putzes offering up tidbits like that!

Just an FYI, in MOST parts of the world, people seem to get along fine and dandy without Longcraps, or Marshits, or whatever else you can think of to waste your $$$ on. And guess what? No Hi-Lift jacks either!!!

And please, don't be jealous because someone happens to know more about Toyotas than you think you do.
Your friend;

Dear Lamar,
What's with the attitiude?
Your questioning friend,
Dear Tree Climber;
I tend to get a bit defensive when I offer up some solid advice, which is based on some 30 odd years of very serious wheeling as an integral part of my job, and then some yahoo, who trailers his rig to the trail and back, comes along and says "Lamar's a troll!"

And yeah, a person SHOULD thoroughly check out ANY vehicle BEFORE they purchase it, and yeah, they SHOULD have lots of spares, plus recovery gear whenever they go in the boonies, in fact it should ALWAYS be in the rig, but this is so fawkin' apparent that it SHOULDN'T even need to be mentioned, much less discussed seriously.

It's like that same paragraph that tells everyone that they shouldn't put their head into the exhaust pipe of a running jet engine! It's not in the maintenance manauls because it's ASSUMED that everyone is smart enough to know better. Alas, it seems that there are some 'tards around, therefore they must be told to tie their shoes, wipe their azzes after they use the bathroom, etc.
Your friend;
Dear Tree Climber;
The fact of the matter is that I offered up some very sensible advice to a young man who is most likely purchasing his very first 4X4. I took into account that his parents aren't millionaires, therefore I offered a low-buck solution, which was this in a nutshell:

"Buy a couple of inexpensive lunchbox lockers, such as the Aussie locker, wheel it like that for 6 months or so, get some behind-the-wheel experience, then re-evaluate where you are and where you want to be". In order to expound that point even further, I used a metaphor involving the almost Grail-like Hi-Lift jack as an example, heaven forbid!

All in all, tt was good, sound, sensible advice, my friend, but because it was posted by ME, there are couple of people who seem to have some heartache about ol' Lamar and they felt the need to take a couple of potshots at me. And these people have the gall to call ME a troll?
Your friend;
Get to know the rig first. put it on jackstands then crawl under it. check gearboxes and driveshafts/u-joints. check the brakes and re-pack the front wheel bearings and knuckles, do a tune up and check all the belts hoses etc.

lockers and suspension aren't worth **** if your broke down because of a $2 part. Once the rig is reliable and you know how to repair/maintain it, move on to recovery/survival gear then hard parts like lockers and suspension.

No mention of longs or a hi lift. just some advice on learning about your rig and making it more reliable.

lamar a person such as yourself who lives far from civilization should be able to appreciate that :awesomework:
lamar you sir might be a over edjubacated idiot .if the kid is low on fund he would be better to spend his money right the first time and not buy and break a bunch of crap parts we up here in the northwest knows what breaks and what works .bobby long sells what works and it works time and time again i have 30 years my self rideing with my dad and now he rides with me .and the one true blue thing is change .do you hear that our friend lamar!:flipoff:
All I have to say to you sir Lamar is you are a dumbass. First for not owning a trailer. I hope your vehicle breaks down in the middle of the third world country your ass lives in and you have to walk your happy ass home, maybe then you will start using a trailer when taking your scraped together wheeler out. Aussie locker's? REALLY? Why dont you just melt some plastic tooth pics between the spider gears. GREAT ADVICE:looser::looser:.
Next there is nothing wrong with a welded rear end learn how to drive you pansi. If you can take your happy ass into some "EXTREME WHEELING TRAILS" due to your job I think you can handle a little looseness in your rear end.
lamar has no argument that is why he got upset. I see this quite often where persons such as him will resort to name calling when they have no other answer.

POO :haha:
Dear nate8887;
First, you are a ***** with a capitol Pfor needing a trailer, my friend. I'll bet you squeal like a bitch slapped little school girl every time you get a flat tire, don't you? in fact, do you even KNOW how to break down and build up a tire?

Let me put it to you in perspective, my friend. What you do, 25 miles away from home, in a rig which cost some 20K or more dollars, we do EVERYDAY, 750 miles from home, while using basically stock rigs.

From the way you write, it seems that you are the expert on everything. Everything EXCEPT working in extremely remote environments, with very limited support and in extreme climates. You ever put your rig on a barge and floated it upriver for 6 days? You ever sling load it from under a Chinook? You ever transported it 1,000 odd miles in a Herc?

If you've answered NO to any of the above questions, then you need to sit down and STFU until you get some more experience, my friend.
Your friend;
not to many of us have lamar we just dont do that here ,our kind of trails are not like that and no you do not need strong axles or a tough locker .but remember that our trails up here might pack more of a punch per mile
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Dear nate8887;
First, you are a ***** with a capitol Pfor needing a trailer, my friend. I'll bet you squeal like a bitch slapped little school girl every time you get a flat tire, don't you? in fact, do you even KNOW how to break down and build up a tire?

Let me put it to you in perspective, my friend. What you do, 25 miles away from home, in a rig which cost some 20K or more dollars, we do EVERYDAY, 750 miles from home, while using basically stock rigs.

From the way you write, it seems that you are the expert on everything. Everything EXCEPT working in extremely remote environments, with very limited support and in extreme climates. You ever put your rig on a barge and floated it upriver for 6 days? You ever sling load it from under a Chinook? You ever transported it 1,000 odd miles in a Herc?

If you've answered NO to any of the above questions, then you need to sit down and STFU until you get some more experience, my friend.
Your friend;

I am sorry that I am a ***** for having a trailer. I just realized that not everyone can have a Chinook or a Barge. Wait who is the *****. You just sling load your **** to a chinook when it breaks. You obvisouly haven't read my threads. My rig cost me 1800 dollars so far and I have fabbed almost everything on it with the help of my father. Extremely remote enviroments? How's underwater dipshit.
Never put my rig on a barge and floated anywhere wow seems like a soccer mom could put her rig on a ferry to make it to her son's soccer practice after work on a friday. Same thing right.
750 miles whats that to me arizona yep done it not in my rig but in my buddies.
I know why you moved to that 3rd world country. You are socially inapt. Vietnam is over man. Get out of the jungle you dumass come join us for a little fun in the real world.
Dear nate8887;
First, you are a ***** with a capitol Pfor needing a trailer, my friend. I'll bet you squeal like a bitch slapped little school girl every time you get a flat tire, don't you? in fact, do you even KNOW how to break down and build up a tire?

Let me put it to you in perspective, my friend. What you do, 25 miles away from home, in a rig which cost some 20K or more dollars, we do EVERYDAY, 750 miles from home, while using basically stock rigs.

From the way you write, it seems that you are the expert on everything. Everything EXCEPT working in extremely remote environments, with very limited support and in extreme climates. You ever put your rig on a barge and floated it upriver for 6 days? You ever sling load it from under a Chinook? You ever transported it 1,000 odd miles in a Herc?

If you've answered NO to any of the above questions, then you need to sit down and STFU until you get some more experience, my friend.
Your friend;

You haven't either :rolleyes: and I noticed you started your post with a derogatory comment. good job :awesomework:
Dear POO;
Longfields before a front locker??? Puhhhhhhhhhh leeeeeeeezeeeeeeeeeee!It's really no wonder that today's youth is so screwed up, with a bunch of putzes offering up tidbits like that!

Just an FYI, in MOST parts of the world, people seem to get along fine and dandy without Longcraps, or Marshits, or whatever else you can think of to waste your $$$ on. And guess what? No Hi-Lift jacks either!!!

And please, don't be jealous because someone happens to know more about Toyotas than you think you do.
Your friend;

That was ME, not Puo, get it right.
When you ****ers are out there in the middle of nowhere, you drive like little old ladies.
Been there, seen that.
I could fly or float my corolla, that bullshit means NOTHING.
That kind of stuff and what happens around here are totally different things.
And just because you've done something for a long time, doesn't mean you're any good at it.
That was ME, not Puo, get it right.
When you ****ers are out there in the middle of nowhere, you drive like little old ladies.
Been there, seen that.
I could fly or float my corolla, that bullshit means NOTHING.
That kind of stuff and what happens around here are totally different things.
And just because you've done something for a long time, doesn't mean you're any good at it.

That was ME, not Puo, get it right.
When you ****ers are out there in the middle of nowhere, you drive like little old ladies.
Been there, seen that.
I could fly or float my corolla, that bullshit means NOTHING.
That kind of stuff and what happens around here are totally different things.
And just because you've done something for a long time, doesn't mean you're any good at it.

Dear Rix;
Obviously, I must be pretty good at what I do, because I am still doing it and I am getting well paid! You own a Corolla? I had the impression there was a very feminine side to you, my non-macho friend.
Your friend;

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