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GAP - Dirt Riot Race Round 1 - February 23, 2013

hay Jeff i don't want u to think I'm call u out . i thank we both got caught up in this. like i sad u where told gust like i was told by big rich. i think it would be fare to chair the points
Bobby I'm fine with us both receiving 2nd place points which I believe is 199 or we both could receive 3rd place points which I think is 198. Either way is fine with me and I spoke with Big Rich who is considering allowing that. Again I had a great time racing this past weekend and look forward to future events and seeing all the racers.
John Glass-owner of the GAP (Great American Park) asked me to post this for him:

Racers, Race Teams, Spectators, and Werock Organization

This event held at the GAP is a mark for the future of offroad recreation. All parties addressed give to this sport support in immeasurable amounts. We are created with different personalities, thoughts, and appearances, yet we come together to share the joy, excitement and competition. I can only imagine the thrill a driver experiences when they excel from the start line or the rush they get from sailing over a high jump. I admire the courage displayed by each team given to endure such an aggressive sport. Yes it takes courage for all teams involved to make a race complete. I can only watch with the spectators and dream as they do to be behind that steering wheel. We are linked to you through our very presence by just watching and cheering. There was a group of guys/gals sitting in one spot by the "Yellow Donut" cheering when every racer past by. I thought, man you got to love this sport to endure this weather and support these teams.,

In the heat of the moment misunderstandings can occur. The decision to take the race team back to the pits was the wrong call. I cannot change what has happened. It hurts deeply to see the effect on the racers involved. Big Rich is not in the wrong, the race organization handled this incident to the best of its ability with the situation at hand. My desire was to keep the race going. Miscommunication is a unwanted common occurrence in all lives factors. I hope that we can all move forward but yet recognize mistakes will happen and disagreements will occur. The thing that is most important for the future existence of this offroad recreation is going to be how we all handle each circumstance.

On another note I want to express my families appreciation to you and my gratefulness to the Werock organization for selecting the GAP.


Also, for those that do not know I am the one that was driving the Toyota "recovery" vehicle. I volunteered to help out WEROCK since I know the park better than most people. It's my home park and I know all of the trails very well so I could easily navigate between the power crawl and the scat track, which are the 2 areas where all of the recovery situations were located.
john and his family are truly class acts and i think anyone who has ever met him and his crew will agree and i cant wait to come back (hopefully when it is dry and warm lol).
scottlang said:
john and his family are truly class acts and i think anyone who has ever met him and his crew will agree and i cant wait to come back (hopefully when it is dry and warm lol).


I'll even show up next time!
TN Wilson said:
We will be there, in the Wilson Performance "trail class" XJ. Praying for gription!

Will you guys be at the Grey Rock race? Would you be interested in doing some Fox shock tuning?
This is all behind us now....

After discussions with both parties - Jeff and Bobby

We have decided to give drivers second place points

We have re-written the rules concerning protests and Outside assistance. These re-writes will be posted soon along with copies being emailed to all past registered drivers and print copies that will be handed out at each race

Thanks for being open in the discussions here and on other boards - this process is what makes an organization stronger for both racers and the organization.

Hope to see everyone in Birmingham at Grayrock

Big Rich said:
This is all behind us now....

After discussions with both parties - Jeff and Bobby

We have decided to give drivers second place points

We have re-written the rules concerning protests and Outside assistance. These re-writes will be posted soon along with copies being emailed to all past registered drivers and print copies that will be handed out at each race

Thanks for being open in the discussions here and on other boards - this process is what makes an organization stronger for both racers and the organization.

Hope to see everyone in Birmingham at Grayrock

