Well-Known Member
Thanks...taken care of!
clemsonjeep said:Heres the most up to date info i have. Please check it and make sure i have your order correct and that if youve paid i have you marked as having paid.
WHIZARD said:I've paid, but you have me marked as not paid.
clemsonjeep said:Thanks...looked back and found your payment...have it corrected now and updated the spreadsheet.
clemsonjeep said:Heres the most up to date info i have. Please check it and make sure i have your order correct and that if youve paid i have you marked as having paid.
muddinmetal said:Can we have a post on this thread about something other than t shirts? And clemsonjeep, please don't spam me again, I will let you know if and when I want a shirt or 2 :****:
rednecklights said:Money sent for shirts
Jon Piper
lowbudgetjunk said:Everybody still in?
Hopefully I have secured a better 5th wheel to camp in...just need to get some kinda adapter from goose to fifth wheel