extremetownie said:
I let Will try on my Leatt this weekend at Windrock. He was not kidding about a big neck. He could hardly get it on. I would also like to try on the the Necksgen next weekend. I am think about getting one and want to make sure i like it better.
I went from the Leatt to the Neckgens. They are different for sure!
The Neckgen doesnt support the weight of the helmet like the Leatt. I havent noticed my neck being more sore after an event though from it. (thick neck and lots of helmet workouts I guess). So thats kinda a knock on the Leatt where it kinda replaced the neckroll in supporting the helmet at some points.
Way better mobility in the Neckgen. Getting in and out of the car, strapping in etc, you are completely unencumbered vs. the Leatt which is like wearing a medical neckbrace and trying to enter and exit a car. Win Neckgen.
Helmet mobility. I had the long tethers on the Leatt so I dont notice much side to side additional viewing, maybe a tad favorable to the Neckgens, but the looking up and down is awesome, vs. Leatt you were pretty much locked at one elevation. I really notice it when doing my lapbelt, or going down a hill with an immediate uphill, so you know where to hit the bottom of the hill to head back up.
From comfort and mobility the Neckgen handdown. From a protect your neck when you wreck...I still think the Leatt is better all around for that, but the sacrifices are worth it IMO to have better mobility and car ingress/egress.