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Hardline Chassis: Mac Daddy update...

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I got a few shots of it last night...




It looks real good, cant wait to see it with the skins ( not on so wiring will be easier... and so forth)
i went tonight and had some pipe bent for my exust we did not get to weld it together because i had to pick up my son but i will finish it tomorow. i orderd seat belts and power stearing cooler and trans cooler and my fan mounts tonight
New pics... update.... summin ?! Hell Id even like to see the exhaust route pics. ;D

EDIT: Just ordered your driveshafts we should have them Tuesday ;D
no more picts you will have to go to ricky b birthday to see it :flipoff1: :flipoff1: :flipgotcha: :flipgotcha:
you suck

( I did see the painted panels this weekend... WOW , they look real good for a rig thats going to get FLOGGED on once its done. . )
VERY nice rig!

I am asking this since I have no idea. With those air bumps mounted that far in, will they do any good? I would assume you'd want them farther out on the axle is all. I also know mounting them like that might be a PITA or not an option.

Anyway, just my ramble. Again kick ass rig.
P said:
He didnt want crazy hang down mounts uglying up the rear of the chassis.
Very understandable. I saw a rig on PBB with "down mounts" and from straight at the ass it looked decent, and angle shot looked goofy as fawk.
I went and helped out last night. We plumbed the fuel cell, mounted the fuel filter and found a spot for the pump (just need longer hardware). We also added the 90's to his coilovers, mounted the resevoirs and charged the shocks. Lots of little things, but progress none the less. He has a guy coming to help wire it this weekend, after that he will be on the downhill slope. It looks sharpe!!
everything is wired except the cb and cd player i hope to hear it run in 2 or 3 days i am waiting on the bottom radiator hose and 2 fuel line fittings.the rest of my seat belts and my fan mounts should be here tomorow. and then i can install the rest of the skins.
So just cause Joe is not posting pics does not mean that I am not :flipoff1:

So if any of you guys know anything about the LT1 motor post up or give Joe a call, he needs help. It is all wired and turns over it is just not getting fuel. He is getting fuel to the motor but there is a special adapter that plugs into the line and rail and fuel is not getting past that. He bought a new one and still nothing. There are a few unused wires in the harness that came with the motor, but he thinks they are for the O2 sensors. He wants to hear it run very badly and so do I!

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