Hardline Crawlers â€" Meeting: August 2, 2010 â€" Gregg Cary’s Home
Members Present: Rich Berry, Ricky Berry, Greg Cary, John Galbreath Jr., Tim Kelly, Jamie Marsh.
Members Absent: Matt Overton, Cole Shirley, Bob Youmans
Old Business:
Hardline Club Rides:
Stoney Lonesome, Bremen, AL. August 21, 2010. Day trip. Park open from 8AM till 6PM.
We will meet at the park at 8AM. New member prospects are to be called and reminded and see if they will be attending.
Harlan, KY. The ride dates are: Friday 9-17 and Saturday 9-18. With travel dates being Thursday 9-16 and Sunday 9-19.
We will be staying at a hotel in town. Rich is to post on board what hotel we will be staying in so we can make our reservations. John is to contact Scott (ZukiScott) and see he will be our guide.
WindRock ORV Park. The ride dates are: Friday 10-15 and Saturday 10-16. With travel dates being Thursday 10-14 and Sunday 10-17.
We want to stay in the same “barn†as last time. Jamie and Amie are to make contact and reserve.
Old Gardendale. November 13, 2010. Day trip.
No action taken.
New Member Prospects:
Rodney Payton, this was tabled, due to him selling his rig. We will evaluate sometime in the future.
Paul Hydrick.. Tim to invite him to Stoney Lonesome Ride on 8-21.
Sam Gillis. Greg to invite him to Stoney Lonesome Ride on 8-21.
Don Meadows. John to invite him to Stoney Lonesome Ride on 8-21.
Mason Boren. Ricky to invite him to Stoney Lonesome Ride on 8-21.
Brent Girup. Waiting on rig to be finished.
Daniel Parker. No rig at this time.
Roundtable conversation about prospects. None added or deleted. Contacts will be made again to coming to Stoney Lonesome ride.
Other Old Business:
RBD. Possible workday for Hardline to bring in money for club to offset expenses like web site.
Ricky reported that Hardline gets to keep money collected at the gate above normal fees. Normal fees will be paid to the park. It was mentioned that if we charged a lot more, then the park may want more of a cut. A raffle was discussed, but decided against. A competition was discussed, and plans will proceed on making that happen. Also, a club work day was discussed a couple of weeks before for trail maintenance. Ricky to continue to work on this and to report at September meeting.
Florette and BTF. Ricky floating the idea of Blue Torch taking over this event. Ricky to arrange a meeting of BTF and land owner. This would be a potential Hardline work day.
This will not happen this year.
New Business:
Hardline logo use and restrictions. This was brought up on the forums when Matt Overton modified the club logo for his personal use.
After much discussion, unanimous consensus was reached. The “club logo†was defined as the ring gear and skull, with or without the “Hardline Crawlers†over and “www.hardlinecrawlers.com†below. It was decided that no one should use the logo without permission. Permission may only be granted at a scheduled Hardline Club meeting. Unanimous consensus was also reached not to allow Matt Overton to use a modified club logo, specifically Hardline Motorsports.
Calendar. Right now, there is no centralized “Off Road Calendar†for the local ORV parks. Hardline should step up and offer this service through our forum.
John and Ricky are to draft a Calendar page on the web site, and also on the boards. Right now, this will be kept in the private area. This draft will be presented at the September meeting for club approval.
Meeting location for the September meeting will be at Homefield in Fultondale on Monday 9-13. Decided on the second Monday due to Labor Day being the first Monday. Rich called and reserved the meeting room.
Wheeling Calendar:
8-7 â€" MMORV â€" Rock race
8-14 â€" Hokes Bluff Fire Car Show includes rock crawlers
8-21 â€" Hardline Ride â€" Stoney Lonesome. Day trip.
9-11 - GR September Slam
9-16 to 9-19 â€" Hardline Harlan KY
9-25 - MMORV SE Top Truck
10-14 to 10-17 Hardline Ride â€" WindRock ORV
10-23 â€" GR Fall For All
11-13 â€" Hardline Ride â€" Old Gardendale. Day trip.
11-27 â€" MMORV â€" RBD
12-4 â€" GR â€" Christmas For Kids
12-11 â€" Galbreath Christmas Party