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Hardline OG Administrator
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May 27, 2008
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Chelsea, Al
Just to give everyone an early heads up. I will be hosting the August meeting at my house in Chelsea on Monday August 2nd. It will be casual as usual with swim suits flashemifyougotem optional as the pool is heated and will be open without life guards. So swim at your own risk. :flipoff1: It will have the same agenda as did at John G's house, I will cook out something simple and you supply the beverages of choice. No other issues. Let me know as soon as possible so I can plan the eats... I will post up directions later as needed. G

Jamie should be there no problem.
I will be at Daulphon Island :woot: taking a 3 week crash course on neurobiology.

Jamie should be there no problem.
I will be at Daulphon Island :woot: taking a 3 week crash course on neurobiology.

Great, have fun with that... molaugh I took that course and loved it...

Jamie should be there no problem.
I will be at Daulphon Island :woot: taking a 3 week crash course on neurobiology.

It sounds like we need to move the meeting to the beach then? :dunno: molaugh

I will not be able to get out to Chelsea on a Monday night but thanks for hosting the meeting.

CHASMAN9 said:
Who all will be there Monday night? :dunno:

Nan and I.

Would not miss it, will be a grand time. Good friends, good food, good times.

I'll be there. May be able to drag the other half.

Great, anybody else?

Beuller, Beuller, Beuller? :dunno:

Hope ya'll like home made spaghetti! I made a huge pit of it. :flipper: Remember your list from last meeting.
Hardline Crawlers â€" Meeting: August 2, 2010 â€" Gregg Cary’s Home

Members Present: Rich Berry, Ricky Berry, Greg Cary, John Galbreath Jr., Tim Kelly, Jamie Marsh.
Members Absent: Matt Overton, Cole Shirley, Bob Youmans

Old Business:

Hardline Club Rides:
Stoney Lonesome, Bremen, AL. August 21, 2010. Day trip. Park open from 8AM till 6PM.
We will meet at the park at 8AM. New member prospects are to be called and reminded and see if they will be attending.

Harlan, KY. The ride dates are: Friday 9-17 and Saturday 9-18. With travel dates being Thursday 9-16 and Sunday 9-19.
We will be staying at a hotel in town. Rich is to post on board what hotel we will be staying in so we can make our reservations. John is to contact Scott (ZukiScott) and see he will be our guide.

WindRock ORV Park. The ride dates are: Friday 10-15 and Saturday 10-16. With travel dates being Thursday 10-14 and Sunday 10-17.
We want to stay in the same “barn” as last time. Jamie and Amie are to make contact and reserve.

Old Gardendale. November 13, 2010. Day trip.
No action taken.

New Member Prospects:
Rodney Payton, this was tabled, due to him selling his rig. We will evaluate sometime in the future.
Paul Hydrick.. Tim to invite him to Stoney Lonesome Ride on 8-21.
Sam Gillis. Greg to invite him to Stoney Lonesome Ride on 8-21.
Don Meadows. John to invite him to Stoney Lonesome Ride on 8-21.
Mason Boren. Ricky to invite him to Stoney Lonesome Ride on 8-21.
Brent Girup. Waiting on rig to be finished.
Daniel Parker. No rig at this time.
Roundtable conversation about prospects. None added or deleted. Contacts will be made again to coming to Stoney Lonesome ride.

Other Old Business:
RBD. Possible workday for Hardline to bring in money for club to offset expenses like web site.
Ricky reported that Hardline gets to keep money collected at the gate above normal fees. Normal fees will be paid to the park. It was mentioned that if we charged a lot more, then the park may want more of a cut. A raffle was discussed, but decided against. A competition was discussed, and plans will proceed on making that happen. Also, a club work day was discussed a couple of weeks before for trail maintenance. Ricky to continue to work on this and to report at September meeting.

Florette and BTF. Ricky floating the idea of Blue Torch taking over this event. Ricky to arrange a meeting of BTF and land owner. This would be a potential Hardline work day.
This will not happen this year.

New Business:

Hardline logo use and restrictions. This was brought up on the forums when Matt Overton modified the club logo for his personal use.
After much discussion, unanimous consensus was reached. The “club logo” was defined as the ring gear and skull, with or without the “Hardline Crawlers” over and “www.hardlinecrawlers.com” below. It was decided that no one should use the logo without permission. Permission may only be granted at a scheduled Hardline Club meeting. Unanimous consensus was also reached not to allow Matt Overton to use a modified club logo, specifically Hardline Motorsports.

Calendar. Right now, there is no centralized “Off Road Calendar” for the local ORV parks. Hardline should step up and offer this service through our forum.
John and Ricky are to draft a Calendar page on the web site, and also on the boards. Right now, this will be kept in the private area. This draft will be presented at the September meeting for club approval.

Meeting location for the September meeting will be at Homefield in Fultondale on Monday 9-13. Decided on the second Monday due to Labor Day being the first Monday. Rich called and reserved the meeting room.

Wheeling Calendar:
8-7 â€" MMORV â€" Rock race
8-14 â€" Hokes Bluff Fire Car Show includes rock crawlers
8-21 â€" Hardline Ride â€" Stoney Lonesome. Day trip.
9-11 - GR September Slam
9-16 to 9-19 â€" Hardline Harlan KY
9-25 - MMORV SE Top Truck
10-14 to 10-17 Hardline Ride â€" WindRock ORV
10-23 â€" GR Fall For All
11-13 â€" Hardline Ride â€" Old Gardendale. Day trip.
11-27 â€" MMORV â€" RBD
12-4 â€" GR â€" Christmas For Kids
12-11 â€" Galbreath Christmas Party
John Galbreath Jr. said:
New Business:

Hardline logo use and restrictions. This was brought up on the forums when Matt Overton modified the club logo for his personal use.
After much discussion, unanimous consensus was reached. The “club logo” was defined as the ring gear and skull, with or without the “Hardline Crawlers” over and “www.hardlinecrawlers.com” below. It was decided that no one should use the logo without permission. Permission may only be granted at a scheduled Hardline Club meeting. Unanimous consensus was also reached not to allow Matt Overton to use a modified club logo, specifically Hardline Motorsports.

This is bullshit!! He started the club, he designed the logo and probably has more hours in than anybody and this is how you guys repay him. It's not like any of you have any desire to race or anything.
So what are you gonna do if he uses it any way?
I told you in the other thread I could not attend this meeting, so I think it is ridiculous that you discuss and vote on the logo issue without me present. I can attend the Sept meeting, and I would like to discuss this and explain my side. I think it is petty that the logo that I put all the work into, is not for me to use for something that promotoes the sport and our site in the largest venue available.

I should have OK'd with the club prior to using the logo, I get that and it is on me because I didn't. But I really thought this was not a big deal because it is good for the club! Everyone associates me with Hardline, it doesn't matter if the logo says Crawlers or Motorsports. I don't want to use the name Hardline Crawlers for my team name because we are NOT CRAWLING. I gave you the courtesy of telling you I will be less active because I am trying my hand at Ultra 4 racing and trying to achieve some personal goals. Would you rather me say nothing and just stop showing up? I am not turning my back on the club, I am not bailing, I am focusing on doing my best in KOH and the IEC Series. I thought that after the effort and organization I put into getting this club off the ground that my fellow club members would be supportive of my efforts.
I will be racing under Essentially Offroad, so the club logo and the name hardline will not be used for my team name, logo, merchandise, on my car, etc.

Since you all had a problem with it I decided to team up with Jimmy and race under the same banner.

Unless I am just way off track here, I think I would have to side with Matt on this one. I know I have not and probably will not be able to attend the meetings because I live out of state. So I understand that I could be missing something here, but I see this as being something good for the offroad sport as a whole and our club. To have the HARD LINE name which we represent and should be willing to defend plastered all over Matt's buggy as he or who ever was driving went ripping through the desert. How could that be a bad thing?

I understand the concept of forming a club and the original owners putting long hours in it just to turn it over to a group for growth enjoyment. At that point, you don't have sole authority because you have granted the others a portion of that ownership which should not be taken back just because you have a disagreement. So by all means, don't hesitate to inform me.

I would be excited to have Mountain Side Off Road Park on those rigs. Not looking to stir trouble, but the best governing body is one of many thoughts.
Personally, I have no problem with Matt using the club logo and would be proud to have Matt represent the culb at KOH. I do have a problem with using the club artwork (logo) in a bastardized race team that the members didn't discuss prior to being told it had happened. I'd love to see the club and/or site be promoted. My guess, at this point, we'd have to buy space as a sponser.

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