Absolute awesome day of events. You guys racing, hung it out like there was no more money to be printed. First 5 guys (girl) to hit the hill had it easy, but after that, it was one badass hill. That hill went from good to bad in a hurry and it was a full out assault. Thoughts in prayers go out to OldmanPhillips for his efforts. I just heard to add a couple of broke ribs to the list of injuries he took on his backflip. One tough old man for sure to ride the rest of the day with all that pain.
I do have one little bone to pick though, with the lazymotherfucker, you know who you are, who got in my buggy and cut out and stole all my interior LED lights. I probably would have just given them to you, if you wanted them that bad and asked, as they were not that expensive. So, whoever you are, you have 2 options. 1) contact me through this board and let me know why you did this bullshit and we can talk about it. 2) I can find out the hard way and then I will paste your stupid ass all over this board and also at the entry of every ****in park in this great country of ours, and you won't be able to even go into the scratch and dent grocery store in your neck of the woods without somebody asking you "What the **** were you thinking?"
Once again, the money is not the issue here, it's the principle of being able to leave your buggy to watch an event without someone ****in with it. YOUR CHOICE...
By the way, it was parked at the top of Maverick during the competition. Oh and don't worry Hawk Pride owners, I WILL DEFINITELY BE BACK... You got a great place and everyone needs to go there, everywhere you turn, more trails...