Joc said:No need to flip em a bird. I doubt anyone could imagine the times would be so close and as fast as they was. You do have a good point about the arm drop vs. the horn. If I had to guess John was droppin his arm when the horn sounded and whoever was keepin time was prolly goin by the horn. I dont know how big a problem they actually had with the time but if they did I bet the next event will have a better way of doin it. I can assure you Mark will do anything within reason to make his park better, all you got to do is talk to him. Im not tryin to piss you off or start some chit but when a park like this goes out of there way to make everyone happy you dont flip em off.
just my .02, if I over paid just keep the change![]()
Both of you are correct. This seemed like a great Old School style drag racing again. Drop the arm and hammer down style racing unlike some other local comps. I'm sure the drivers couldn't hear a thing with their helmets on, so they watched the guy dropping his arms and then launched. He should have been the starter and the clock starts when the driver drops the hammer and not by the sound of the horn. Simple solution to a great comp. Keep it up Mark, got a good thing going on.