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Hawk Pride map app- CartoTracks

smurfy90 said:
It may alreay have it but I think it would be a cool feature to be able to relocate your riding group after you went back for parts or lunch break.

Could you elaborate?
You saying you would want to be able to "see" other members of your group, their location on the map?
Re: Re: Re: Hawk Pride map app- CartoTracks

CartoTracks said:
Could you elaborate?
You saying you would want to be able to "see" other members of your group, their location on the map?
That would be nice, so when someone goes on their own and has low fuel and running issues can be found.....not mentioning any names but JD comes to mind

But you would want to be able to turn that feature off so certain people couldn't find you as well.
Re: Re: Re: Hawk Pride map app- CartoTracks

jpony645 said:
Each rig would have to have it's own GPS signal to do that though, wouldn't it?
Lots of apps use location services to display the location of users to other users,

I believe Google+ has that feature (as in you can always see your "friends" location, provided that they have that option turned on).

Voxer displays location when you send a message,

I would think that you would need a live data connection to send info about other users to your device?

Rather than just GPS, which would work for displaying your location on the map
We'll be uploading the very latest HP map to our website tomorrow with all of the latest additions as well as a new Rally Raid course map. Race coming up there November 8.
Big Halloween night ride there on the 31st (Halloween).
Remember, hard to see a paper map in the dark without a light, wouldn't it be nice to have a map on your smart phone showing you your position in the park....at night? Just saying'..... thumb.gif
CartoTracks said:
We'll be uploading the very latest HP map to our website tomorrow with all of the latest additions as well as a new Rally Raid course map. Race coming up there November 8.
Big Halloween night ride there on the 31st (Halloween).
Remember, hard to see a paper map in the dark without a light, wouldn't it be nice to have a map on your smart phone showing you your position in the park....at night? Just saying'..... thumb.gif

Well dang. I just got the old hawk pride map a couple days ago. Do we get free upgrades?
No worries!

We don't have this advertised on our website yet (it's still very new and we'll be adding it very soon) but we intend to allow free updates to maps that customers download for a period of one year after the initial point of sale.

So, we push out an update of a particular park map, you've downloaded it within a year, you'll be able to re-download that map at no charge for a period of one year.

Now, the logistics of doing that are not yet entirely in place as far as how we are going to facilitate that exactly but it is do-able and you need not be concerned.

We have a meeting with our web folks in the morning (tomorrow) and that is item #1 on our agenda to discuss with them and they'll be training us on how to go about making it happen.

Everything will be driven through your e-mail address that you entered at checkout on our site. That's how we'll keep up with who downloaded what, when, and then notify you of updates if within that one year grace-period window.

Dig it? loller.gif
Probably gonna be Wednesday when we have this operational (the update made and e-mail sent once that update has taken place).
So stay tuned, still no worries. thumb.gif
Ran into a little issue with the e-mail side of things getting this set up correctly.
We'll be working through this Saturday, hopefully get the update out there for both Hawk Pride and Golden Mountain maps (both are updated now)
If you buy either now, no worries, you won't be charged again for the updated map once it's live on the site. You should get an e-mail notifying you that an update has been made and a link should be provided in the e-mail to download the update at no charge. This will be the case for any purchase for a period of a full year (no charge for updates for one year from the date of initial purchase).
Did I miss it some where what app do we need to download to run the map? I looked up carto tracks in the apps and nothing was found?
Rokee said:
Did I miss it some where what app do we need to download to run the map? I looked up carto tracks in the apps and nothing was found?

We do not yet have our own app. However, that's certainly on our radar as we'd like to build our own app that is similar to what is out there but with some different features.

We recommend downloading the free app Pdf-maps. Search for " Avenza pdf-maps ".

It's a very good app and will know what to do with our map. Available for both Android and iOS devices.

Follow these simple instructions on our website once you've downloaded the app and purchased the maps from our site: https://www.cartotracks.com/how_it_works
CartoTracks said:
We do not yet have our own app. However, that's certainly on our radar as we'd like to build our own app that is similar to what is out there but with some different features.

We recommend downloading the free app Pdf-maps. Search for " Avenza pdf-maps ".

It's a very good app and will know what to do with our map. Available for both Android and iOS devices.

Follow these simple instructions on our website once you've downloaded the app and purchased the maps from our site: https://www.cartotracks.com/how_it_works

Thanks gonna go download the app and the Hawk pride map for next weekends ride