6 maps on our site for download right now.
4wd parks: Hawk Pride, Golden Mountain, Dirty Turtle
All of them available here:
Mudslangers in Mississippi on deck along with some South Alabama hunting property.
We've been in discussion with a TON of parks.
Don't want to name names right now (that whole don't count your chickens thing....) but we hope to have some good announcements coming shortly.
One thing that we are working up is some form of incentive program where if someone is THE ONE who makes it happen for us with a particular park,
like Mo talking us up with Hale Mountain (Thanks, Mo) where you are the referral that really was the one that made it happen, we'd like to reward that individual with free map downloads for a year.
How's that sound?
We're also working on some promotions, discounts during the holiday season for downloads.
Remember, you can buy a map for somebody (you know, that guy that get's lost all the time) as a Christmas present. You just send them the link.
We can set up an account for them too.
Lot's going on.
...blackberry OS? You tell us. Aren't you the only one left on the planet with a still functioning Blackberry?