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helpin a buddy, lookin at "crawlers".. Is this typical? Wtf.

kushKrawlin said:
After he told us that "superman" built it 5 times .. I finally looked at him and said "who the FAWK is superman?" After he started explaining who it was I realized he was talking about Scott. I was hoping and praying that is who is was talking about. Because I know Scott, and I know he knows his ****.

Bet he is talking about Darrell Jones, owner of the Superman Buggy. It has a Samuri hood.

Nah he's been working on keeping Bobby's buggy going and redoing Randall Key's rage buggy. He has defenietly been doing more with family but he's still in the shop every weekend and most evenings for a few hours anyway.
JohnG said:
That's the only person I could think of also. I asked and he said that the guy was from Dallas area, so I mentioned scott aka Julio in temple and the guy blurts out "oh yea Julio. That's who built it!"
Man I tell Ya. I knew he was full of ****, but this dipstick needs help. God so do I for even thinking about believing a word he said!!
bbounds said:
Man you are 100% right about this. When I bought my buggy it was supposed to be ready to go. HAHA!! It was far from that... I ended up doing what it sounds like you did and pretty much had to re-do the whole buggy!!
Damn that looks like a cool Sammy for 4000. Where are yall finding this stuff? I want another Sammy....
poolman said:
Idiots are going to be idiots, every time I have mine on the trailer someone somewhere will make a comment, " Ya I got a blazer with a big block and 45" swampers" or some kind of part, tire that doesn't exist.
Can't fix stupid :****:

I've had THREE people stop me in parking lots or whatever THIS WEK ALONE and tell me that my samurai needs a "small block three-fifty" like one of their brotheruncles had.
Is it just me or does every good bubba truck story start out such as....

"We put it on a K5 Blazer chassis"
So I buy this rig that you can beat the **** out of & it'll go anywhere! That was highly recommended by someone on here and here is what I got after one trip on & off the TRAILER:

Rig had:

Broken front pinion Ujoint (front shaft was tied up with phone cord when I picked it up)
Broken CV joint at tcase in front shaft
Front axle truss was broken in HALF
3 different rod ends on links with NO misalignment spacers
Did not have Chromoly Yukon Shafts in the front imo
Only had 1 Yukon shaft in the rear (sold as "has Yukon axles all the way around")
Did not have 4.88s as stated by the seller, but instead 4.10s
Had a broken Lincoln Locker in the front

Rig was sold to me as Ready to ride, anywhere, & be beat on...

There is more I won't even get into that I found after one ride :****:
Re: Re: helpin a buddy, lookin at "crawlers".. Is this typical? Wtf.

muddinmetal said:
So I buy this rig that you can beat the **** out of & it'll go anywhere! That was highly recommended by someone on here and here is what I got after one trip on & off the TRAILER:

Rig had:

Broken front pinion Ujoint (front shaft was tied up with phone cord when I picked it up)
Broken CV joint at tcase in front shaft
Front axle truss was broken in HALF
3 different rod ends on links with NO misalignment spacers
Did not have Chromoly Yukon Shafts in the front imo
Only had 1 Yukon shaft in the rear (sold as "has Yukon axles all the way around")
Did not have 4.88s as stated by the seller, but instead 4.10s
Had a broken Lincoln Locker in the front

Rig was sold to me as Ready to ride, anywhere, & be beat on...

There is more I won't even get into that I found after one ride :****:
Was it a Cherokee?
matth_85 said:
Is it just me or does every good bubba truck story start out such as....

"We put it on a K5 Blazer chassis"

That's a true story, I can't remember all the cap I've seen on k5 frames, must be the universal wheelbase :****:
patooyee said:
Everyone thinks their **** is the baddest. I can't tell you how many times white trash mother ****ers walk up to me at gas stations with my buggy on the trailer and tell me about how their lifted z71 could follow my buggy anywhere. Or about how their cousin's uncle-in-law's best friend built a Jeep once that could stomp my buggy's ass.

Holy hell, I'm with you on that. I get that **** all the time over here in Louisiana. Hell, there ain't that many crawlers over here and every time someone sees my rig or it's even mentioned, their response is always "that looks JUST LIKE my buddies 74' CJ5", or something like that. Makes me want to punch a sumbitch in the mouth!
1TONTJ said:
Holy hell, I'm with you on that. I get that **** all the time over here in Louisiana. Hell, there ain't that many crawlers over here and every time someone sees my rig or it's even mentioned, their response is always "that looks JUST LIKE my buddies 74' CJ5", or something like that. Makes me want to punch a sumbitch in the mouth!

I'm considering trading my buggy for one of the mystical lifted Z71's. It would be a lot cheaper and I could drive it on the road. I don't know how we have all apparently missed the memo stating that Z71's run on jet fuel and **** rainbows out the tailpipe.


Haha. Well we may get to see this thing walk all over Chocco saturday! Lookin like I'll be takin him to Choco for first time driving. Great park to learn. Don't worry I'll video. One of 2 things will happen I predict. He either will destroy his ****.. Or more than likely chicken out, and still destroy his ****!! Man can break anything. Can't wait. Feel free to join. ESP if u wanna laugh all day at a moron