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helpin a buddy, lookin at "crawlers".. Is this typical? Wtf.

What kills me the most is when people see my crawler mainly some of my social friends,get the idea that it was super easy to build and they blurt out saying "well I'm building me one of them next"..I'm like do u even know how much time and work went into this..i tell them to go ahead lol

What are those tanks for? ( propane tanks). How hard was that to convert over? How do you feel having a couple bombs behind you?
I get tired of the people that assume i am white trash or redneck because of this hobby. I have more money in my wheeling rigs than some people have in their house.
Is there a line that you cross to makes wheeling less redneck?
Like money, so once your rig is worth X it is no longer redneck. :dunno:
Or maybe powder coat, once you sandblast off the spray paint it's no longer.
Get rid of your boggers, for stickies?
Eddyj said:
Is there a line that you cross to makes wheeling less redneck?
Like money, so once your rig is worth X it is no longer redneck. :dunno:
Or maybe powder coat, once you sandblast off the spray paint it's no longer.
Get rid of your boggers, for stickies?

I dont mean it that way. I think being a redneck is a lifestyle, not to be defined by one hobby. Granted, the majority of folks i have met on the trails appear to be "redneck" in some definition of the word, that doesnt mean they are lesser people. Most are great people in fact. I just feel looked down on by people that are not into this hobby.

The redneck image, to me anyway, is of cobbled together **** that falls apart and blocks the trails. I understand breakage will happen, but the obvious hillbilly shitbox half built from leftover dirt track car pieces and booger welded sprinkler pipe from lowes, thats the ones that are worthy of the redneck label.
Eddyj said:
Is there a line that you cross to makes wheeling less redneck?
Like money, so once your rig is worth X it is no longer redneck. :dunno:
Or maybe powder coat, once you sandblast off the spray paint it's no longer.
Get rid of your boggers, for stickies?

I guess I will always be a redneck :****:
Re: Re: Re: helpin a buddy, lookin at "crawlers".. Is this typical? Wtf.

Olivedrabcj7 said:
I dont mean it that way. I think being a redneck is a lifestyle, not to be defined by one hobby. Granted, the majority of folks i have met on the trails appear to be "redneck" in some definition of the word, that doesnt mean they are lesser people. Most are great people in fact. I just feel looked down on by people that are not into this hobby.

The redneck image, to me anyway, is of cobbled together **** that falls apart and blocks the trails. I understand breakage will happen, but the obvious hillbilly shitbox half built from leftover dirt track car pieces and booger welded sprinkler pipe from lowes, thats the ones that are worthy of the redneck label.

It is a lifestyle... I drive a nissan maxima with a sound system and listen to metal music, I would never consider myself a redneck, but since I have a 4 wheel dry, I guess you just have to assume the label. I do like camp fires and beer, so I guess just so many people want to label someone so I tend to not give anything more than **** about how people view me.

infamous1 said:
Our last trip out to Harlan people kept asking us "how much at thang cawst" and "wood fi tousand buy it" ?? I agree that an enclosed would have to cut down on the gas station idiots.

I don't haul my rig n an enclosed but have 2 that I own to mover stuff or hail my bikes. People ask all the time what I'm hailing and I tell them sail boat fuel. Very few get it and the ones that don't its free entertainment.
Eddyj said:
Is there a line that you cross to makes wheeling less redneck?

Get rid of your boggers, for stickies?

I must be 1/2 red kneck. I've got stickies on the front and boggers on the back. It's the new age mullet! :flipoff1:
Was inside paying for gas last winter before hitting the wheeling spot and the conversation goes like this. Now mind you its -20º…
Cashier- "you goin muddin'
Me- "I doubt Ill find much mud today"
C-"I got a pond in my backyard that ain't froze yet. I bet that thing will float right across it"
M- "Im not sure it floats too well"
C- raising his voice "oh I know that thing will float right across there!"
M- "Yeah maybe. Have a nice day"

No instead of "you take that muddin" , my buddy who was standing there through this whole things, says "that thing float"
scrambled said:
Was inside paying for gas last winter before hitting the wheeling spot and the conversation goes like this. Now mind you its -20º…
Cashier- "you goin muddin'
Me- "I doubt Ill find much mud today"
C-"I got a pond in my backyard that ain't froze yet. I bet that thing will float right across it"
M- "Im not sure it floats too well"
C- raising his voice "oh I know that thing will float right across there!"
M- "Yeah maybe. Have a nice day"

No instead of "you take that muddin" , my buddy who was standing there through this whole things, says "that thing float"

Wait ... so you didn't take it to some random dude's pond at that point to see if it would float? Why the hell else did you put it on the trailer if not to wait at gas stations until random dudes come along and challenge you to float it across their back yard ponds?
patooyee said:
Wait ... so you didn't take it to some random dude's pond at that point to see if it would float? Why the hell else did you put it on the trailer if not to wait at gas stations until random dudes come along and challenge you to float it across their back yard ponds?

Dude was getting angry, I **** you not. The other cashier behind him kept saying "yeah, I bet it would" :gtfo:
There used to be a cool spot in Mtn City TN called Callalantee...used to go there all the time in college and we rolled into the gas station/burger king for breakfast and fuel in town one morning only to have some dumbshit say "Yall gon up that Callantay and go SPINNIN!?" That one has been the best yet. Playing bumper cars while cruising the rigs through town usually got some good looks and so did stacking them outside of the bar in college.
June dog said:
I must be 1/2 red kneck. I've got stickies on the front and boggers on the back. It's the new age mullet! :flipoff1:

Comb-over!?! :dunno: what's in front covers for the rear? :dunno:

onepieceatatime said:
What are those tanks for? ( propane tanks). How hard was that to convert over? How do you feel having a couple bombs behind you?

I have heard.... "Is them jet motors?" lol..... yeah like jet packs, but for a jeep you frickin :JRich:
I actually get the redneck label thing. I guess around here (south of Kansas City) I see redneck as an insult when it is thrown at me. I'm fairly intelligent, not terribly racist, don't cuss in front of children/old people/etc, fairly respectful if the setting calls for it etc. I see a redneck (around here anyway) as the dumbfuck you see at the mud races with 11 kids in diapers/shorts only, no sunscreen on the 1 year old in august, drunk as **** on whatevercheapassbeer screaming obscenities not afraid to pick a fight even though he's 120 lbs soaking wet. Complete ****ing loser that is going to throw his family in a single cab truck with no belts and drive home drunk.
I'm not a fan of being lumped in with ignorant people, and I feel that being called a reneck/white trash is calling me ignorant.
Gas station talk, mostly, "is that a mud whomper"
In college I had a chevy 1 ton on 40s. Many times a week you get to hear about uncle trailer park that has one that would wax its ass, has dana rockwell axles under it, drove straight up a wall, on and on.
blacksheep10 said:
I actually get the redneck label thing. I guess around here (south of Kansas City) I see redneck as an insult when it is thrown at me. I'm fairly intelligent, not terribly racist, don't cuss in front of children/old people/etc, fairly respectful if the setting calls for it etc. I see a redneck (around here anyway) as the dumbfuck you see at the mud races with 11 kids in diapers/shorts only, no sunscreen on the 1 year old in august, drunk as **** on whatevercheapassbeer screaming obscenities not afraid to pick a fight even though he's 120 lbs soaking wet. Complete ****ing loser that is going to throw his family in a single cab truck with no belts and drive home drunk.
I'm not a fan of being lumped in with ignorant people, and I feel that being called a reneck/white trash is calling me ignorant.
Gas station talk, mostly, "is that a mud whomper"
In college I had a chevy 1 ton on 40s. Many times a week you get to hear about uncle trailer park that has one that would wax its ass, has dana rockwell axles under it, drove straight up a wall, on and on.

if i see any of yall at the gas station I'm not stopping to talk about ur buggy. just joking i probably would stop but wouldn't ask dumb questions. my rig and myself have been broke down for 3 years now i will be glad when we both are fixed where i can go riding again.