patooyee said:
How do I break up with another man that has a majorly weird man crush on me?
You quit bein a ***** and tell him like it is!
In my opinion, if you ain't had enough reason to communicate with someone in 9 years, there's nothing more there left to desire. If he ain't picking up hints, he sounds like a dumb motherfucker. The kind of dumb motherfucker that has to be told straight out, even if it sounds mean, like "Look man, I have way too much going on in my life to **** with all these calls and texts, give it a rest!" Then maybe end on a nice note like "maybe we'll cross paths one day"
Then if he keeps on, I'd just go straight to asshole mode, burn the bridge, and tell him to **** off and explain to him that his actions are a little too obsessive to be normal. Take that **** somewhere else.
I hate clingers! I had a guy clinger myself! Used to be a neighbor of mine when we were in high school, rode fourwheelers together a couple times and chatted a handful of times at school. Think we had Chorus class together one time and he over clinged hardcore during that class, even despite me trying to avoid him.
He got to hanging out with shitty people, finally left me alone, I was glad.......yay.....until he done meth with them for the first time then called me wanting to hang out because he was freaked out and didn't have anywhere to go and couldn't go to sleep. He just wanted to hang out a bit and pass I did. We just went riding dirt roads, mainly because I felt sorry for him and was too nice of a guy to say no. Apparently that sealed us as ****ing brothers in his mind or some ****. He ended up in trouble off and on, got on meth hardcore, moved around to different cities and I didn't see him anymore.
Next thing you know he pops up on Facebook messaging the **** out of me wanting to hangout and the first couple times I made excuses.....then I started ignoring his messages completely. Then I'd see him in the grocery store, or at Hardee's, and other places around town. Apparently he had to move back home with mom and daddy for whatever reason. I would always cut conversation short and try to leave asap, even be sort of dickish to him. Blocked him on Facebook and hoped I didn't see him out any more. ****ing weirdo. Been a while since I've seen him, but he sent me a friend request on Facebook the other day, so apparently he created a new profile since I have his other one blocked.
Some people are just ****ing weird and even though you feel like you are being a ****, you are not, because the fault lies with their over-clingy character. A person needs to learn when to take hints and shut the **** up....that counts in several other areas of life, other than just situations like this one.