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How do you break up with an old friend?

Re: Re: How do you break up with an old friend?

patooyee said:
Because you don't have kids.
Correct I do not. Not sure the world needs another Ben Bone

I know you think I am anti-social because I love my daughter over all other things in life, including my friends.
I do not. Have the utmost respect to fathers and mothers. I have many friends of all ages that have kids. Its called life. We are all living it and float in and out of each others circles of friendships. Your a good dude and if we didn't all care we wouldn't give you a hard time .

If you sit here on the internet calling me anti-social, making little snipes at me on social media and via text message about it, I just couldn't give two ****s. Same goes for anyone here. My single purpose in life is to be a good father to my daughter. A lot of that includes social interactions outside the realm of Ben Bone's personal experience and this guy that this thread is about is a part of none of it, will never be, could never be even if we both wanted it.
Again, I think you are a good guy. If i have offended you or you dont like me, **** off problem solved. :flipoff1:
I was waiting for Bens reply....just didn't know he was so into WOW and didn't take care of his kids. Hell, I thought Ben had no kids :flipoff1:

I always like JJ's post because they are unique and thought out. You should have a show. Have to be on HBO b/c it'd be called Random as **** with JJ. Hell, wouldn't even be based on a true story. It would just say......This is a true story
Man, I hate that for all involved.

I'm dealing with a jackass-for-a-brother who won't answer a phone call or return a text, and it's been pretty much two years since he's said anything meaningful to me. I know it would mean the world to me to understand why.

I have some friendships in passing that won't amount to anything; however, if someone is willing to make an effort to call me, I'm willing to make an effort to talk to them for 10-15 minutes, even an hour a year.

In this crazy world, people find friendships in all kinds of ways, and it may be an escape for him to talk to you and remember his life has worth. Ultimately it's your decision, but I would encourage you to consider speaking with this fella - either to reminisce or to level with him. I think he deserves that.
I just read this entire thread and have to say it sounds a little strange from both sides. I'm married,have children and also a grandson. Get occasional calls or messages from old coworkers and still take the time to talk or text for a few. May not always wanna take the call but do out of consideration for the other person. Usually just general chit chat,how's the family,ect...no long conversations. Few months later repeat process....no big deal. Just my $.02 :dunno:

Btw...I hate talking on the phone as well.
Its over now. He replied back to my email, a very thoughtful, professional response. Said he hoped we could someday keep in touch but he understood having little time and preferring to spend it with family. Told me a little about what's going on in his life. He's getting a divorce from the wife with the two daughters. If I ever run into him it won't be weird. All's well that ends well. Couldn't ask for any more.

sounds like hes just trying to keep up a friendship. awkward wedding with his family carring race issues isnt HIS issue... maybe those issues and his differences with them are why he wnated you in the wedding vs them? that stuffs between them.

why not answer, talk to him, let it go. doesnt sound like he ever did you really wrong or anything.

He ****ed up playing games all night what 10 years ago? didnt affect you really, and maybe hes grown up and?

based on what you wrote,not sure why you are set on getting rid of him?

I cut a friend out a few years ago... actually my best friend, who was best man in my wedding. h emoved away, we didnt talk as often, then I realized every time he called it was because he needed something from me. technical advice or whatever. always went on and on about his life and never cared to ask about mine. I got a christmas card from him this year and turns out hes got a family and a baby now too. emailed him, told him congrats, wished him well, he replied, we traded 2 or 3 emails and that'll probably be it till we cross paths again.
Glad you reached out to him patooyee. I moved from my hometown for college and blew some old friends off. 1 in particular was a female. She reached out to me a few times a I ignored her basically. Long, long story short she went to pick her kid up from her ex husband one day and he shot her in front of the 2 year old kid. He's serving 25 yrs for it. I probably won't ever forget about the way I ignored her. In high school she was 1 of my top 3 friends. Anyway....I Dont have a ton of friends and I like it that way. The ones I do have I take time for. Your story and mine are a bit different but at the same time I think it was a good move on your part to have contacted him.