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Hypothetical question?

civicmindedex79 said:
I am not sure it will make you feel any better but on my RCV double spline 14 bolt shafts (not steering axle) in my buggy I have went back to the 4340 from the 300M after breaking 3 of them and no failures yet. Seems to me the 300M is more brittle then the 4340 and won't take a shock load as much. Maybe its just my setup but I haven't had a failure since.

My D60 RCV setup I had at one time was pretty close to the same. I busted the ball on two of them, to my understanding they are 300M. My inner shafts were 4340 and stubs were 300M I busted atleast 4 stubs. To be fair once I had my axle out from under there we found a busted weld in the front end and no doubt that could have been shock loading the shafts.
That's good to know, and makes sense. If I did 4340 would the rcv's still be better than the u joint shafts in 4340?
05+ are indeed hp drivers drop. 250/350 knuckles are huge, 450/550 are even bigger. They are all unit bearing and balljoints but they have been holding up very well. I run the 250/350 style with 35 spline 300M RCV's. I'm not sure how big the bell is on the rockwell rcv's but you don't even have to remove the knuckle to install 35 spline rcv's on the 250 axle. Just pop off the unit bearing and slide her in. Definitely a solid choice for an hp 60.

Edit* Plus everything TBItoy said. He's a faster typer apparently.
TBItoy said:
There is an extensive thread on Pirate with most all super duty axle info that you could want.

There are 2 sizes of 05+ 60, the F250/350 and the F350wide body/F450/550. The are HUGE and HUGER, respectively.

Hell even the stock shafts for the F250/350 have 1550 u-joints now.

I bought a set of new OEM 1550 shafts, assembled with seals and spicer ujoints for $400 (not a special deal, thats just how much they cost)

They are not chromo, but I figured for the $ they would be a good stop-gap before going to high dollar chromoly shafts.(if I ever get to use them ::) )
Yeah and the ring and pinion is bigger. My ecgs chunk will take those gears so if I break a regular hp set I'm gonna step up to the super 60 gears. I'm not knocking a 14 bolt but there are other options. And honestly I don't know that the super 60 isn't stronger than a 14 since it's hp. A 14 bolt front lp is only stronger due to the pinion support bearing. It is naturally deflecting where a hp is sucking the gears together when you land in the gas
Dirt700 said:
My new tcase is driver drop. You talking about the 05+ axles?
Yeah he is talking about the 05+ super duty axle, even the F250 version is massive compared to a kingpin setup. The f450 version has the 1550 joints, but any 05+ axle can be upgraded to 1550. Also some of the gearsets (maybe 4.30:1) are a larger 10" ring gear.

heres a pic of my 06 f250 Super 60 knuckle, and no thats not a minature Mt Dew bottle.

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TBItoy said:
There is an extensive thread on Pirate with most all super duty axle info that you could want.

There are 2 sizes of 05+ 60, the F250/350 and the F350wide body/F450/550. The are HUGE and HUGER, respectively.

Hell even the stock shafts for the F250/350 have 1550 u-joints now.

I bought a set of new OEM 1550 shafts, assembled with seals and spicer ujoints for $400 (not a special deal, thats just how much they cost)

They are not chromo, but I figured for the $ they would be a good stop-gap before going to high dollar chromoly shafts.(if I ever get to use them ::) )
The only down side seem to be having to re-drill the hubs? I already have wheels in 8x6.5
Dirt700 said:
The only down side seem to be having to re-drill the hubs? I already have wheels in 8x6.5
Head over to pirate and contact patoyee. He sent me a jig to redrill for $15.
Or with a little bit of ingenuity...


Then for the rotors I just opened the stock holes up a little bit and they slid right on, no need to completely redrill the rotors.

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Dirt700 said:
That's good to know, and makes sense. If I did 4340 would the rcv's still be better than the u joint shafts in 4340?

I think that is matter of opinion with most folks. If I was building a new axle I would buy RCV's. The only reason I don't have them now is because when I bought my front axle it was already built and had Ouverson Rockwell joints and everything already in it. I am a big fan of RCV and not sure you can find a better group of folks to do business with. They bent over backwards to help me figure out what was going on with my front axle when I was still running the D60. Even had Kraig bring me spares to the races and such, but as everyone knows if you break an axle racing is pretty much over or chances of winning.
civicmindedex79 said:
I think that is matter of opinion with most folks. If I was building a new axle I would buy RCV's. The only reason I don't have them now is because when I bought my front axle it was already built and had Ouverson Rockwell joints and everything already in it. I am a big fan of RCV and not sure you can find a better group of folks to do business with. They bent over backwards to help me figure out what was going on with my front axle when I was still running the D60. Even had Kraig bring me spares to the races and such, but as everyone knows if you break an axle racing is pretty much over or chances of winning.
Rcv is probably the best company I have ever delt with and have an awesome product. I will run their shafts and let them treat my gears from now on.
I'm really screwed up on what to do now. Wife is saying do the fully built 14. But the new 60 seems promising, what would it take to have on ready, $5k?
Axle $5-800
Hi-steer $400? I know there is the Jesse Haines weld on kit beer has, what other options?
Gears-spool $600
Shafts $2800 for rcv
Re drill $100
Dirt700 said:
I'm really screwed up on what to do now. Wife is saying do the fully built 14. But the new 60 seems promising, what would it take to have on ready, $5k?
Axle $5-800 the are $2-300 in scrapyards around here
Hi-steer $400? I know there is the Jesse Haines weld on kit beer has, what other options? FOURWHEELSUPPLY & WEAVERFAB make bolt on
Gears-spool $600 Assume you are doing a 40 spline spool > you could spend more and get Currie HP70 gears + Jana 76 kit, or just get the OEM 10" Spicer gears, or get Yukon 9.75" gears with a 35 spline pinion
Shafts $2800 for rcv you can get the 40 spline Rockwell size RCVs for around $3500+/-
Re drill $100
Dirt700 said:
I'm really screwed up on what to do now. Wife is saying do the fully built 14. But the new 60 seems promising, what would it take to have on ready, $5k?
Axle $5-800
Hi-steer $400? I know there is the Jesse Haines weld on kit beer has, what other options?
Gears-spool $600
Shafts $2800 for rcv
Re drill $100
It's your money but I wouldn't build a 14 bolt just to have one. If you go 14 you need to go all out. The only advantage the 14 bolt gives you is holding up to the 2 inch stuff and people are blowing 14 bolt guts now. If the 35 spline stuff will hold up to you I would go hp 60 cause a 14 bolt is a big ol bitch! Another thing I was having problems with was front driveshaft angle. The high pinion solved that and gave me more ground clearance
civicmindedex79 said:
I am assuming you might have seen this but here is a thread that has ALOT of valuable info in it for building with cost numbers for a lil bit different 14 bolt. Its a long read but some really good info.

I have been thru it several times, i don't have anyone around here to help build one like that. So I would have to find someone to do it for me, which would cost more
But I could use a nitro spool and if I could get a donor 60 for say 300, and use brakes and UB's would save a little over buying new
BUG-E J said:
It's your money but I wouldn't build a 14 bolt just to have one. If you go 14 you need to go all out. The only advantage the 14 bolt gives you is holding up to the 2 inch stuff and people are blowing 14 bolt guts now. If the 35 spline stuff will hold up to you I would go hp 60 cause a 14 bolt is a big ol bitch! Another thing I was having problems with was front driveshaft angle. The high pinion solved that and gave me more ground clearance
Thanks Jonathan, I use your buggy as a standard. I went with an atlas over hero because yours is holding up, I did get 300m input and output. Maybe someone one here can help me find a 05+ for cheap, the junk yards here want about a $1000 for one
Dirt700 said:
Thanks Jonathan, I use your buggy as a standard. I went with an atlas over hero because yours is holding up, I did get 300m input and output. Maybe someone one here can help me find a 05+ for cheap, the junk yards here want about a $1000 for one
Do you know anyone with access to lkq or something similar. They go around here for 500ish. Locate one and make a road trip.
I will probably just keep 35 spline, I just got quoted 2300 for a set of 300m rcv's, so that saves some. Would the 10" be better or the 9.75 with 35 spline pinion? Does the hp 70 need the Jana 76 kit?