Big mudda fugga!
thats gonna leave a mark!!!!!
BamaTJ said:I am not gonna lie, it scared the **** out of me when I heard the story from Brennan and JP, you are lucky because at the speed you were traveling and your ace ventura driving style, it could of been much worse. It is good that you had the belt on and that JP and Tyler were there to care for you. You gotta be careful with your person man, you only have one of those and you can't trade it in ;D Hope you feel better soon....
jpthedirtcycler said:my ****in shoulder herts like wow, the turd ****ed some ninjas up last night, we partied down thoug, good thing we got tylers jeep unstuck.
CheapJ7 said:Hey, i was on the Pull this cold tater out of the truck crew. Honestly, those first few minutes i'd of bet my life that Mr. P was DONE...Scared me to death. Just Glad your Okay paul, and we're in the process of coming up with a good hardline theme sticker to go on all our new Helmets ;D. See ya man, Jon Richardson
DavidsCJ7 said:Dang P, did you have your seatbelt on?
Cole said:Dang, Glad your ok. I think you should leave the Blood, it will be a great conversation piece.