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I got knocked the F out.....

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I am not gonna lie, it scared the **** out of me when I heard the story from Brennan and JP, you are lucky because at the speed you were traveling and your ace ventura driving style, it could of been much worse. It is good that you had the belt on and that JP and Tyler were there to care for you. You gotta be careful with your person man, you only have one of those and you can't trade it in ;D Hope you feel better soon....
Yup... When Matt told me about this, I immediately though of Dave Halabuk's accident. The circumstances were almost exactly the same. :-\

BamaTJ said:
I am not gonna lie, it scared the **** out of me when I heard the story from Brennan and JP, you are lucky because at the speed you were traveling and your ace ventura driving style, it could of been much worse. It is good that you had the belt on and that JP and Tyler were there to care for you. You gotta be careful with your person man, you only have one of those and you can't trade it in ;D Hope you feel better soon....

"like a glove!" :flipoff1:

my ****in shoulder herts like wow, the turd ****ed some ninjas up last night, we partied down thoug, good thing we got tylers jeep unstuck.
jpthedirtcycler said:
my ****in shoulder herts like wow, the turd ****ed some ninjas up last night, we partied down thoug, good thing we got tylers jeep unstuck.

T said you throw'd out ur shoulder on the 1st one! looks like you punched out his windshield now! ;D
take it easy grasshopper and heal what hurts!

DAMN!!! I stopped in this morning and then jumped back on tongiht. Holy crap a lot took place.
P you ok' man?

How'd you do it? Or I should say what were you doing prior to not remembering ****? Anyone else riding with ya? Drinks? Time o' day?

Glad you are ok for the most part. You gots to be careful out there.

Anywho, guess this puts you a few steps closer to being in a buggy huh?
Dang, Glad your ok. I think you should leave the Blood, it will be a great conversation piece.
I was not there but JP told me that they were all drinking and it was pretty late. JP climbed a tree with the Turd and P told him he could roll it so he did and took his shoulder out of socket. Later, P was doing high speed donuts and JP said it was a hard flop but it almost completely skipped the side and went from tires to cab. JP and Brennan both told me multiple times that P was in 3rd gear when he rolled, if that gives you an idea on the speed. The only constant was that Tyler was in both rollovers and was not hurt ;D. They said the scene was scary as P was knocked out, hanging upside down and bleeding profusely.....
Hey, i was on the Pull this cold tater out of the truck crew. Honestly, those first few minutes i'd of bet my life that Mr. P was DONE... :o Scared me to death. Just Glad your Okay paul, and we're in the process of coming up with a good hardline theme sticker to go on all our new Helmets ;D. See ya man, Jon Richardson
CheapJ7 said:
Hey, i was on the Pull this cold tater out of the truck crew. Honestly, those first few minutes i'd of bet my life that Mr. P was DONE... :o Scared me to death. Just Glad your Okay paul, and we're in the process of coming up with a good hardline theme sticker to go on all our new Helmets ;D. See ya man, Jon Richardson

Thanks for the help man... I cant thank you guys enough.

I called Tyler and he told me we were doing donuts when it happened ( those always get you ) and he told me I said I was putting it in third and holding it until it went..... well it went.

Im real lucky, even though I feel like **** Im thankful Im all in one piece and will be just fine soon enough. Im also real glad no -one else got hurt becuase of my stupidity. ;D

Ive been on and off asleep for the last 12 hours... my head feels like it weighs a thousand pounds and Im drinking my first Rockstar since Friday morning. Ill be all good in no time. Next weekend is still a go and yea the windshield will be coming out... and Ill be wearing a helmet. :eat:

Oh yea... Nice to meet you Jon Richardson.
damn boy glad your OK i have not been on the computer since Friday we had a work day at the hunting club all day sat did not get home until late.if you need anything you know my number. and the helmet sounds real good or at least shoulder belts.well get some rest and tell amber i said to take good care of you ;D
Yea if I woulda had shoulders in the truck and on I woulda walked away laughing. I think I have a set in the garage. Ill be lookin into more safetyl gear real soon. ;D
Cole said:
Dang, Glad your ok. I think you should leave the Blood, it will be a great conversation piece.

Trace it with a sharpie if it is not washed off. Then paint it back bright red. :drinkers:
glad you guys had your belts on...could have been way worse! get a few more Rockstars in ya and get to work on your buggy........ :drinkers:
