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I'll give you a tip !!!!!

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tonybolton said:
This makes me feel better.....figured i was jus being a cheap ass.

I'm so cheap that I feel guilty about tipping the pizza delivery guy. I mean that's his job that's what he does he deliver the pizza. I mean if I'm given a side project at work and I complete it I don't get any tip or bonus from that. That's my job that's what I do.

I delivered pizza for 5 years in college. I totaled two cars (neither my fault) in that time period, on the clock. I paid insurance, fuel, tires and other routine maintenance on my car. I was paid minimum wage while in the store and dropped down to 2.13 as soon as I hit the road. I was also robbed at gunpoint once and was harassed by drunk college kids more than I care to admit.

I assure you, I was a good employee and worked hard. Sometimes picking up late and closing shifts after opening at 8am. That being said, I remembered every house that tipped well, everyone that didn't tip and the people that would say keep the change out of $14 and it was $13.96. I kept rolls of pennies and tossed them the change, right into their yard for being insulted.

The pennies is the only thing that I will mention via the interwebs that was done. Watch the movie Waiting to get the full gist of it. In the meantime, tip your pizza delivery drivers, especially if you live in the same spot for an extended period of time.

Sonic depends on their personality solely.

Sorry for your bad experience..... But you control your own destiny. If you did not like the job....there are many other readily available entry level jobs.

I was a Weigles stock boy and I didn't mind getting laughed at by the hot chicks in school as I swept parking lots/emptied trash because I didn't want to fix anybody's food. We make our own decisions based on our justifications.

tonybolton said:
Sorry for your bad experience..... But you control your own destiny. If you did not like the job....there are many other readily available entry level jobs.

I was a Weigles stock boy and I didn't mind getting laughed at by the hot chicks in school as I swept parking lots/emptied trash because I didn't want to fix anybody's food. We make our own decisions based on our justifications.

It wasn't a bad experience, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I especially liked tossing pennies into peoples yards that were complete and utter dicks.
A couple bucks if there friendly, I never tip a percentage it all depends on the service
tonybolton said:
So....I was thinking a lil more.... Should we tip the UPS guy for delivering our parts?

****ing exactly! It isn't my job to pay you for doing your job! I can't help it if your employer is screwing you....
85toyo said:
I was actually just thinking about this as I payed for my BBQ. Pay at the counter, stand there until your food is ready, seat yourself and get your own drinks. Why do they have a place for tips on the receipt?
Which bbq place you eating at? I like Charlie's in moody but it's expensive.
Batmobile Will said:
I always tipped the pizza man tell they started charging me for delivery of my pizza then I figured if I'm being charged for a service why would I pay extra if my pizza was there at regular 45 min

That money goes to the store, not the driver. I usually tip 5 bucks for delivery and it never take more than 15 minutes for my pizza to make it to the door. To each their own. I just don't **** with anyone that fixes my food. I've worked fast food, in a sit down restaurant and delivery. Take care of the people that spit in your food and you will get considerably less spit.

tonybolton said:
Its sad our food service industry chooses this approach....or rather can justify it.

Eat at home. You aren't required to eat out, just like you aren't required to tip. Knife cuts both ways. Man or woman working a job trying to pay bills doesn't get a tip, will not treat you as well as someone that does. If they feel you disrespect them and knowingly don't take care of them, guess what. You'll get what the wage they get paid warrants (in their head). Most people making 2.13 an hour give two ****s about any customer that doesn't tip them and justify it by lashing out in a way that makes them feel better. Agree, disagree, I don't really care. It is what happens and I have personally seen it happen.

I guess I am bowing out on this one after this post. I quit working jobs where I received tips in 2006 but still remember lessons I learned while working at said establishments. Take em or leave em.

On a side note: I do have a cool looking tip jar at the package store for my employees. They usually get an extra $5-15 they split once a week. Most people don't tip, but some of them do. I actually started using a different gas station in town after an employee told me that the gas station attendant tips them every time he comes in.
muddinmetal said:
****ing exactly! It isn't my job to pay you for doing your job! I can't help it if your employer is screwing you....
You ever hear what ups drivers make? I'm not saying they don't hustle for it but they're definitely not hurting as far as pay goes.
Beerj said:
You ever hear what ups drivers make? I'm not saying they don't hustle for it but they're definitely not hurting as far as pay goes.

Oh I know... $30 an hour & 6 weeks vacation if you hang in long enough
Eddyj said:
Which bbq place you eating at? I like Charlie's in moody but it's expensive.

P Reds in Atlanta. If I eat BBQ around home I typically go to Fat Mans in Pell City or Shaws over by Whitney junction in Ashville. I ate at a BBQ place in Moody last year that was close to Adesa and it wasn't bad. Don't recall the name of the place though.
Batmobile Will said:
Y'all don't get me wrong I love to tip a great waiter and tip big if my glass of tea stays full and my food comes out hot !!!!!!
This I will not tip a waiter really good I will however tip a waitress good only way a waiter is getting a tip from me is if he goes way above and beyond. That ****er can go work out in the cold and heat like a man instead of doing inside woman work as I see it just the way I am I guess :****:
Re: I'll give you a tip !!!!!

This I will not tip a waiter really good I will however tip a waitress good only way a waiter is getting a tip from me is if he goes way above and beyond. That ****er can go work out in the cold and heat like a man instead of doing inside woman work as I see it just the way I am I guess :****:

I've never thought about it like that but I can't say I disagree at all.

My GF however wants to know who the **** made the rule that a woman should be bringing food and drink to a table. I bowed out of the discussion, I happen to like the time between going to bed and going to sleep.

2012 Jim's Garage YJ
2013 Wide Open Design WFO
Next one is in the oven!
I own fast casual BBQ restaurants. This means that you pay as you order your food, go have a seat, we bring your food to you and check on you throughout your meal, but everything you need is at a self-serve station just a few feet away so that you don't have to wait for us to get a packet of sugar or what not. You are supposed to bus your own table but a lot of people don't, we're fine with that. We have a tip line on our CC receipts as you pay at the front counter as well as a cash tip jar. I collect up all the tips until the end of the pay period and divide the total by the total number of hours worked. This gives them an additional hourly amount on top of their normal hourly wage. Neither me or the company gets ANY of the tips, the kitchen staff and the front of house staff get 100% of them. This is a real number that they see go up and down on their paychecks. I also post the hourly tip rate every pay period on a note board in the back by the schedule. Since they are tipped ee's I don't have to pay full minimum wage but our tips aren't as high as an individual server's would be so I pay almost min. wage. Between that and the tips they make out much better than any other comparable job. This is evident by the large percentage of ee's that return after leaving once. The staff actively works to please customers more because they see their tips go up. When we have weak people they see them go down. The tips really work as a motivational factor, most of my customers will tell you that my staff is amazing I think.

I realize that the tip line on the CC receipt is awkward. It is awkward to me when I am signing and have a cashier staring me down. Most places you go once you pay you never see that person again. At mine they are checking on you ensuring your experience is good. Of course, there's no way to know that before the fact if you haven't been there before. There's not really a good way to go about CC tips because once you're rung up there is no way to go back and add a tip to the transaction or ring up a transaction just for a tip. So one way the customer never gets a chance to tip, the other way the ee never gets a chance to shine. I have had customers who didn't tip initially come up after their meal and ask if they could add a tip, to which the answer is unfortunately no. I can honestly say that the staff does not expect a tip before you get your food and they do not get angry at people who do not tip though. The FOH girls will flirt to get tips up and you can tell when one of the flirty hotties have worked a shift when you look at the tip amounts.

Our largest tips come from regulars who know what they are going to get service-wise and have received it consistently in the past. We regularly have people tip $10 on a $20 ticket before they've even received their food as a result. We've also screwed up with people who tipped before hand and regretted it. We're human and we make mistakes, we do everything we can to make up for them.

Some companies have recently come out with a tip swiper that sits on the front counter. If you want to tip after the fact you can swipe your card for a buck or two without printing a receipt and signing. But the problem with those is that the companies that make them get their cut off the top thereby reducing the ee's share. Even so, we've asked about getting them and our franchise refuses to allow us for some reason.

I don't think a lot of places share tips the way mine do. I'm not sure how they work it. But we understand the awkward tip line and try not to make a big deal out of it. We just try to do a great job doing our jobs and let the pieces fall where they may while not automatically eliminating any opportunities for the staff. We wish there was a better way as well. I guess the point of all this is just that its an imperfect system and we are just working with what we have.
This I will not tip a waiter really good I will however tip a waitress good only way a waiter is getting a tip from me is if he goes way above and beyond. That ****er can go work out in the cold and heat like a man instead of doing inside woman work as I see it just the way I am I guess :****:

I was a waiter throughout high school and college, its how I got into this business. I took a load and a half of classes every semester, came home, got dressed for work, went and waited on people like you until midnight, stayed and cleaned up after people like you until 2am, went back to the dorms and studied until class the next morning without sleep on many, many occasions. Male waiters work twice as hard as females. We take out the heavy trash that the girls can't, we lift their heavy bus boxes when they can't, we take over their drunk belligerent tables when the customers are getting too touchy or too loud knwing full well we aren't going to get a tip. We scrub bathroom messes when drunk fat rednecks **** all over the floor and seats and the girls won't go near it and unclog the toilets when they stuff them full of paper towels on top of their **** logs. We are the ones who get to pick up the used toilet paper stuck to the walls and floor behind the toilets that the Mexicans throw there every night because they don't know how to use functional plumbing. (And yes, it sticks, so you have to do it by hand with nothing but a latex glove between you and the feces.) We deal with all the thankless issues that the girls won't or can't. And for all that we generally get about 50% of what the girls get. So after the better part of a decade waiting on people like you and then hearing your mentality I can honestly offer you this ...








Wow! I've never done any of those things but good points! :****: :popcorn: