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I'll give you a tip !!!!!

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First off........ :popcorn:

This thread has seriously derailed from its origin, but I am ok with the way the system works. If your waiter was paid 10$ an hour, what would make he/she want to go above and beyond to make sure you have great service. Most are very conscious that bad service means they won't get a tip or it will be a very low tip. Of course there are those that don't seem to grasp it, but to me it means they are in direct control of their livelihood. If they want to get paid well, they do well. What I don't agree with is the percentage that is "acceptable". It used to be 10 percent then 15, then 18, and now it's 20. God only asks for 10%.
Yep, I'm very thankful that I never got into the food service industry.

I will agree, the "hybrid" restaurants like "Shane's Rib Shack" and such that blur the line between fast food and sit down service make tipping very odd because you are paying before you are served.

We have a Wendy's near the campus that does the same type of "service lite" for sit down customers, employees will walk through and offer refills, offer to bus your table, bring napkins, etc (all from the readily available customer dining area drink & utensil stations). Odd for a Wendy's and I've seen people react strangely to the employees,

I always try to keep cash to tip with so the CC company doesn't cut into that which I feel is a direct transaction (a gift, if you will) and shouldn't be taxed.

If I go out for lunch it's either to hit up 35 cent wings, or 1/2 off day at a local dive bar, so tipping is pretty "mandatory" in my transactions...

kmcminn said:
When they deliver pizza to my house I will give them 10 or 15 bucks. Hell it's worth that for me not to drive to town.

If the pizza boy would still pick up a 12 pack on the way to the house like they used to "back in the day" then I'd probably order delievery more often.
patooyee said:
I was a waiter throughout high school and college, its how I got into this business. I took a load and a half of classes every semester, came home, got dressed for work, went and waited on people like you until midnight, stayed and cleaned up after people like you until 2am, went back to the dorms and studied until class the next morning without sleep on many, many occasions. Male waiters work twice as hard as females. We take out the heavy trash that the girls can't, we lift their heavy bus boxes when they can't, we take over their drunk belligerent tables when the customers are getting too touchy or too loud knwing full well we aren't going to get a tip. We scrub bathroom messes when drunk fat rednecks **** all over the floor and seats and the girls won't go near it and unclog the toilets when they stuff them full of paper towels on top of their **** logs. We are the ones who get to pick up the used toilet paper stuck to the walls and floor behind the toilets that the Mexicans throw there every night because they don't know how to use functional plumbing. (And yes, it sticks, so you have to do it by hand with nothing but a latex glove between you and the feces.) We deal with all the thankless issues that the girls won't or can't. And for all that we generally get about 50% of what the girls get. So after the better part of a decade waiting on people like you and then hearing your mentality I can honestly offer you this ...








To each their own decisions in life that's how I tip males is bout 50% than females as far as taking out heavy trash and dealing with **** sounds bout right for a man in that position to do makes more sense to me but as I said this is just my opinion nothin against anyone in or that's done waitering gotta do what you gotta do. But I do determine who my money goes to and it's not gonna be a waiter
Re: I'll give you a tip !!!!!

Beerj said:
You ever hear what ups drivers make? I'm not saying they don't hustle for it but they're definitely not hurting as far as pay goes.
I had a regular UPS Driver for about 4 years, after a few heavy deliveries I asked him one time would you like a cold Coke? He was very grateful. After that day, I always gave him one, after a few years of this, it just became common practice, and he knew if the garage door was up, leave my stuff by the door, get a Coke... Several times he left me thank you notes in the garage fridge, he must have gotten transferred, the last couple of drivers on our route kind of suck, I miss Dan.

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Also on your other post jj Is all your tips collected and distributed between all waiter/waitress/ kitchen? If so this is also why I will not leave a tip on cc I will hand waiter/waitress cash personally because they are the ones I am tipping and yes I have tipped cooks at restaurants if he or she decides to put it in the Obama pot to be distributed equally between them and maybe someone getting by on someone else's work then that's their decision
Re: Re: I'll give you a tip !!!!!

To each their own decisions in life that's how I tip males is bout 50% than females as far as taking out heavy trash and dealing with **** sounds bout right for a man in that position to do makes more sense to me but as I said this is just my opinion nothin against anyone in or that's done waitering gotta do what you gotta do. But I do determine who my money goes to and it's not gonna be a waiter
I'm going to be another to disagree with you. I still help at my father in law at his restaurant in the kitchen or serving. Damn you if you don't tip either sex according to the work. A male should recieve the same amount as a female for their work. Shouldn't matter. If things go according, I'll be taking over his resturant of 31 years. Servers put up with a lot crap to rely on people to tip apporiate as they are paid in the $2 dollar range at most resturants. Just enough to cover taxes.
If the service and food is good then it doesn't matter what gender prepared or delivered it to my table, kept my drink full, etc...they,male or female, will be tipped accordingly. I'm not too tight to tip well for a good dining experience. After all it was my choice to dine out...and someone has to serve me.

If im in any sort of sit down joint for lunch I usually leave two buck.. fir dinner it just depends on service I recieve.. I usually dont leave a tip on my card and leave cash or hand to waitress/waiter ..
Also on your other post jj Is all your tips collected and distributed between all waiter/waitress/ kitchen? If so this is also why I will not leave a tip on cc I will hand waiter/waitress cash personally because they are the ones I am tipping and yes I have tipped cooks at restaurants if he or she decides to put it in the Obama pot to be distributed equally between them and maybe someone getting by on someone else's work then that's their decision

You don't think the kitchen works hard to meet all your special demands? If they're doing their job right you never see them or get a chance to tip them. My girls up front have never once complained about sharing with the back because they know and see how hard they work to please. If your food wasn't right you probably wouldn't tip the pretty little high school girl you are going pedo-bear over so its a team effort. If you're not walking into the kitchen and tipping the staff there every time (don't try to claim that you are) you think you're tipping JUST the pretty little waitress you are a hypocrite.

It is standard practice at any restaurant for the waitresses to tip out the kitchen. Most require a certain percentage. At the ones I've worked at in the past it was 10% of the waitress tips go to BOH, some had another 5% go to the other incidental support staff positions. The kitchen staff also gets paid more since they don't have the opportunity to get tips. This is almost universal. It is standard practice in 99.9999% of the places you eat at. It is this way because EVERYONE in the industry knows how hard the kitchen has to work and how little people like you appreciate it since its not right in front of your nose and doesn't bleed once a month. So do yourself a favor, if that's truly how you feel, just don't tip the waitress either because without the kitchen she's not even employed.

Obama????? You and I are not friends. If you ever see me on the trail just walk on by. That is serious-talk.
In HS I worked at Longhorn Steakhouse for two summers. This girl I knew from school had a father who was a preacher. Keep in mind, I was not friends with the girl, just knew who she was. I worked every Sun. and every Sun. each waiter / waitress got 4 tables. ALL money we took in that day had to come from those 4 tables only. Well somehow this girl's dad found out that she knew me so every Sun. he started coming in with a bunch of people after his church service and would request to sit in my section. They would take up ALL 4 TABLES and they would sit through the entire church rush, which is a waiter's main bank-time on a Sun. He would ask for everything on one bill and finally around 2 or 3 pm after they had kept me late from my shift and kept all other customers from my section they would get up and leave. He would pay the bill and on the table EVERY TIME was an envelope with a picture of Jesus and his halo floating in some wistful-looking clouds in a beautiful blue sky. On the front of the envelope it said "Here is your tip ..." Inside would always be empty except for a note with a piece of scripture on it. These were professionally printed things, not hand-written. Every Sun. for an entire summer I would work for free for that cheap bastard until I finally just had to quit to get away from him. You have no clue how pissed off pissed off can be until you work for a fat slob preacher for 4 hours straight for a grand total of $4.50 minus taxes.
Batmobile Will said:
Anyone got any :popcorn: I'm fresh out :dunno: Never mind I'll set over here :drinkers: lol lighting up folks everyone has different opinions on this stuff I know my dad would tip 30% no matter the service. I've been known to leave a note as a tip but that was because the service was terrible!!!! And the note was helpful things she could do to get a great tip next time

Shut up, you're just happy the drama isn't about you for once. :)
patooyee said:
You don't think the kitchen works hard to meet all your special demands? If they're doing their job right you never see them or get a chance to tip them. My girls up front have never once complained about sharing with the back because they know and see how hard they work to please. If your food wasn't right you probably wouldn't tip the pretty little high school girl you are going pedo-bear over so its a team effort. If you're not walking into the kitchen and tipping the staff there every time (don't try to claim that you are) you think you're tipping JUST the pretty little waitress you are a hypocrite.

It is standard practice at any restaurant for the waitresses to tip out the kitchen. Most require a certain percentage. At the ones I've worked at in the past it was 10% of the waitress tips go to BOH, some had another 5% go to the other incidental support staff positions. The kitchen staff also gets paid more since they don't have the opportunity to get tips. This is almost universal. It is standard practice in 99.9999% of the places you eat at. It is this way because EVERYONE in the industry knows how hard the kitchen has to work and how little people like you appreciate it since its not right in front of your nose and doesn't bleed once a month. So do yourself a favor, if that's truly how you feel, just don't tip the waitress either because without the kitchen she's not even employed.

Obama????? You and I are not friends. If you ever see me on the trail just walk on by. That is serious-talk.
I guess using the words cooks was wrong choice but yes I have directly tipped the chef no I didn't go to the kitchen and tip him most restaurants I attend the chef will come out and ask about your meal or I'll ask to speak with him/her and give them my tip then and I do not tip off of the looks of my waitress Never said we was friends you have helped me on numerous direct and indirect questions about my rig and I thank you for that but that's not what we talking here if anytime you feel that this matter needs to be discussed in person I'd be more than happy to I won't just walk on by Anyways just giving my perspective on the subject I see yours just don't happen to be the same as mine no reason for name calling unless you are prepared to back it up when we do happen to meet on the trail have a good night sir
I guess using the words cooks was wrong choice but yes I have directly tipped the chef no I didn't go to the kitchen and tip him most restaurants I attend the chef will come out and ask about your meal or I'll ask to speak with him/her and give them my tip then and I do not tip off of the looks of my waitress Never said we was friends you have helped me on numerous direct and indirect questions about my rig and I thank you for that but that's not what we talking here if anytime you feel that this matter needs to be discussed in person I'd be more than happy to I won't just walk on by Anyways just giving my perspective on the subject I see yours just don't happen to be the same as mine no reason for name calling unless you are prepared to back it up when we do happen to meet on the trail have a good night sir

You go to higher class places than I can afford, because I don't ever get to eat anywhere where there is a "chef." Maybe that's your problem, you just never go down to the regular folks level.

You do tip on looks. You stated it very plainly. If they look like a male, they get 50% what you would tip someone who looked like a female. In fact I'm going to quote it for posterity:

I tip males is bout 50% than females

Calling a business that I built Obamacare is about the worst name calling one could do to me. I would sooner slit my own throat and have a homeless HIV patient piss down my neck and bleed out in the streets as midgets walk by kicking me in the teeth than start any form of Obamacare in my company. The fact that you even associated it with that shows how little you understand about the food industry and where your food is coming from.
I haven't read everyone's post. I think I got most of the first page , I was working on the samurai.. But I was thinking about some of the people not tipping anyone.. That's when it hit me .. And Thats when it hit me .. I wondered if I was the only one that was taught to treat people how you would want to be treated ?? I always put myself in other shoes when it comes to something like that.. The way I see it ...The man upstairs blessed me with a little bit ., I mean I don't have a fleet of 100K dollar buggies, and prob never will, maybe that's because I'm not greedy, and find myself constantly helping others.. Costing me money... I dunno. But tipping someone that's counting on that to pay the bills is just the right thing to do. I could care less what anyone else says to try and make it right they don't tip. Whatever floats(or sinks) your boat... I don't give a fuk if it's a man or woman, I'm not a high school kid anymore. Matter of fact someone that doesn't tip in my boos is 100% a LOW class redneck... :****: My goodness. Jesus , help us.
patooyee said:
You go to higher class places than I can afford, because I don't ever get to eat anywhere where there is a "chef." Maybe that's your problem, you just never go down to the regular folks level.

You do tip on looks. You stated it very plainly. If they look like a male, they get 50% what you would tip someone who looked like a female. In fact I'm going to quote it for posterity:

Calling a business that I built Obamacare is about the worst name calling one could do to me. I would sooner slit my own throat and have a homeless HIV patient piss down my neck and bleed out in the streets as midgets walk by kicking me in the teeth than start any form of Obamacare in my company. The fact that you even associated it with that shows how little you understand about the food industry and where your food is coming from.
More so of a gender related tip instead of looks also have a racial percentage but that's a whole other discussion I understand your percentage between waiter/waitress and kitchen being they have to put out a team effort for you to have a successful business but waiter/waitress sharing tips with each other so each one gets an equal amount I don't agree with that's like saying hey every restaurant in your town should put all earned money in a pot and let's divide it out so everyone gets a piece of the pie Wasn't meaning anything direct to you when I was referring to "Obama pot" just referring to wealth sharing Hey it obviously works whatever way your doing it just asking a question And yes I know where my food comes from and that's out of my field along with many others food
After about one minute of thought and half a Doobie I got to thinking.. And I was wrong you would not be classified as a low class redneck ... Because believe Me, and this is not a racist statement at all it's a fact .. Even black servers will tell you ... That blacks are the worst tippers by FAR .. So classify yourself.
And will yes when I eat at sonic I do leave a tip usually 5-10$ unless it is almost closing and I'm starving then it's 20-50 for their troubles
Hahahaha .. holy ****. I tip... I can't afford to pay all their bills! :woot: **** man , 5 or 10 dollar tip at sonic? Dammit, BaLLINNNN .. You need a side kick? I'm cool as a fan I promise.. :smoke:
patooyee said:
Shut up, you're just happy the drama isn't about you for once. :)

Winner for most true statement made in this thread!! I was gonna post the same thing !!!!! HAHAHAHAAA

From the tip amounts some of you are sayin' you're leavin'.....hell, I shoulda been in a field where tips were accepted! 10 dollar tips on a PIZZA delivery?!?! Please tell me it was for like a 20 pizza's or something!!!

You guys are ****in' ballers!