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Illegal Trail Riding In North Ga. by a Metro Atl. Jeep Club

RockHales2.0 said:
Ya know,I had to do time because if a snitch.
Snitchs are bitches,,,,But if I seen someone breaking into a school and vandalizing ****,Or breaking in to my neighbor's house.
Stealing your buggy ect,**** has to be done about.

Ok, you are pissed because someone turned you in for breaking the law?? Come on now, you cannot be serious. If you broke the law you should pay, does not matter how you got caught. **** up, I will call you out on it. Call me a snitch if you want, you get what you deserve.


bigsilly said:
Ok, you are pissed because someone turned you in for breaking the law?? Come on now, you cannot be serious. If you broke the law you should pay, does not matter how you got caught. **** up, I will call you out on it. Call me a snitch if you want, you get what you deserve.


Bitching bout English yet you know what I said,lol This a wheeling board not english 101.I'v already stated I could care less bout your grammar policing.
And I'm not mad,Never ****ing said I was. That was your assumption...
Whata bout the part were I said ''BUT if I seen someone breaking into a school and vandalizing ****,Or breaking in to my neighbor's house.
Stealing your buggy ect,**** has to be done about.

I made the BUT bigger so that you see it this time.
RockHales2.0 said:
Bitching bout English yet you know what I said,lol This a wheeling board not english 101.I'v already stated I could care less bout your grammar policing.
And I'm not mad,Never ****ing said I was. That was your assumption...
Whata bout the part were I said ''BUT if I seen someone breaking into a school and vandalizing ****,Or breaking in to my neighbor's house.
Stealing your buggy ect,**** has to be done about.

I made the BUT bigger so that you see it this time.

Maybe you were not mad, but you sure sound bitter about it! Okay, so it is a wheeling board and that makes it okay to butcher the English language?
bigsilly said:
Maybe you were not mad, but you sure sound bitter about it! Okay, so it is a wheeling board and that makes it okay to butcher the English language?
I suppose at least he uses complete words instead of typing like adair does. ur gna need hrps crm. Looks a lot like my 11 year old girl texting. :gay: :flipoff1:

I will agree, we are ****ed as a country when in 20 years we could have a president that can't form real sentences. Everyone in this "**** grammar and the english language in general" generation will be pissed because they can't text in their vote for public office laughing1
blacksheep10 said:
...in 20 years we could have a president that can't form real sentences. Everyone in this "**** grammar and the english language in general" generation will be pissed because they can't text in their vote for public office

Alternatively, if you take a Wealth of Nations perspective, two things will happen. One, as members of society fall below average intelligence and work output levels, there will be more opportunities for individuals with education and stronger work ethic. Second, as US GDP decreases in comparison to other expanding countries, US trade bargaining power will decrease, increasing the cost of goods sold.

Overall, I'm ok with free market changes in service outputs (US is a service oriented society, which will decrease respective to societal degradation). If dedicated people continue to work hard, they will persevere. As the gap between classes widens, lower class individuals will be more motivated to move up in society, bringing the GDP back to market equilibrium.
B Gillespie said:
Alternatively, if you take a Wealth of Nations perspective, two things will happen. One, as members of society fall below average intelligence and work output levels, there will be more opportunities for individuals with education and stronger work ethic. Second, as US GDP decreases in comparison to other expanding countries, US trade bargaining power will decrease, increasing the cost of goods sold.

Overall, I'm ok with free market changes in service outputs (US is a service oriented society, which will decrease respective to societal degradation). If dedicated people continue to work hard, they will persevere. As the gap between classes widens, lower class individuals will be more motivated to move up in society, bringing the GDP back to market equilibrium.

Ok, where did you cut and paste that from?? :wtflol:
B Gillespie said:
Alternatively, if you take a Wealth of Nations perspective, two things will happen. One, as members of society fall below average intelligence and work output levels, there will be more opportunities for individuals with education and stronger work ethic. Second, as US GDP decreases in comparison to other expanding countries, US trade bargaining power will decrease, increasing the cost of goods sold.

Overall, I'm ok with free market changes in service outputs (US is a service oriented society, which will decrease respective to societal degradation). If dedicated people continue to work hard, they will persevere. As the gap between classes widens, lower class individuals will be more motivated to move up in society, bringing the GDP back to market equilibrium.
I fall pretty far to the right and like letting the free market do what it needs. The part I don't necessarily agree with is in red. I think anyone from the other side would say it is all a falsehood, but that's a lifelong discussion for another thread not about riding in running streams that are in off limits areas started by a snitch :flipoff1: :flipgotcha:
blacksheep10 said:
I fall pretty far to the right and like letting the free market do what it needs. The part I don't necessarily agree with is in red.

With a free market, someone will fill the void. Who knows if it will be immigrants, lower class individuals moving up, robots, more efficient processes? Possibilities are endless.
damn you guys took a thread of the rails.

My take on the derailed topic. Stop feeding them. Works for Cats, will work for bums.
What is the most primal necessity? Food. If you stop feeding them the will still need to eat. They'll need money for food, they'll get jobs or steal.

Cut them all off the government teet is not the catch all, you need state welfare but it needs PULLED WAY THE **** BACK!!!! People have to work, they compete for jobs. Illegals vacate, salarys, and inflation do into deflation (not good but a correction that is badly needed IMO). With all of this there is the gut check on "sense of entitlement". Sounds simple when you lay it out like that too bad 3 of every 8 in this country rely on the government to live today.
InDaShop said:
My take on the derailed topic. Stop feeding them. Works for Cats, will work for bums.
What is the most primal necessity? Food. If you stop feeding them the will still need to eat. They'll need money for food, they'll get jobs or steal.

Cut them all off the government teet is not the catch all, you need state welfare but it needs PULLED WAY THE **** BACK!!!! People have to work, they compete for jobs. Illegals vacate, salarys, and inflation do into deflation (not good but a correction that is badly needed IMO). With all of this there is the gut check on "sense of entitlement". Sounds simple when you lay it out like that too bad 3 of every 8 in this country rely on the government to live today.

Pure Smith theory of free market: No government assistance, "sink or swim." The only role of the government is military: protect citizens and national assets.

Current public policy, majority interpretation: Limited assistance, but only enough for a firm (or person) to relocate into another sector (or job). Most modern Smith theorists believe this to be ~ 3 months for an individual, yet this leniency has not translated to private sector firms.

Both applications of the Smith theory strongly conflicts with recent government assistance to the private sector.
What keeps the guys at the top honest? Was it a free market before labor unions? I am pretty right wing, but I have my doubts about some of this. I am not pro union whatsoever for this point in time but they certainly served a good purpose at an earlier time in history. I can imagine the argument is that you just go work somewhere else so the guy at the top has to change but we all know that doesn't really work in application because you can't starve your family trying to find other work that may or may not exist. Academic theory only gets you so far.
To the OP... :gtfo:

You have the same mentality of the middle aged bitch I met walking into Walmart last weekend.... I parked in a handicap spot, because the parking lot was packed, got out, and proceeded toward the front doors of Walmart. I barely got 5 ft. from my Yukon and the bitch looked at me and yelled "hey do one of ya'll have broke legs or something?" in a smartass tone. Then she changed her ****in attitude when I pulled up my left pants leg and showed her my prosthetic.

Moral: Stay the **** out of other ppl's business unless it directly affects you. If someone is doing wrong, it's only a matter of time before it catches up to them...and it'll happen without you acting like you're still in Kindergarten about it.
InDaShop said:
Cut them all off the government teet is not the catch all, you need state welfare but it needs PULLED WAY THE **** BACK!!!!

Simple solution....drug testing.
TacomaJD said:
You have the same mentality of the middle aged bitch I met walking into Walmart last weekend.... I parked in a handicap spot, because the parking lot was packed, got out, and proceeded toward the front doors of Walmart. I barely got 5 ft. from my Yukon and the bitch looked at me and yelled "hey do one of ya'll have broke legs or something?" in a smartass tone. Then she changed her ****in attitude when I pulled up my left pants leg and showed her my prosthetic.

Awesome, I love seeing people like that get put in their place. I have to ask, do you ever play practical jokes on people who don't know you have a prosthetic? We had a friend in Auburn who had 2 prosthetic legs below his knees. My buddy went into his room one morning after an all nighter to make sure he was still alive and almost shat himself! Dude was in the bed, but what looked like his legs were in the floor, still in his pants, socks and shoes still on. He was thinking dude got cut in half during the night or something. molaugh