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Iphone 5 vs Galaxy S5

Any android gets my vote. I've had apple products up until this year, needless to say I've been living under a rock!!! :****:

Switched over to androids when the galaxy s3 came out, never had any problems with it, and then I just upgraded to an s5 active last month and it's badass. Battery life is awesome and I am on my phone ALOT. They claim water proof to 10 feet for 30 Minutes. Haven't tried that out yet, but if I do I hope it works lol. I would Def go with the android
I've got an iPhone 5S and love it. It does absolutely everything I have tried and it gets dropped regularly. No problems. I had a 4S before this and when I went to upgrade to a new phone I tried a Galaxy for about a week when I realized that I couldn't take a video longer than 15 seconds long and text it to somebody! I went back to AT&T and every single Andriod phone in the store WOUD NOT SEND A VIDEO EITHER!! And the videos that was 15 seconds or shorter was blurry on the receiving phone. Not crystal clear like a iPhone. I decided right then and there I like taking pics and vids and sharing them with friends too much to not have that ability.
I have the G5 love it also a Galaxy Note I have always used Android phones and tablets, after having two I pods stolen I said screw Apple.
Apple stuff is great and ez to use. If your a damn computer wiz a droid can do more that the apple but that doesn't apply to most.
I had the first galaxy S1's and went through 3 of them. Pissed me off badly, would freeze every day, always pulling battery, gay.
Luke got an S3 2 years ago and I was waiting for it to be a POS. He is still using it. Wife got me an iphone 5 a year ago last march. It has been largely trouble free, but the screen could be bigger. If it holds up I'll probablly limp it til March and get a S5. I'm hard as **** on phones so hopefully it will take the abuse.
blacksheep10 said:
I had the first galaxy S1's and went through 3 of them. Pissed me off badly, would freeze every day, always pulling battery, gay.
Luke got an S3 2 years ago and I was waiting for it to be a POS. He is still using it. Wife got me an iphone 5 a year ago last march. It has been largely trouble free, but the screen could be bigger. If it holds up I'll probablly limp it til March and get a S5. I'm hard as **** on phones so hopefully it will take the abuse.
Get the Otter Box I kill phones easily it's saved mine I wouldn't even touch it until it was in a Otter Box.
Re: Re: Re: Iphone 5 vs Galaxy S5

TacomaJD said:
I want one of the new Motorola Droid Maxx phones. 48 hour runtime on battery under frequent use. Best friend€™s wife has one and can go 3 days on one charge.

I recently upgraded to a Motorola Razr HD, essentially same phone as the new Maxx, without the badass battery. I€™ve never owned an Apple product, and don€™t plan on it. The Galaxy line is def the Android market leader, I would say€..I thought about going Galaxy, but found a good deal on this Razr HD used in mint condition on ebay. I don€™t want to upgrade with Verizon in store, because I€™d lose my unlimited data package.
I just got my free upgrade from an old RAZR Maxx HD to the new Maxx.

Really like it. So far I charge it every 3 days, and that's with lots of Hardlining, Amazon, EBay, and Craigslist shopping.
Re: Re: Re: Iphone 5 vs Galaxy S5

TBItoy said:
I just got my free upgrade from an old RAZR Maxx HD to the new Maxx.

Really like it. So far I charge it every 3 days, and that's with lots of Hardlining, Amazon, EBay, and Craigslist shopping.

I really like this Razr HD (same as your old one with less battery life), it's a hell of an upgrade from the Droid 4 w/slideout keyboard I was using. My next phone after this one will either be the new Maxx when they come down in price enough to snag a mint used one on ebay cheap, or one from the Galaxy line.

It may not seem like much, but I'm tickled pink with this Razr HD. Battery will last pretty much a whole day under heavy use. That's fan-fawking-tastic....for real. My Droid 4 would have to be plugged up on the charger for like basically half of the day. Everytime I sat down somewhere (home, in a car, or desk at work) I just put it on the charger whether it needed it or not, to keep the battery maintained. I'd **** a golden egg if I had one that would last 3 days.

Bump for cell phone recommendations! Right now thinking either S5 or Droid Maxx. I want one that's a bit faster. Streaming music and muti tasking, I find this Razr HD to be too slow to process and keep up with me. Gf needs a new phone too and she interested in this one to try and see if she will be happy going from iOS to Android, so I've gotta find one for me soon.

Any other Androids that are comparable to the S5 or Droid Maxx? Heard some like the LG G3 I think that has like a 2.5ghz processor....that's fast! I like the HTC M8 but not a fan of Windows OS. The M7 is Android though, but not really any outstanding features.

I have the Droid Ultra. Tickled to death with it. Wife has the Maxx. I'm normally sick of a phone way before my 2year deal is up. But I could keep rolling with this one from now on, I think. I've always used my phones A LOT, but this one has completely done away with computers for me. There's not much it won't do. However, I'm sure all those new ones your looking at are very comparable, minus the windows trash.

The Ultra is essentially the Maxx with a standard battery, correct? I looked at that one also, but I really need the battery. Mine undergoes heavy use almost every day. I'm looking for used -excellent condition on ebay.

I've had a bunch of Motorolas and one HTC Rezound, but wanting to give Samsung a try since you never hear many negatives about them. But damn, S5's are around $300 used!

TacomaJD said:
I've had a bunch of Motorolas and one HTC Rezound, but wanting to give Samsung a try since you never hear many negatives about them. But damn, S5's are around $300 used!

the rezound is a really nice phone. it's what I was using and then jumped to the note 3. the note 3 is a badass phone and now there is a note 4. my daughters and wifes s4's get decent battery life and have been great phones so far. my son has a razr maxx and the battery is awesome. he uses that thing all the time when home and it seems to last quite well.

we are predominantly a Samsung household as of now
Re: Re:

5BrothersFabrication said:
Hard on a battery being a post-whore, aint it? :flipoff1:
That and streaming music! :****:

I am just weary of trying a new phone. I like the Motorola platform and would be content with this Razr HD if it wouldn't get bogged down at times and be slow to launch apps some times. I've missed getting good pics of things sometimes when trying to whip out my phone to snap a pic of something happening really fast, bc sometimes it hesitates to unlock screen and initialize the camera. Pisses me off. Satisfied with the phone other than the random hesitation like it's confused on what it needs to do when I click on something. I have gotten plum furious with it several times bc of this. It's a wonder it hasn't been broken yet from throwing it down or beating it on the dash of my truck. Lol
Re: Re:

TacomaJD said:
The Ultra is essentially the Maxx with a standard battery, correct? I looked at that one also, but I really need the battery. Mine undergoes heavy use almost every day. I'm looking for used -excellent condition on ebay.
Correct. Back when they were both new, I got the Ultra, due to having to pay more down for the Maxx. Haven't had any trouble. But when we upgraded my wife's, the price was down and she got the Maxx. I actually went to get the S5. I ****, all in the floor of the Verizon store, when they told me how much I would have to pay for it. Plus, Motorola was offering a huge discount for me to stay with them. I think they gave me like $150 credit if I got another Motorola. I think they're very similar (Maxx vs S5). S5 maybe even a little "better." However, I haven't run into an issue yet that I've thought damn, wish I had the s5!