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Iphone 5 vs Galaxy S5

I don't own stock in Apple. If y'all want shitty phones that's your business. :****:

What I look for in a phone may be something different than others. I'm not an IT nerd or computer guy. I know my way around a computer and Mac enough to get my self into trouble but by no means a computer guy. I look for a phone to LAST!! My iPhone 4s that works flawless is 4 yrs old in April. The wife's was too. We just got her a new iPhone 6 last month. I personally like the phone. I just don't have one yet because they haven't released the case I want. I only ask for a phone to work well while streaming music, texting, talking, or running a few apps and that's exactly what mine does. I'm not trying to hack nasa with mine or take over the world nor am I a control freak and feel like I need access to every little setting in my phone. I only care that it works great while not locking up, glitching, or breaking. I've watched my friends go through piles of droid operating system phones because they break or glitch and **** up, or randomly call people or text jibberish on its own. I cannot stand **** that doesn't work like it is supposed to. That's why I swore off windows based computers years ago. The only ones I use are the ones at work and that's because I dont have a choice in the matter. The slightest glitch I call my buddy in IT and make him fix the garbage. I doubt I'll ever own a droid operating system phone or another windows based phone. To each their own I suppose.

This damn S5 has officially given me a boner. Far superior device over my previous RAZR HD. Glad I ponied up the cash for this little unit.
Re: Re: Iphone 5 vs Galaxy S5

I've had the s5 for a week now, and I'm almost positive I'm going to return it and get and iPhone 6.

I came from having an iPhone 4s for 3 years with not a single problem inside a life proof case.

The s5 is great, big screen, big battery and SD card slot. However it definitely has its problems compared to an apple product, that have shown in the last week.

YouTube app won't play any videos on 4g or wifi, although it will play youtube embedded videos on webpages.

The auto rotate screen takes forever (a few seconds) to rotate and always seems to glitch and delay whatever process is running. As well when viewing the phone and its sitting on a desk etc, phone will rotate screen back and forth.

Several apps (facebook,gmail,instagram) have frozen the phone to the point I have to hold power button and force a restart.

The android os lacks the smoothness of transitioning between apps like the ios. Ex: using the Web browser on page and click an email to send message, or click address to open in maps, or phone number to call. With ios these simple transitions are smooth and seamless. With android os, these are jerky, delayed, and noticeable.

I have been able to directly compare the s5 to the i6 side by side as my fiance just got the i6.

The s5 has a few instances where it's better than iphone, but that's too detailed for me to type, and are all over the Web.
As bad as I hate to I'm sticking with my iPhone 4s for now. I want the new 6 and I can get a lifeproof case but nobody makes a belt clip for it yet. I cannot stand to have my phone in my pocket. I was waiting otterbox to release the waterproof cover for the 6 but they still haven't. So I guess I'll wait. There's nothing wrong with my phone. It's not as fast as the wife's new 6 but that's ok.
Re: Re: Re: Iphone 5 vs Galaxy S5

pholmann said:
As bad as I hate to I'm sticking with my iPhone 4s for now. I want the new 6 and I can get a lifeproof case but nobody makes a belt clip for it yet. I cannot stand to have my phone in my pocket. I was waiting otterbox to release the waterproof cover for the 6 but they still haven't. So I guess I'll wait. There's nothing wrong with my phone. It's not as fast as the wife's new 6 but that's ok.

It will be a while before I get the 6, going back to my trusted 4s when I return this s5. Going to take advantage of a $25/mo discount for month to month to save for the 64gb iPhone 6
Hmm, that's funny. I never read any negatives about the S5 until this and a few negative feedbacks on facebook AFTER I bought it lol. Either way, a huge upgrade from my Razr HD so I'm happy for now.

Have you used it as a tv remote yet?
Makes for good times at your buddys house when his Ole lady wants to watch something dumb and has no idea that technology exist.

I have att so I got the s5 active.

Couple glitches here and there but I am happy with it.

My gf was on an iphone 5 and liked the galaxy so much she switched as did her mom.

Her dad went iPhone6 from 4 and after seeing our galaxy wishes he'd gone with one too.

I mess with tv all the time.

Shut the Daytona 500 off on Sunday as everyone was dialed in.

sent on tapatalk

onepieceatatime said:
Have you used it as a tv remote yet?
Makes for good times at your buddys house when his Ole lady wants to watch something dumb and has no idea that technology exist.

Nah, haven't had time to fool with many of the features yet. I'm sure I'll test it all out with time though.

Only glitching I've seen thus far is with my HD Wallpapers app, changing the wallpaper, it's not acted right. Only minor inconvenience, and could be the app, as it is a 3rd party app.
Loving the battery on this one compared to the Razr HD too!

As for the glitching, I know some apps are not as compatible with Android 5.0 Lollipop, which is what my S5 is running, and Lollipop has a few noted issues of it's own, so that may be where some of it comes from. Still mind blowing improvement over my old phone and I thought it was a pretty good unit. :****:

onepieceatatime said:
Have you used it as a tv remote yet?
Makes for good times at your buddys house when his Ole lady wants to watch something dumb and has no idea that technology exist.

I havent used mine for the smart remote deal yet but I have been using the screen mirroring on our new TV and its an awesome feature. I have unlimited data on my phone too which is a plus, and I dont have to use up my Verizon Mifi like i do with apple tv.

TacomaJD said:
This damn S5 has officially given me a boner. Far superior device over my previous RAZR HD. Glad I ponied up the cash for this little unit.

I was surprised you were partial to the Motorola over the S5. Whether you are good with supporting them or not, Samsung makes a helluva product!

DirtMonkey said:
I was surprised you were partial to the Motorola over the S5. Whether you are good with supporting them or not, Samsung makes a helluva product!

I've just owned a bunch of Motorolas and they are pretty tough consistent phones, just haven't really been high performers.

Fawking S5 cut off while charging at some point this morning while I was asleep.....so no alarms from the phone meant oversleeping for work. It wouldn't turn back on either until I took the battery out and put it back in.

Pisses me off. Contacted ebay seller about it and he offered full refund. $340 the phone oughta work right.....dammit. Been fine other than that little mishap this morning. Hasn't been getting hot or anything to make it shut off, so I'm bumfuzzled.
I know the title says Iphone 5 but how about the Iphone6, me and the wife have the razer max had it almost 2 years and the past 6 months it has been alot of trouble the GPS will not keep working and it gets very slow with other problems so we are thinking about switching in May to apple thanks
iPhone 5s gonna upgrade to 6 I think it's so much better then the s5 i got a buddy that is dyeing to swap back to a iPhone