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It wasn't purdy enuff for me!

Thanks men! Wes I'm probably going to want to pick up some recovery tabs from you in the near future when we figure out the rear bumper.

So this little guy right here was a very important upgrade to the stock Toyota floorplan. I caught the fuel sending line with the grinder when I was prepping this area for welding and ripped it right off the nipple and it didn't go back on al that great so we made a little door to be able to get back in there easily. Sure enough when we fired it up it started spraying fuel out of this area. :mad:
fuel pump access panels are always a good idea, I hate having to drop the tank to get to that stuff:awesomework:. Give me a shout when you need those or anything else and I'll get you set up:awesomework:
hey! whats up with the slakin on the pics????

Hold yer horses son! :bananallama:

So...spent 18-20 hours working on the truck over the weekend. It seems like the more stuff we fix, the more we find wrong.:mad: Anyway, finally got to drive it and then the process of tracking down the rattles started to see if there were series or just annoying. There's also a small death wobble issue, which is now just the unbalanced swampers on beadlocks. Anyway, on to pichars!

Bed spacers so the lines kind of line up.




Did someone say something about bobbing the bed? :cheer:



Yeah! :hi:

Oh No!
which one? :fawkdancesmiley:

seriously you took a turn key wheeler and you are going to put some pride into it and make it look purdy and then it wont be a turn key wheeler, it will be a turn key nice 4x4 like the runner was.

You will think twice about rubbing a tree or taking a hard line if it means putting a love mark on the new proud metal.

You bought a care free wheeler that was fun and care free and are turning it into a "watch my door" kinda rig.

You are going to end up wheeling with JP now.

I am king of this thread! No mods allowed! Hahahahaha! :cheer:

Valid points, but I bought it with the intention of throwing the cab away from the beginning and starting with something fresher. I also want a bigger cab, I don't fit so well in those first gen cabs. :squirrel: The ability to drive to where I want to wheel in relative comfort is a good thing too, also I don't want to have tow rig and trailer just yet.

Who's JP?

I'm still needing a donor cab at this point so this build is not so great.:booo:

Hey now lol yes ill be gentle until it gets a scratch then its balls to the wall Mr brad lol

****ing muffler bearings went out already!:eeek: Spent the day fixing a bunch of little stuff. Broke the bead on all four tires with a Hi-Lift and poured in 288g of .25g Crosman Airsoft beads. The first tire pooped right off, the second took a little bit of persuasion and the other two were really easy.


Then we took her for a little drive, before it was ready to leap off the road at about 35. After the Airsoft's it went from DeathWobble to mildly annoying. Well, so far so good, so we took it out on the freeway to get some lunch and some u-joints. After we got back to Gabe's we dropped the air pressure down to around 5# and I ran it around for a half hour or so then we jacked it up off the ground and inflated the tires up to about 35#. After that we swapped the front left for the right rear and started cutting and clearancing the front fenders for the tires. After some painting, tightening up the header to muffler bolts, replacing a leaf spring bolt I took it out for another test run. Hell Yes! I can actually drive this beast now! Next weekend it comes home and goes on its maiden wheeling voyage!!!!!!!!:cheer::beer::masturbanana[1]:
She's 'bout purdy 'nuff now!

So, the truck is done for the moment!!! :awesomework: I'd like to thank a few people for their help. My girlfriend Nanda first, for putting up with me being gone every weekend for the last two months! Gabe for providing the tools, knowledge and space to complete this project. It wouldn't have happened without you dude! Brian N. for spending a weekend wrenching with us. Eric for answering a bunch of questions and having some spare FJ-80 rod ends. Rix for cleaning up some wires and being available to answer questions when we were stumped. Steve for donating a steering stabilizer to the project! Thanks guys! If I forgot to mention you, know that I appreciated your help.

Today we spooled the winch line on, mounted the steering stabilizer, Gabe welded some caps on the bumper, drained/refilled the rear diff, and did some painting. Here's the glamor shots.








