k, to start, thanks for all the responses and help most greatly appriciated, and i have been through every page of my Haynes manual with this problem. Anytime it metions TDC, it says to verify that the rotor is pointing at or just before the #1 electrode on the cap, same as every other engine.
this is a1989 with the 2.5l TBI and Renix ignition system
one day a couple weeks ago it started rough like the timing was off, it smoothed out after like 30 secs of rough idle. Then about a week later, i was being a little heavy on the throttle, and i have a loose mainshaft in my trans so it pops out of reverse occasionally, at this time it popped out of gear and reved up to about 4500 rpm, then stummbled and died. i baby this truck almost all the time and it rarly sees 3500-4000 rpms unless i am on the trail. i towed it back to my house and tore into it as i got pissed and smashed a fender and door

, i know not the smartest thing but its just the body.Anyways, i immediatly checked for spark and fuel i had both, i then lined it up to TDC and yes on a compression stroke, atleast im 95% sure. to verify this both valves should be closed and the intake starting to open correct? i then looked at the distributor and it was pointing between the # 4 electrode and the # 2 electrode, as the firing order is 1-3-4-2, so it was way out of time. i then tore the front end apart and the timing marks were more then 180* out from lining up pointing at each other at the inside of the gears, the tensioner was all the way tight and chain was loose, i replaced with complete timing set as well as a oil pan gasket due to the tensioner location, at this time i rotated the crank and left the came alone to keep valves in order, the crank is good as well as connecting rods. when i had the cover off i noticed one of my lifters was not pumped up but it is now with oil in it after be cranked a bit. Is there anyway to do a diagnostic on this RENIX 2.5L, or are the Diag. ports there for looks cause i cant find a reader for it and the parts manager at rairdon dodge monroe said no, and that the ecu wont pop any codes in this era, is this true?
new parts within a year:complete tune up, fuel pumpand filter, timing set, CPS,head gasket, EGR, o2 sensor, ontop of the other stuff that does not mater