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jeep vs toyota vs buggy

I really liked my jeep, but had to sell it to buy a house a few years ago. ran the toyota since then. I like toyotas but wouldn't call them my thing, if i did build a jeep/toyota based rig the floor, firewall, windshield, heater, 6ft of frame, and the title would probably be the only things left original, that's why i'm thinking skip straight to a buggy.

I understand what it takes to build a rig from scratch. Buying parts can be done in a day. The hardest part will be getting the tube chassis built, not just cutting tube and welding it together. But building a rig that doesn't have a million unforseen problems. i'd probably copy someone else's chassis who has something that has been well engineered, tried, and true. An alternative might be something like S&N. Even then, there is still an entire rig to build, the tube work is only as useful as a set of empty frame rails i'd get off a donor toy/jeep.

I won't let the amount of work turn me away from a buggy, if anything it'd be the trail only part that might kill it for me. but then again, i never drove my toyota on the street either. my Jeep was best of both worlds though, it drove like a caddy on the street. Then shined on the trail too, it was a triangulated 4link rear, and 3 link panhard front. coil sprung, flat belly skid, and 36" lower links. It was really nice. too bad i have no pictures of it, it was before i got on NWW.

One build on here that i'm very fond of is 4runnermikeyb's. I really like his one ton tj, it is a lot like my old one, but with the addition of coilovers, bigger axles, and bigger tires. The only thing is TJ's are soo expensive when i'm going to cut it all up anyways. i could get an s&n chassis for the cost of one.

anyways, i'm liking all of the comments, keep them coming:beer:

Just one more thing (damn #5) then I will leave the uggy guys to shuffle and wring their hands :haha: If your going to get a new rig be it a buggy or "legal"type rig take a real serious look at buying one thats done. Damn things cost a fortune to build and take forever:booo: Theres a ton of killer deals out there by buying someone elses rig thts already done or damn close:awesomework:. Hindsight being what it is if I was to do it over I would buy.
damn good call pokey you will spend half what it will cost you to build a rig if you buy one already built and maybe alittle beat. check out PBB there are tons of SIK buggies for sale on there
yeah i'm not really looking to go for a budget build like that, if that was the case i would have kept the 4runner. I'm looking to step it up in the game, and play with the big boys:fawkdancesmiley:

I have also considered buying a rig already built and making my own tweaks, it's not out of the question, just a matter of finding the right deal. That's great advice, especially with the current economy.
2001-2004 Toyota Tacoma extended cab, 3.4 motor, high pinion Dana 60s, coil overs, no bed, low on 39" tires. Keep it simple. :cool:
no budget build, I have considered buying a rig already built and making my own tweaks, the right deal, current economy.

Key words. Buying a used proven rig from a proven shop is very smart. Then tweak to your specs.
Ill play with the bigboys in my budget build. Its all about how you build it. I have a **** ton of articulation. I have lots of torq good tranny good transfer case home built drivelines. Almost done gathering everything for my cutting brakes. what can a jeep thats linked do that a leaf sprung one cant? But I am deffinetly not telling you to be unhappy with your decision, do what pleases you. If you want to go balls out build a buggy I am starting one in the fall so I can compete hopefully in 2011.
crazy, i like the tacoma idea too, i've been thinking about using a 2wd since they can be had running and driving for 2-3k then build off that. i also have a 97 4runner, and an 81 pickup i could build off of, but not sure about donating a good running and driving rig to this cause.
This style Jeep/buggy would do good around here.


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Ill play with the bigboys in my budget build. Its all about how you build it. I have a **** ton of articulation. I have lots of torq good tranny good transfer case home built drivelines. Almost done gathering everything for my cutting brakes. what can a jeep thats linked do that a leaf sprung one cant? But I am deffinetly not telling you to be unhappy with your decision, do what pleases you. If you want to go balls out build a buggy I am starting one in the fall so I can compete hopefully in 2011.

So you run the outlet mall in that bad boy lately?:fawkdancesmiley:You just busted your own balls there too, i mean if your rig is so fancy, why are you planning on building a buggy to compete in, you should just compete in your jeep.:haha:

i'm not saying your rig isn't capable of reaching a given destination. My 4runner was the same way leaf sprung, go almost anywhere. Yeah it's a nice little rig, it's gets it done, just not what i'm looking for this time around.:awesomework:

I do appreciate your enthusiasm though nate:D
yeah i like the jeep/buggy, tacoma/buggy, and just straight up buggy. At the end of the day it will be a buggy of some kind, money and luck/oppertunity will end up being the ultimate determining factor i'm sure.:masturbanana[1]:



:stirpot::stirpot::stirpot: this is what i was thinking of for a buggy
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Ill play with the bigboys in my budget build. Its all about how you build it. I have a **** ton of articulation. I have lots of torq good tranny good transfer case home built drivelines. Almost done gathering everything for my cutting brakes. what can a jeep thats linked do that a leaf sprung one cant?

Although I took my leaf sprung rig a lot of places I shouldnt have, your statement above tells me you have some experience to gain