Uh...if it went everywhere (most Toyota's do anyway:redneck

....then what's the point of a different rig? Why sell it? If you sold it only because of it's low power, did you consider swapping in a more powerful engine??? Cheaper than a new rig.....
Unless ya just wanna jump on the buggy bandwagon....

well i bought the rig exactly how it was, because the price was right, i fixed some jerry rig stuff, wheeled it for a year, and decided what i wanted was so different, i'd be better off selling it and starting over. I didn't see the point in tearing down a perfectly good rig, and changing everything, when someone else can still enjoy it.
I would have changed the axles, the suspension, the engine, and cut up the body. Then build a cage, get some real seats and harness', so i figure i'd do it again, only right the first time. tons>toys, links>leafs, 4.0/4.3/5.7>22re.
Not looking to get on any buggy bandwagons:masturbanana[1]:, i mean i don't even know anyone with a buggy, besides guys on the internets:fawkdancesmiley: i'd be the only one on my bandwagon
Not to mention at the end of the day, the choice is clear, which would you choose? Keep the old girl, or get a new hot chick? I already screwed up that one once by getting married:haha: I have no limiting factors here besides the obvious financial one, but that one can be worked on.
I'm really liking the yj/tj buggy type rigs on fullwidths. :stirpot: