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JESUS= Hope ( a thread for encouragement)

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With all the attention Chris Kyle and his story are getting here lately, I was reminded of a verse. John 15:13 ''Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" Men like Chris Kyle are not a dime a dozen, they are a rare breed, but just because we can't shoot a rattlesnake from 500 yards away doesn't mean we can not lay down our lives for our friends. There are many ways we can lay down our lives for our friends. Use Jesus as an example, long before He went to the cross and was crushed under the wright of our sins, he laid down his life for his 12 friends and showed them the way to inherit the Kingdom, he prepared them for the hardships they would face, he prayed for them, and he protected them. Chris Kyle knew Jesus Christ, and once he figured out why God gave him the gifts He did, Chris Kyle laid down his life to help others. Was He perfect? No sir, far from it. Are you and I perfect? No sir we are not. But God gave us this life to glorify him and he told us in John 15:13 how to love.


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I always like to put things in an interesting way if possible. It's like Cable Hill verses Tub Rock. Tub Rock ( compared to Cable) is an easy climb or an easy way to live life. Cable is much more difficult but the reward is far greater when accomplished. God (Christ) never said following him would be the easy most traveled path. God rewards those who take Cable Hill (the Christian faith) on and take it serious. Sometimes what's hard gets even harder, when Cable Hill get wet it seems impossible to climb, but many have done it. Same for our faith, it is going to be hard to walk in Jesus's footsteps to our last day, but it's possible. But most look at Cable hill and say man that's too hard, Or I don't have the equipment everyone else has. I'll go climb Tub Rock like everyone else. We have got to have FAITH in our Lord that hill will throw us a line if we slip and can't make it up. Some people do have better equipment or are spiritually stronger. But they are no more capable of pleasing God than the guy who is just getting started.He is always faithful to show us mercy and kindness. Read the book of John, yes the whole book. It is detailed about Jesus and his teachings. Wake up everyday looking for the path that pleases God more than the world. The reward at the end of the day will be way better than just going where everyone else does.

Read 1st Peter 5:8
4 Cell said:
I always like to put things in an interesting way if possible. It's like Cable Hill verses Tub Rock. Tub Rock ( compared to Cable) is an easy climb or an easy way to live life. Cable is much more difficult but the reward is far greater when accomplished. God (Christ) never said following him would be the easy most traveled path. God rewards those who take Cable Hill (the Christian faith) on and take it serious. Sometimes what's hard gets even harder, when Cable Hill get wet it seems impossible to climb, but many have done it. Same for our faith, it is going to be hard to walk in Jesus's footsteps to our last day, but it's possible. But most look at Cable hill and say man that's too hard, Or I don't have the equipment everyone else has. I'll go climb Tub Rock like everyone else. We have got to have FAITH in our Lord that hill will throw us a line if we slip and can't make it up. Some people do have better equipment or are spiritually stronger. But they are no more capable of pleasing God than the guy who is just getting started.He is always faithful to show us mercy and kindness. Read the book of John, yes the whole book. It is detailed about Jesus and his teachings. Wake up everyday looking for the path that pleases God more than the world. The reward at the end of the day will be way better than just going where everyone else does.

Read 1st Peter 5:8

Great word!
4 Cell said:
I always like to put things in an interesting way if possible. It's like Cable Hill verses Tub Rock. Tub Rock ( compared to Cable) is an easy climb or an easy way to live life. Cable is much more difficult but the reward is far greater when accomplished. God (Christ) never said following him would be the easy most traveled path. God rewards those who take Cable Hill (the Christian faith) on and take it serious. Sometimes what's hard gets even harder, when Cable Hill get wet it seems impossible to climb, but many have done it. Same for our faith, it is going to be hard to walk in Jesus's footsteps to our last day, but it's possible. But most look at Cable hill and say man that's too hard, Or I don't have the equipment everyone else has. I'll go climb Tub Rock like everyone else. We have got to have FAITH in our Lord that hill will throw us a line if we slip and can't make it up. Some people do have better equipment or are spiritually stronger. But they are no more capable of pleasing God than the guy who is just getting started.He is always faithful to show us mercy and kindness. Read the book of John, yes the whole book. It is detailed about Jesus and his teachings. Wake up everyday looking for the path that pleases God more than the world. The reward at the end of the day will be way better than just going where everyone else does.

Read 1st Peter 5:8

As well, on some days Tub Rock seems unclimbable but if you rely on your faith in the Lord, ANYTHING can be accomplished.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.

Guys pray for me I have been having a hard time with my faith, I can't climb a slick grassy yard, this is putting a major strain on my marriage and family. I just flat out refuse to go to Church, listen to our pastor, or even want to associate with anyone in the Church. I know partner this comes from my past actions, fighting off a addiction daily, and just being a man trying to provide for his family in today's world.

I have always been more of a show me a sermon than give me one. Yet I can't bring myself back to God or His Word....

We'll definitely keep you in our prayers. Your posts reminds me of of part of the sermon from this Sunday that dealt with community. We as believers were never intended to go at it alone; just look at the Lord's prayer and how often it states "Our". The Lord used this to teach the disciples how to pray and the repeated use of "our" shows a sense of community. This community of like minded believers lifts us up when we fall/fail as well as serves as encouragement and just as importantly Accountability for each other. I understand you not wanting to go back to church to hear a sermon but I encourage you to try to find a small group that you can begin to associate with more and draw strength and encouragement from. Many churches have developed small groups to encourage socialization beyond the doors of the church on Sun and Wed. These often include various activities of similar interests to the group with a bible study thrown in to feed the spiritual aspect of your life. Additionally, you may want to look around at some different churches to see what they have to offer in the way fellowship. Many churches Wed or Sun night services have taken more of a bible study or classroom feel to them vice a preaching service. Regardless of what path you take, you are correct in that you cannot do it yourself, you need group of men to help you through encouragement, accountability and if necessary admonishment -- BTW that last one is the hardest to take. God Bless.

TheViking said:
Guys pray for me I have been having a hard time with my faith, I can't climb a slick grassy yard, this is putting a major strain on my marriage and family. I just flat out refuse to go to Church, listen to our pastor, or even want to associate with anyone in the Church. I know partner this comes from my past actions, fighting off a addiction daily, and just being a man trying to provide for his family in today's world.

I have always been more of a show me a sermon than give me one. Yet I can't bring myself back to God or His Word....
Dan Dibble said:
Don't ever give up, you will find him when you least expect it. Keep opening doors.

Dan, we have a mutual friend. I go to church with Bryan Kook. Him and Kim are good folks. He thinks the world of you!
A man spent his life trying to find thrills, he decided he was going to climb a treacherous rock face cliff one night. He went away from camp unannounced one evening and began to climb as he got higher and higher a snow storm blew up and he was totally blinded. As he was climbing down he slipped and fell getting tangled in his rope. As he hung there freezing he cried out to God "God please save me" and again he cried out "God I will do anything you ask of me, PLEASE SAVE ME". At that moment God audibly spoke to him clearly saying "CUT THE ROPE". He again said "God I will do anything, PLEASE SAVE ME, Im freezing" God answered again clearly "Cut the rope" The man pulled his knife out and could not bring himself to cut the rope, and died there in the blizzard. The next day rescue crews followed his GPS signal and walked right up to the base of the cliff the man had been climbing and found him hanging by his rope with his knife frozen in his hand a mere 6ft from the ground. The man's faith was so weak He could not trust God. Read Hebrews Chapter 11. If God is calling you to do something, He will be Faithful to provide the means. If He is calling you to cut the ropes in your life that are keeping you from HIm, cut them. Yes sometimes there may be costs, but the reward is such a sweet reward.

"I would rather suffer for the name of Christ than prosper out of his will"- unknown
I'll read Hebrews, but in the mean time... How do you know God is speaking to you? ive always wanted to have God tell me something. It's a question I've always wanted to ask but never have. Is it just something that tugs at you, like to do the right thing? Or is there no mistaking when something like this happens?
wannabe said:
I'll read Hebrews, but in the mean time... How do you know God is speaking to you? ive always wanted to have God tell me something. It's a question I've always wanted to ask but never have. Is it just something that tugs at you, like to do the right thing? Or is there no mistaking when something like this happens?

This is one of those question that is as deep as the ocean but as shallow as a puddle. God spoke to Moses multiple times in his life most times it was audibly. He spoke to the prophets and many others in the old testament. Does God still speak audibly today? He can, he is God he can do anything. I have never heard God speak to me however I have felt the Holy Spirit many times lead me to and from places, people and decisions. A few simple things to think about. Yo will not be able to feel the spirit and feel or hear God speak to you if you don't spend time with him. You can't hear your wife speak if you stay in the shop with your buddies all night right? Most often God leads me to do things, and often times it is through conviction. I know what He expects of me and when I ignore his wishes I feel regret, and pain that I screwed up. It is funny you asked this because my wife and I are praying through something right now where we need to be extremely sensative to God's direction. I have simply asked God to make his will clear and that He would be glorified throughout the process and I have faith that He will open the right doors and shut the right doors and speak to my heart through his spirit. Generally if I have a peace about something I stick with my gut, but after 13 years my gut has bent more towards the Bible than it has in the past. Like I said there is a whole lot to that and I hope my rambling helped. I will get you some scripture in the morning!
Yea I think that makes sense. I read the first 4 or 5 books in the Old Testament and saw were he talked with them verbally and through visions and dreams. I've never had that :( I've since started reading the New Testament because a guy I work with told me that is the stuff that pertains to us in this day and age. We got on the subject because in the old testament they would sacrifice animals left and right so I asked about it, he said that was before Jesus died on the cross. And since then we no longer sacrifice things because he sacrificed for ALL of us. I've done the first few books of the New Testament and wanting to do more but my schedule has changed around and it's harder for me to read the bible. I'm super ADD and have trouble reading (and actually remember what I just read) if there's any noise I can read it 40 times and not have a he what just happened. It's not as bad when I read hardline or gun forums or facebook. Makes me feel like a douch bag for saying it but it's hard to read the bible for me. I WANTS to read it and understand it, but it's hard to understand which makes it hard to stay focused. I tryed listening to it in the car but i couldn't focus. I've got this plan to go sit out in the front porch at Night and read the bible but I haven't yet. I grew up in church, like every Sunday for YEARS, yet before I started reading the bible (~2ontha ago) I couldn't tell you anything about it. I want to change all that now. I really want to be Christ like. It's hard though, if I put half as much effort into church/God/bible ect.. As I do guns and cars and work id be a saint!
And I don't expect much of that to be complete sentences or make too much sense but I'm on an iPhone and by the time you type a large sentence your brain is 50 sentences ahead and you just ramble on.. ;D
wannabe said:
Yea I think that makes sense. I read the first 4 or 5 books in the Old Testament and saw were he talked with them verbally and through visions and dreams. I've never had that :( I've since started reading the New Testament because a guy I work with told me that is the stuff that pertains to us in this day and age. We got on the subject because in the old testament they would sacrifice animals left and right so I asked about it, he said that was before Jesus died on the cross. And since then we no longer sacrifice things because he sacrificed for ALL of us. I've done the first few books of the New Testament and wanting to do more but my schedule has changed around and it's harder for me to read the bible. I'm super ADD and have trouble reading (and actually remember what I just read) if there's any noise I can read it 40 times and not have a he what just happened. It's not as bad when I read hardline or gun forums or facebook. Makes me feel like a douch bag for saying it but it's hard to read the bible for me. I WANTS to read it and understand it, but it's hard to understand which makes it hard to stay focused. I tryed listening to it in the car but i couldn't focus. I've got this plan to go sit out in the front porch at Night and read the bible but I haven't yet. I grew up in church, like every Sunday for YEARS, yet before I started reading the bible (~2ontha ago) I couldn't tell you anything about it. I want to change all that now. I really want to be Christ like. It's hard though, if I put half as much effort into church/God/bible ect.. As I do guns and cars and work id be a saint!

I talked with a close friend today and told him the same thing. I can read a tech forum all night but struggle to read the Bible, and I'm training to pastor and lead churches! The Old Testament is just as important as the new, but try this. Get a study bible and read 1 paragraph a night and really study what happened who it happened to and what were the out omes. Pray before you start and ask God to clear your mind. He will speak to you through is word. I also like Oneplace app and listen to Adrian Rogers. Good stuff!
Just got home from a devotional. The guy speaking held his bible out flat and raised the top cover and said this is the top lip and the back cover Is the bottom lip and if you want to hear God speak, you have to open his mouth........that's a good place for all of us to start hearing more right there!

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Hey guys a little update on myself.

I spoke with a man today about the possibility of employment at his company and spent close the thirty minutes on the phone. I was actually shocked because this man placed his add as a Christian business man and honestly a little leary as I have "been there and worked for that guy" before with his practice in business lining up with Scripture. It waz provocative it even got me in the Bible today for an hour plus and reading up on a bit of literature I found for rekindling my relationship with God. Now I have no clue if I will even get the job but prayers please and if it's not the job for me then pray God gives this man who he needs asap.

I want to thank the Hardliners for the prayers and the prayer and encouraging texts today. I'm truly blessed to be able to study God's Word with some Busted Knuckle Films playing in the background. Also still continue prayer and me either finding a new Church or for God to remove the bitterness about my last Church. I will say I found a program from a previous Church service exactly three years ago tomorrow that was kinda freaky.

Thank you again and God bless my brother's in Christ.

Proverbs 4
Romans 4:5
I Corinthians 2:9
Its easy for those of us who have come to know the Lord to lose sight of what He wants for us in this crazy world, Lord knows I have strayed far off the righteous path! However I am trying to walk the walk, and be the man he intends for me to be, it is just so difficult to do in this day and age of modern societies temptations! There are a few bible verses that I have been trying to keep on my mind that help me remember what i should be striving for here on this big rock!

Romans 12:2- Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is. His good, pleasing and perfect will.

Proverbs 3:5-6- Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your path straight.
If you can listen to Moody Radio my wife has this on 24/7 in our kitchen I was loading and unloading the dishwasher before lunch and it helped me.
By far the best thread on here even if 99.999% of Hardline didn't agree!

I'm going to ask for some prayers for my mother in law found out yesterday she is going through surgery again, we knew this already, but if they can't do anything with the leg the Dr will have to amputate her leg below the knee which is something my mother in law isn't really wanting. Surgery will be April the 12th so we are praying for God's guidance for the Dr, his medical staff, our family, and for God's will and peace no matter the outcome for my mother in law.

I myself struggle with a blind prayer not knowing and having a direct outcome so I'm trying to learn and mature in all of this myself.

Also thanks again for your prayers its helping my family and me daily please keep it up!