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JESUS= Hope ( a thread for encouragement)

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Got your message Bubba, thanks for the kind words from you and "old man" Greg. We may not see each other much, but we where part of the crew that started this craze of rock loving and will always be friends.
4 Cell said:
Got your message Bubba, thanks for the kind words from you and "old man" Greg. We may not see each other much, but we where part of the crew that started this craze of rock loving and will always be friends.

Here is another one from the book


What is free will? Is it something that we can't change? NOPE, free will is the freedom of choose. It is the freedom to choose what, where, when, and why we do the things we do. Free will is probably one of the greatest things God gave to us, besides His Son Jesus (besides Himself). A lot of people don't understand why or wonder why God would give them free will. Why wouldn't He just make it to where we had no other choice? He does this out of love for us, we are His creation, and He designed us so we had a choice. Now that you have a choice how are you going to act on it? A great illustration was presented to me somewhat about this very situation.
Let's begin by looking and the sun and the moon. When we have a full moon does it illuminate itself? Nope, the light you see is a reflection of the sun. Such as we should be a reflection of the Son of Man. We should shine in the darkness so bright that the darkness has to flee. However, there are going to be times when you're going to fall into darkness. Much like the Moon does when we can't see it. Ever wonder why we can't see the moon all the time? That's because the world gets in it way of the sun. Too often times we allow the world to blind us from the light. We may see where the light is coming from, but because of our pride we tend to stay there in hopes no one sees the truth. That's where we fall into this worlds grip and lose sight or the focus we have on God. We become disobedient to God, which causes us to lose hope, joy and peace. Then it becomes a blame game. It is much easier for someone to say I wasn't responsible, then they wouldn't have to claim the responsibility. If they had claimed that they were responsible then it would show how irresponsible that they are. This is where pride will kill you every time, but there is a solution.
Have you ever been in a dark room and turned on the light? The darkness seems to hide doesn't it? That's because the darkness doesn't like being in the light because it unveils the truth. The truth is we cannot do this on our own. We must accept Gods help (Jesus). How do we do this, by being obedient to His Word. Just like when we lose the moon in the darkness, its obedience to God allows it to come back into the light to shine bright for us again. Even the moon has to obey God.
We talked earlier about being ashamed of our problems. How we would much rather hide our troubles/scars from everyone because they were much too hard to share. Think about the moon. When it is at its fullest it's so beautiful and majestic that it almost mesmerizing, but if you look close enough you can see craters, cracks, and blemishes all over it where is has been beaten and bruised by everything that has been thrown at it. Yet when you step back it is one of the most beautiful thing God created.
Listen we all have scars, we all have bruises, but that doesn't mean you can't shine for God and be as beautiful as He wants you to be. Stop hiding in the dark and come to the light that is where we are most beautiful at. In His eyes!

I post a lot of these on my Facebook page. If y'all want me to continue to post here just let me know. If not, let me know also. Thanks
The Christian Judicial System

Everyone has heard about, or maybe even been through, our Judicial System. How the court system that man runs sometimes, but not all the time, makes mistakes. Well I'm here to tell you about the Christian Judicial System (CJS) that never fails.
Let's start from the beginning, the first time God presumably had to use this system (Hypothetically) was when Lucifer was cast out of Heaven. See, he wanted to be like God (envy) and saw how God was doing things and thought that he could do a better job (pride) (Isaiah 14:13-14). That's when God cast him out of heaven into the garden (his 1st. Offense, Isaiah 14:15; Ezekiel 28:16-17). When this happened, Satan (God changes Lucifer name to Satan) got mad at God and sighted his revenge on God by deceiving Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:1-14 his 2nd offense). At that point, God indicted Satan and passed judgment on him by casting him out of the garden and into the ground below us. Basically God was putting him in a holding cell. As this was happening, God turned to us and, as we were first time offenders, He cast us out of the garden as well. God told us that we now have to earn our keep if we want to live (Genesis 3:16-19). I can just hear God now saying "Y'all had it made here, free room and board, but nooooo you had to be disobedient! Get out!" Here is the great part, He never said we couldn't come back, just not in this body. You see, because God loved us so much, what He did was put us on what we normally call a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order). From that point forward we had to earn our way back into heaven. Starting with the 10 commandments and the sacrifice of our best to God (Community Service). After many years of this and hardly anyone getting it right because they were trying to represent themselves (I can just hear Him now "A man who represents himself has a fool for a lawyer!"). Not to mention every time God put Satan in his hole, we bonded him out with our negative attitudes. When we speak hate we bring on hate, when we speak doubt we bring on doubt, when we speak fear we bring on fear. These are Satan's tools to get to you so remember that. Knowing that we can't handle this alone, God does something amazing! So what does God do?? He sends us His best! He sends us Jesus! (John 3:16) and not to prosecute (condemn) us, but to give us eternal life (John 3:17). At this point when you accept Jesus and abide by Him, your TRO is lifted. When the TRO is lifted, you enter what is known as witness protection. Following Jesus which is the way, the truth, and the light is where you will find your salvation (John 14:6, Matthew 16:24-26). It is where your life really begins and Satan's ends. If you keep your focus on Him, He and He alone can save you. Now, He did not promise easy, but He did however promise eternal. How do we get into and stay in such an awesome program? Rev. 12:11 tells us by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony. Have you testified about Jesus' love for you today? Have you accepted God's gift through His Son Jesus to make intercession for you on His behave? Have you asked for God's help? Have you asked for Jesus?
If y'all want me to continue to post here just let me know. If not, let me know also. Thanks

Keep Preaching Brother, I enjoy reading your post.. God Bless
This is for all of my friends that enjoy football.

If you like to watch football like most of you do, I would like to ask you a few questions about it. We'll start off with this one, how many teams are on the field? I am guessing all of you said two, but what if I had told y'all that there were three teams on the field (I can see the puzzled look in y'all is eyes)? Yep there's three teams on the field. You have your two opposing teams that are battling it out for the win. Their only goal is to win at any cost. Like to gladiators fighting to the death with only one thing on their mine, to survive and win. However, in this game the third team I mentioned is there to keep them within the rules of the game. Have you guessed the third team yet? I have imaged you have. It is the team officials. Their job is to make sure both teams are adhering to the rules and regulations of the game. In order to do this they have to abide by a rule book. They have to study this rule book, understand each rule in it, memorize it, and follow them to a tee. If they don't, they are not much more than the fans that are in the stadium that are there to cheer on their favorite team. Once they pass their test and take the oath as an official, they are allowed to join their own team on the field.
Now on to the next question, what happens when an official throws a flag on the field? Does he just make up his own judgment call and pass down whatever punishment that he sees fit? Nope, he has to relate that infraction to the Referee (The head of all the officials on the field, the one with the white hat on), in which then the Referee makes the call whether or not the infraction will stand or be turned over.
What happens if the Referee cannot make the judgment call on the field? He sends it up to the press box where the final Ref. which has the power to see all the plays (including the one that is in question) with a video in the instant replay booth. With these videos he can see all of the play from every angle you could imagine and make the final call.
Now I want you to implement how the official regulates the game into your Christian walk. Are you just a fan in the stands cheering on your favorite team in hopes of a win? We have plenty of them every Sunday morning that come to church just to occupy a seat out of an obligation to themselves. They are there just to make themselves look good or think it's their duty to be there. Are you a player on the field trying to win this game to which you're playing called "Life", doing anything or everything possible, and at any cost to win? We have plenty of those half believers too. They are the one who think that the "Good O'l boy" way of life will do just fine. They're the one don't always follow the rules unless it falls with there way of thinking or are you playing by the rules and regulations laid out for you in the rule book (bible) to see this game of "Life" to its end? We don't have to worry with winning the game. Jesus said it Himself in John 19:30 "It is finished". To me, this is equivalent to saying "Game Over", we won. All we have to do now is fight the good fight and finish the game (2 Timothy 4:7).

Oh and there's just one more question I want to ask. As we look at all the "Teams" on the field, which of the teams uniforms never change from game to game and what do they look like? They are black and white right? Black and white what, "stripped" right? Isn't that a coincidence that they would wear uniforms that are stripped? How many times have you ever seen the fans beat up on or ridiculed them for the calls they make on the field because it wasn't in their teams favor? How many times have you been beat up on or ridiculed for your walk with Christ? God never said this walk would be easy, but He did say He would walk with you and help you see it till the end. There He said it would be worth it.
Sure am glad that you guys have got this tread up and running again. As many I have gotten busy and not been checking in much. Rally don't get on Hardline as much as I use to as I have too many irons in the fire. Just to refresh and invite. I am David Austin of www.c4x4.com and also coordinate the www.Crawl4Christ.com events. I will do my best to stay better in contact with you all.

God Bless You and Yours....
Here is another one for you all.

Most of you have driven a car. There are 2 things in a car that help you see what is going on around you. You have a rearview mirror and a windshield. The rearview mirror helps you when you're backing up (or backing out of situations that you allow yourself to get into). It is even critical to peek at every now and then as you move forward. It helps you to see where you have been whether that be good or bad and learn from it, but a much bigger piece of glass called the windshield is more important than your rearview mirror. Why you ask, it's because although the rearview mirror is important, it small and insignificant compared to the bigger picture (Which is your windshield) that is in front of you called your future.
This is our marching orders friends. We must March forward and NOT reside in our past. When we stand in our past we can see our future. Why do you think they make them (the rearview mirror) so small and place them up and out of the way?
Speaking of marching orders, we were studying about marching orders and how God gives us detailed instructions on what to do. When He told Joshua that to have his army March around the walls of Jericho Gods detail instructions were to:
(Joshua 6)
1- Have your army march before the Ark of the Covenant.
2- Have seven priest March before the Ark sounding seven trumpets of ram's horns.
3-The army of men shall not shout nor say a word while marching around Jericho once a day for 6 days (*note 6 days).
4-On the 7th day (*note day 7) God told Joshua to march around the city seven time and when the priest blow their horns the longest he had the shout to the Lord.

Now what this is telling me that for 6 days God had them in prayer mode. Note He didn't tell them to curse at the wall, nor did He tell them to throw rocks at the wall or even acknowledge that it was even there. It's was like He was telling them to March forward and listen to what I have to say. On the 7th day God gave them a different set of instructions than He did on the first 6. On the seven He wanted them to spend more time in prayer mode (Worship time) and when they were finished He had the shout out to them bring down the walls.
Now let's bring this to 2015. What are you doing in your 6 days (Monday through Saturday) that is preparing you to bring your walls of Jericho down? Are in your prayer mode or worldly mode. Are you casting stones and cursing your stopping you from your joy, from your hope, or dreams? Have you asked or even tried to receive your orders today?
I'm with you Hot Rod! Idk if you know it or not but 3 years ago I called our ole Buddy Showtime and had him come talk to me after reading some of his post on Facebook! Of all places The Lord was tugging on my heart as hard as I have ever felt after reading a post on social media!!! After just a few minutes Roger was leading me to The Lord!! Now 3 years later My Wife and I are teaching a Sunday School class at South Shelby Baptist Church. This post has reached several people already and lets hope it continues to reach them! Ill leave you with Psalm 145:18

The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
JJC1976 Thanks for sharing. It means a lot to hear how post help someone. So often we think that it all goes for nothing.
daveoffroad said:
JJC1976 Thanks for sharing. It means a lot to hear how post help someone. So often we think that it all goes for nothing.

Yes thanks JJC1976, A lot of times we post on what we consider to be deaf ears, but to here the testimonies of gentlemen like you afterwards makes all the difference in the world. Confirmation that God is still in control and He along gets all the glory!
So what saves us and gets us to heaven? Jesus does. The gospel (good news) is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried and was raised from the dead on the third day (1 Cor. 15:1-4.) It's God's action through Christ that saves us, not membership in a church. When you stand before Christ in the judgment, he won't ask to see your church membership card, but he will ask, "Do I know you?" And the only way to know Jesus is through his gospel – believing that he is God's Son (literally God in flesh,) that he is the Messiah promised in the Old Testament, that he died and rose again on our behalf to erase our sins, and that he is now undisputed Lord of all. Once a person accepts that gospel from the heart, places his or her faith in Jesus to save him from hell and put him in heaven, repents of his past, and is baptized, he moves into the Christian life - the life of the saved (Acts 2:22-41.) So the only ones who are going to heaven are those who've been truly reborn spiritually. As Jesus put it, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." (John 3:3.)
This brings about a change, a change in how you think, your life style, and your attitude. With change comes Hope, Joy and Peace. Speaking of changing, I did somewhat of a study on caterpillars and found some interesting stuff on it. Did you know that the caterpillar has 12 eyes, 6 on each side of its head? They are arranged in a semicircle. You would think that he has perfect vision, but that's not the case. They merely are there to differentiate between light and dark. They are unable to see images. Now when the caterpillar cocoons itself, there is all of these changes going on. This is what is known as metamorphosis (The Greek word for Metamorphoun, which means to transfer or to change shape). Because of this change it no longer has those eyes. Everything turns into a goop, but somehow the brain stays intact. A study was done on some caterpillars where they were introduced to a certain smell, and when they came within a certain distance of that smell they were given an electric shock (not a severe one, just a little jolt). It eventually recognized the smell with the pain, but never knew what it was that was causing it or why because it could not see it. While in the cocoon though the eyes develop and so do a lot of other things like the wings. They are already inside the caterpillar. Amazing huh? Do you know what else is amazing, those 12 eyes turn into 2, but this time around they have a multitude of lenses that causes the butterfly to see more clearly. Now it not only can see what the smell was that was causing it pain, it also now knows what and why it was trying to keep it from it. It no longer wants any part of that smell. Think about the story from Saul to Paul. When Saul was out to find Christians he was blinded by what he thought was right because of what he was taught by men (Acts 9). However, when Jesus intervened, he was physically blinded. Jesus then sent him into the city where he was cocooned (surrounded by) by Christians where he metamorphosed into Paul. By cocooning Saul with Christians he was basically placing His (God's) hands around Saul for protection during this time. Now see, we are the working hands of God entrusted to do His work. When his eyes opened he immediately saw what he was doing and did not want any part of that life again.

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

In summary; you don't have to go to church to be saved, but sure is nice to fellowship and worship with a church family where they can hold you accountable and keep you safe. I love my church.
Rescue, What is your book called?

I hate that people think they need to "clean up" before they come to Christ. Paul was on his way to kill more Christians when he met Christ, the thief on the cross was in the midst of his punishment for his crimes when he met Christ, countless lepers, the most vile and disgusting people alive at that time came to Christ in all their sickness to be healed. The fact is we CAN'T clean up to come to Christ. I know so many men who tell me "I am going to work on some things and then Im going to come to your church" or "I need to get this straight before I can get saved". There are probably men reading this thread who say "I wanna change, I have to straighten up and get right with God". I will tell you all right now that is a LIE from satan. Come to Jesus just like you are, bow at His feet, and let HIM change you. I didn't quit doing all the "bad things" I was a slave to, then come to Christ; I came to Him broken and desperate, I gave Him my life and He began to work in my life. Through discipleship, prayer and the power of Holy Spirit, I began to love Him more than I loved the "bad" things I was doing, and those 'bad things" began to leave my life. Every other organized religion on this earth is about what YOU have to do to "fit in" (not sure what the exact word or phrase is). If we think that WE have to clean up to come to Christ, we are diminishing his power, and modeling our thoughts after all the other religions in the world. Our Faith is in what Christ did when he was crucified on the cross and three days later rose from the dead. Romans 5:8 reads "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." I t does not read "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were behaving well and not doing bad things, Christ died for us." We clean up to go on dates with our wives or girlfriends. We go to the cross as we are, dirty, broken, and covered in sin, then we get washed in His precious blood. Ephesians 1:7 "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace". It is exciting and encouraging seeing the recent interest in this thread. There are a ton of great thoughts coming through here! Keep it up fellas, it truly is an encouragement to see these posts after a long day of ministering to and shepherding people on top of the regular 9 to 5 job! You guys are a true blessing!
Its called "The Huddle". We are still editing it and it hasn't been to the publishers office yet. We hope by Christmas thou. I get a lot of this not only from the Holy Spirit, but from a group of Godly men at work. There are about 6 or 7 of us that on our first break at work (ANAD) and get into the scriptures. We break them down as far as what they were doing, how they were doing it, and how we can implement that into 2015. I'm not a pastor or a priest, I'm just Bubba Hughes and these are the revelations He has given me. I enjoy writing about Christ and what He done for me and how He shows me things that I never before would have seen. Its funny before I didn't see Jesus in nothing , but now I see Him everywhere. The book is more of a help book than it is a reaching people that don't know God. We (Me and the Holy Spirit) started writing one on commitment and faith, How we are so committed when we (some not all) are at start of the obstacles and have so much faith in our equipment, but don't have half the amount of faith in a living God. I cant wait to finish it and post it here.

Thanks for the testimony money_pits_yj, the best sermon you will ever here is someone's testimony.

(P.S. please don't mind the miss spelled words or grammar in the sentences, I am not the sharpest tool in the shed when it come to writing.)
To me, writing my thoughts is so much harder than speaking a sermon. It is hard to get humor, passion, sarcasm, etc. to translate to paper, you do a good job expressing your thoughts!
I am quite the opposite, most of the time when I try to preach or spread His Word, I screw it up because I try to do it. There is usually a disconnect that happens from my brain to my mouth and it gets me in more trouble than I can count. Writing helps me be more accountable for what I say. I guess this helps me more to get out of His way so I can stay more in His way.
Rescue1 said:
I am quite the opposite, most of the time when I try to preach or spread His Word, I screw it up because I try to do it. There is usually a disconnect that happens from my brain to my mouth and it gets me in more trouble than I can count. Writing helps me be more accountable for what I say. I guess this helps me more to get out of His way so I can stay more in His way.

God made it that way! Paul talks about spiritual gifts and talents in 1 Corinthians chapter 12. Your a hand that writes, I'm a mouth that speaks, there are many feet and hands that do, but we are all gifted by the Holy Spirit! Praise God I'm ready to tackle someone and tell them about Jesus!!!!
Something we studied at work one time and how we need to improve on our introductions (or being better Christians) to Jesus. I didn't write this , but I thought I would share it here.

The 5 Dumbest things that Christians do.
By Mark Atteberry
1. Sling Mud at the Bride of Christ: Revelations 19:7-8
(A) Image how upset the Lord must be when we sling mud on His Bride. It is natural to expect the world to disrespect the church, but when we as the church do it to one another this is tragic.
(B) 4 types of mudslingers: the missing- hurt by and won't return; the malcontents- whiners and complainers; the moochers- what can the church do for me; the misbehavers- immature believers.
If you were unhappy about something or someone in your church would you be more likely to keep it to yourself or share it? If you choose to speak up, who would you talk to and why? Have you do this is the past?
2. Winning people to the church rather than the Lord. Hebrews 12:2, John 6:66
(A) Many churches seem to have a revolving door effect ministries (i.e. people come and people go). It is silly to think that one church will keep everyone that comes through the door, but one way to retain more is give them more of Jesus and less of what we as the church have to offer.
(B) It's not your pastors, priest, deacons, or choirs job to bring someone to Christ, It starts with us as the concretion (the body) to go out and lead them or introduce them to Jesus.
What personal experiences could you share with people that would illustrate hoe Jesus is the YOUR way, Your Truth, and Your Life?
3. Living below the level of our belief: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
(A) There are those moments of sin that we have that flow out of our nature of humanity and then there are the conscience decisions to commit sin. Once we have accepted Christ into our lives it is important that we start the process of maturity. Unfortunately there are many who live below their level of belief.
What are some practical things that you can do to keep your heart from growing insensitive to sin?
4. Speaking above the level of your knowledge: 1 Timothy 1:6-7
(A) We often hear sermons about the liars, gossipers, and the one who slander, but the sin of speaking above your knowledge is hardly ever heard. The one that speaks above his or her knowledge is one that misrepresents scripture, uses the Word as a weapon for selfish gain, or speaks of things that or not known to be completely factual.
Have you ever expressed a negative opinion of someone, only to discover sometime later that you were completely mistaken? Have you ever passed a juicy bit of information, only to discover later that it was not true?
5. Jumping from Church to Church: Romans 12:10-13
(A) Many Christians have a tendency to "hop" from church to church without ever settling down in one place and making a long term commitment. Most of the time they are afraid they will have to perform some kind of duty or be liable to commit to something they feel like they don't want to do. Atteberry says there are two breeds of "hoppers": The complainers and the consumers, both of these share one thing in common, "ME".
What do you feel would be some legitimate reasons for leaving on church and joining another? What are some illegitimate reasons?