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JESUS= Hope ( a thread for encouragement)

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Love that song man. That's the first time I have heard it and it want be the last time, I promise! Adding it to my list now. Thanks
Law and Grace cannot and will not mixed
This past weekend me and my family (to include my immediate, parents, and siblings) went on a vacation to Tennessee to a car show called "The Rod Run". My brother arrived early Thursday and decided to pick up some groceries for everyone to eat throughout the weekend. While he was picking up some bacon for breakfast a gentleman was walking past him and told my brother that it was a sin to eat pork. He even quoted scripture to back up his belief (notice I said "HIS" belief). My brother who is not really that knowledgeable in the scriptures asked me if it was true. Man did we have a great bible study on this. Here is how our study went.
Let's look at eating of pork in Leviticus chapter 11; we see where the Lord is talking to Moses about clean and unclean animals. It also says it again Deuteronomy 14 that we should not eat pork. My question is why? If God made animals and saw that they were good (Genesis 1:24-25), then why would he then say to Moses that you shall not eat of them?
If you did a deeper study you will find out that the people of that day were still sacrificing the best they had for God. Some of the nations that Moses was concurring were idolizing many different things. One of which was the pig. To keep them from falling victim from it , because they were weak in their faith, God told Moses that they were not to get them and fall out of their obedience from God. God had to give them certain rules and regulations to live by in order to reach heaven, but even that they could not follow.
Image this, if you get into your car and took a long trip, could you follow all the rules and regulations of the law? I highly doubt you could. You see, there would be times where you may have to make a quick lane change and forget to use your turn signals or speed up to pass someone. Although you did get caught by the police you still broke the law, right? You may think you got away with it, but God saw you. Now this may or may not weigh on your conscience and you may overlook it as if it was no big deal, but when it came to Gods laws it was and is a VERY big deal. God knew this was going to happen so what He did was He sent His one and only Son Jesus to help. He knew because we are in the flesh that obedience to the law was probably going to be impossible. For all have sinned and fell short of His Glory (Romans 3:23). By sending His Son Jesus He showed us the love He had for us so by His grace we could be saved. It was that action on the cross where Jesus died for our sins that made it so if we were to stumble we could still be covered by His blood. The past present and future sins we do are now covered by grace See Jesus did not come to abolish to law, but rather be saved through Him. This way God's grace and mercy is fulfilled through His Son Jesus. Paul tells in Romans 3:20 that no human can be justified in the sight of God in his own works (being your own works, you can't do this by yourself) since through the law comes the knowledge of sin. Paul also tells us in Ephesians 2:4-10 that we cannot be saved by the law, but grace by our faith in Christ Jesus. This way no man has to be left behind sort of speak. Jesus did however tell us that there were two main laws to live by, 1- Love God with all your heart, your soul, and you mind.2- love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:34-40). If we can grasp those to laws the rest is easy.
(Also look at verses: Mark 7:14-22, Roman 14:1-4, 21, 1 Corinthians 8)

God says for us to be joyful all the time no matter what. Don't forget everything happens for God's plan, purpose and glory. Be thankful for everything and pray about everything. Keep bothering God about what's bothering you and he will take care of it. Have a good day!

James 1:12
Blessed is the man who stays steadfast in times of trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him.
Revelation 7:9-10
After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"
Do you know what some people are thinking today? "If all of these people are going to be saved in the Great Tribulation, I will just wait until then to be saved." Ummm... pardon me, but that's just ignorance and we all know the difference between ignorance and stupidity. Stupidity is not knowing the truth and ignorance is knowing the truth, but doing it your way anyways.
First of all you may die before the Great Tribulation and if that happens you're going to hell without Jesus Christ (Kind of like not passing GO or collecting your riches God has in store for you in heaven! DUH!) If I were unsaved I wouldn't want to wait another 5 minutes to give my heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing what I know today.
Secondly, you will not believe on the Lord Jesus Christ during the Great Tribulation. Millions will, but not you because 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 says, "For this reason God sends them a strong delusion so that they will believe what is false, so that all will be condemned- those who did not believe the truth, but enjoyed unrighteousness". After the rapture there will be not one iota of Hope left for anyone who has knowingly refused the truth of Jesus Christ. Hope will be lost and the Holy Spirit will return back to God. There will be no more revelation knowledge given by the Spirit, therefore hope will be lost.
Thirdly, even if you could be saved during the Great Tribulation, that would be a foolish decision. Do you really want to go through all sorrow, horror, pain, and perhaps the worst, be DECAPITATED for the cause of Christ? I mean really.....you think He wants that for you? I don't think so scooter! Me, myself would rather go another way. I want would rather be on the first bus out than go through all that!
Fourth, why would you want to miss out on knowing Jesus today? A lot of people say "Get right with Jesus, you may die!" I say "Get right with Jesus so may live!" There is no, not any greater joy than knowing Jesus Christ!

Adrian Rogers on Rev. 7:9-10
Glad I found this thread!

Great posts you've been making Bubba..

Here's a few thoughts that I've been pondering the last several months and that are SO SIMPLE have been pretty revolutionary for me and I'm sure others:

"There's nothing you can do to make God love you more, our righteousness is as filthy rags, and honestly that's kind of depressing; BUT what is so important to see is that there is NOTHING you can do to make God love you LESS!!!!"

- No its not a "get-out-of-jail-free" card like some would want to say, but its an understanding that I am a man. A normal human being & I WILL fail from time to time, but God still loves me and if I stay in his will then his grace is always sufficient. Its so freeing. When you know that Gods love and grace is enough for me, it makes it so easy to serve and share with others.

Now this was so revolutionary for me because I was really going through a dry season in my faith this past year:

"Kindling is easier to set on fire when its dry!"

- Wow! It blew my mind.. I was so dry and down and out about my faith and just felt like I couldn't go anywhere. And its like God just spoke that to me. Kindling is easier to set on fire when its dry! I was so dry and when I stopped trying for myself and gave it to God, he set my fields on fire! There's a season for everything.

Awesome thread. Stay strong everyone!
"Staying connected"

I love using metaphors to get the Word out. To see the look in peoples eyes when they finally get it is so awesome. They are also sometimes called witnessing tools to show how God works. These witnessing tools are all around us. They're things we use every day, but often times over look. There was one giving to me a couple of days ago that really made me think how God is always with us and is always looking over us.
To start out with we must think like children. We must set our minds on simpler things and not this hectic world we live in today. Just like when we were little children growing up in Sunday school, where were we told God was at? Some may say all around us and that is great, but simply things I was told God was in Heaven. Where did they say Heaven was at? I bet more times than not you were told that Heaven was in the sky above the clouds.
Now we have to jump forward to this day and age where I minds are not so simple. We have to look at this as adults to see how it relates to our relationship with God. As I stated before we as children often times told God was in Heaven and Heaven was above the clouds. So looking at this now from an adults stand point, what is above the clouds? I'm not talking about the stars, the moon, or the plants. Not even talking about outer space. What is floating around just above the clouds that constantly circling the earth? Satellites. What are they constantly doing? Constantly sending and receiving messages right. So, if we use the satellite as a metaphor for God then we can see how He knows all and sees all.
Now I want you to pull out your cell phone. If you are like the majority of the population you probably have a smart phone. One of those phones that have everything, but first you have to activate your cell phone in your name. Once you do, you can put all your contacts in it and your personal things. It becomes just as much a part of you as you are of it. The activation of the serve in your cell phone is much like your activation in Christ. You know Him and He knows you. Heck your phone even knows your voice just like Christ does and these phones have so many apps that it will make your head spin. There are so many uses for them that it seems endless. So, here is my question for you about your cell phone, if you were lost in the middle of nowhere, how would you use that phone to get directions? Would call someone and ask for directions? That seems logical, but I can bet 40% to 50% of the time the directions you get will have you even more lost. When we rely on other peoples direction we sometimes get a false reading. They have no idea of where you're really at and if you're lost you don't either. There's an app. on your phone for that, with pin point accuracy, it will tell you exactly where you're at and will give you the correct directions on how to get to your destination. And where does your phone get this information? That's right, from the satellite. And where is the satellite? Yep, above the clouds. Now if we are using this satellite as a metaphor for God, then why aren't we asking Him for directions in our daily walk such as we use the app. to tell us where to go?
I had a lot of questions about the use of a cell phone in my demonstration of how we need to be more connected and you be astounded on how close you can relate the two. First question was, what if you lose service? How many times have we lost service with God? How many times have we lost our way and choose to take our own path? How many times in our daily walk have we lost focus on our heavenly agenda? Besides what is the first thing we do when lose service on our phones? We hold the up in the air in hopes of getting reconnected. What are we look up in the sky for? Kinda makes ya think huh? Next question was what if the batteries go dead? Do we not try our best to keep the battery charged on our phone? In fact I will be willing to bet most of us never leave the house without a charger. Why aren't we recharging ourselves with Gods Word? We need charging just as much if not more often than that phone you're carrying. The last question I got was the service on the phone only last so long, what then? I calmly told them that your life on this planet only last so long too. What are you doing with it to glorify God?

GPS (Gods Plan for Salvation)
Dwill817 said:
Glad I found this thread!

Great posts you've been making Bubba..

Here's a few thoughts that I've been pondering the last several months and that are SO SIMPLE have been pretty revolutionary for me and I'm sure others:

"There's nothing you can do to make God love you more, our righteousness is as filthy rags, and honestly that's kind of depressing; BUT what is so important to see is that there is NOTHING you can do to make God love you LESS!!!!"

- No its not a "get-out-of-jail-free" card like some would want to say, but its an understanding that I am a man. A normal human being & I WILL fail from time to time, but God still loves me and if I stay in his will then his grace is always sufficient. Its so freeing. When you know that Gods love and grace is enough for me, it makes it so easy to serve and share with others.

Now this was so revolutionary for me because I was really going through a dry season in my faith this past year:

"Kindling is easier to set on fire when its dry!"

- Wow! It blew my mind.. I was so dry and down and out about my faith and just felt like I couldn't go anywhere. And its like God just spoke that to me. Kindling is easier to set on fire when its dry! I was so dry and when I stopped trying for myself and gave it to God, he set my fields on fire! There's a season for everything.

Awesome thread. Stay strong everyone!

Kindling is easier to set fire when dry.........I like that! You got to trust Him even when you can't trace Him!
Early Saturday bump.....

Just said a prayer fro everyone on here and for our country.

Our country needs it. :'(
Romans Road to Hope.
Is there any hope?
The future is uncertain. Families are falling apart and drugs are ruining our cities and schools. Diseases are killing people every day.
Is there any hope?
Can you find peace and joy in your heart? Can you have fulfillment, power and strength to live meaningful lives? Does anyone really care?
YES!!!!!!! There is HOPE!!!! Jesus loves and cares for you more than you can imagine!!
(Romans 15:13 " Now the God of hope fill you with all the joy and peace in believing, that he may abound (exist in large numbers or amounts) in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.)
In His Word, the Bible, we find the road to hope.
The first stop on the Road to Hope is power! There is power capable of giving you hope. The Bible tells us God has that power.
(Romans 1:16-17 For I am not ashamed of the gospel,(Why?) because it is the power of God that brings salvation (deliverance from sin and its consequences), to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel (God's good news) the righteousness of God is revealed —a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith.")
The second stop on the Road to Hope is change. The release of God's power results in a change in you. The biblical word for change is Repentance. (To Repent: To feel regret or contrition; to change one's mind.)The means that you're allowing God to change the direction of your life in obedience to His Word.
(Romans 2:4 "The goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance ")
Why is change necessary? A universal problem the Bible calls "sin" makes change necessary for all of us.
(Romans 3:23 "For we have sinned and fell short of the Glory of God.") Sin means "missing the mark". It is failing to meet God's standard for how we ought to live.
The third stop on the Road to Hope is God's Love. Although He was not pleased with us as we are, God loves us and wants to help us.
(Romans 5:28 "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.")
Unfortunately, our sins carries the penalty of death, both physical and eternal.
(Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death")
God is willing to forgive and forget our sin by accepting Jesus as a substitute. His death on the cross paid the penalty of our sins. His resurrection from the dead provides our eternal life.
The fourth stop on the Road to Hope is your Commitment.
(Romans 10:9,13 "If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.- for, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.)
Commitment means to:
•Repent= Turn away from sin to follow God's new direction for your life.
•Believe= Trust Jesus as your substitute.
•Confess= Acknowledge Jesus as the supreme authority over your life.
•Call= Ask Him for forgiveness, eternal life, and Hope.
Read the following prayer, and see if it expresses to desire of your heart!
"Dear God, I know that Jesus is your son and that He died on the cross for my sins and was raised from the dead for my salvation. Because I have sinned and need forgiveness, I ask Jesus to come into my heart. I am willing to change the direction of my life by acknowledging Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and by turning away from my sins. Thank you for giving me forgiveness, eternal life, and Hope. In Jesus' name, amen."
It seems to me everyone is making a sport out of fixing our country, yet they never seem to get it right. Folks are so quick to blame politicians, corporations, kids, other parents, other countries, celebrities, society, etc. etc. Those are not the problems, they are the symptoms. The problem is, people do not love Jesus. We have made so many idols. Our causes are now our idols. Our religion is now our idol. We are so quick to tell people what we are against they don't listen if we ever tell them what we are for! We have been given a commission "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20) and we have been given a commandment in Matthew 22:37-39 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

If we would just strive to do these two things the world would change. If you don't believe me, you are doubting God. It starts in our hearts, then spreads to our family, then our neighbors, then friends, coworkers, even our "enemies"; once your fire has ignited those around you, watch it spread. It is how a small campfire can end up burning square miles of trees, it was not contained. If you don't know how all this works, ask God to show you, ask His Spirit to dwell in you, read your Bible and pray often and openly with your wife and kids and watch how God will work! Let's stop trying to contain the Gospel and let Jesus fire burn up our homes and towns and offices and watch REVIVAL take place!
money_pit_yj said:
It seems to me everyone is making a sport out of fixing our country, yet they never seem to get it right. Folks are so quick to blame politicians, corporations, kids, other parents, other countries, celebrities, society, etc. etc. Those are not the problems, they are the symptoms. The problem is, people do not love Jesus. We have made so many idols. Our causes are now our idols. Our religion is now our idol. We are so quick to tell people what we are against they don't listen if we ever tell them what we are for! We have been given a commission "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20) and we have been given a commandment in Matthew 22:37-39 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

:dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb:
If we would just strive to do these two things the world would change. If you don't believe me, you are doubting God. It starts in our hearts, then spreads to our family, then our neighbors, then friends, coworkers, even our "enemies"; once your fire has ignited those around you, watch it spread. It is how a small campfire can end up burning square miles of trees, it was not contained. If you don't know how all this works, ask God to show you, ask His Spirit to dwell in you, read your Bible and pray often and openly with your wife and kids and watch how God will work! Let's stop trying to contain the Gospel and let Jesus fire burn up our homes and towns and offices and watch REVIVAL take place!
I'm studying Matthew right now and have come to the Triumphant Entry where Jesus is coming to Jerusalem leading up to his crucifixion. It blows my mind that the same people who were in the streets laying their garments down and shouting "Hosanna, Son of David, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest" as he came in on a donkey were at the beating and trial yelling crucify him! How different are we? We love Jesus as our savior, the part of Him that saves us from our sin filled lives, yet reject Him as Lord over our life. We have an attitude of "thanks for saving me and helping me overcome death, but don't tell me how to live my life". if we allow him to Be LORD we will be amazed at the exceedingly abundant things he would do in and through our life!
I believe Proverbs 3:5-7 is very relevant to yall's recent posts, and it helps me remember to put God first before all else, by talking to him through prayer for guidance and keepin love in your heart. Like you said, faith and the Holy spirit are like a wildfire, and it starts with just a little spark!

5Trust in the lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.6In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he WILL make your path straight!7Do not be wise in your own eyes, but fear the Lord and turn away from evil!!!
Merry Christmas guys, please don't forget

Friday is the day we celebrate the birth of the man who gave his life for us and made a way for us to be right with God. I am a crappy ole sinner who deserves eternal death, but because of HIM I am saved!!
Hotrodpayton said:
Merry Christmas guys, please don't forget

Friday is the day we celebrate the birth of the man who gave his life for us and made a way for us to be right with God. I am a crappy ole sinner who deserves eternal death, but because of HIM I am saved!!

I hear ya bro. Me too. God bless and Merry Christmas.
Hotrodpayton said:
Merry Christmas guys, please don't forget

Friday is the day we celebrate the birth of the man who gave his life for us and made a way for us to be right with God. I am a crappy ole sinner who deserves eternal death, but because of HIM I am saved!!

Hotrodpayton said:
Merry Christmas guys, please don't forget

Friday is the day we celebrate the birth of the man who gave his life for us and made a way for us to be right with God. I am a crappy ole sinner who deserves eternal death, but because of HIM I am saved!!


Merry CHRISTmas to all!
Merry Christmas guys. I am a truly blessed man bc of the sacrifice Jesus made for me. Thanks again HotRod for helping me get back on track

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Not necassarily Christmas realted but something I have been trying to remmber each day.

It's not a happy man that is thankful...
It's a thankful man that is happy.

Think on that for a while.