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JESUS= Hope ( a thread for encouragement)

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I started looking for bible verse of the day sites because I don't know a lot of bible quotes and have never read it. I thought this one was simple and to the point.

The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
Galatians 6:8
OMG hotrod you have started something really good. You really steped up and put youre selfe out there for being judged and being looked at as being (odd) and have been rewarded with support and praise. That takes some major brass man i dont know you personally but have the higest respect for you. People are kinda strange the way they steriotype certain groups of other people and dont eaven know them. This just goes to show every one else that you can be a christian and the most hardcore wheeler out there too. And that puts you and every one else that posted here as a rare group of man thats not seen enough in this day and age. The thing that allot of people forget or just dont know about the people that wrote the books of the bible is these where not (submissive cowerdly) people they had to fight and be willing to die for what they belived in. It was a time when you could be killed for simply writing the same things we are writing now. I have a son that is 7 and could not give him up to save anyone. But thats what GOD did for us i will never feal worthy of a love that great. Rember GOD made a huge sacrafice for you because he loves you (and because he knew that some times were prety stupid and are doomed with him) i heard an interresting statement on tv the other day (Im not certain of what the future holds but i am certain of who holds the future) keap up the good work you are doing GOD loves us all i am certain of this. And the mans name on tv was Martain Luther King.
Like so many of you I have also didicated my life to christ, but on a daily basis I sin. I struggle everyday with trying to better. Like Hotrod said church recharges him and I agree with that. It is just so easy to make a thousand reasons not to go. I have really enjoyed this post and keep it up.

Hello peoples. A link to this thread was posted on www.ucora.org by a friend in Christ of mine so I decided to check it out. I can't tell y'all how great is is to see other Christians step up and come out of the closet as it were. Hotrod you are to be commended. The only reason I registered on this site was to tell y'all that there are more of us out there than you may know! We can make a difference with what we do and don't do as well as what we say. I'll shut up now except to invite y'all to check us out at UCORA. That stands for United Christian Off-Road Alliance. Go over to the forum and introduce yourselves and get to know us. We've got our 4x4x event coming up in June at SMORR and we'd love to have y'all come fellowship and wheel with us. If you don't mind I believe I'll drop by here from time to time as well. I just may want to go wheeling with y'all sometime.

I only pray on days ending in Y
My verse of the day JOHN 14;1 Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in GOD,believe also in me

This thread has helped me get back to reading the bible, and inspired me to strive to be a better believer in Christ
OK, I have heard many of you refer to your children. There is no greater joy in our lives that the children that God has bless us with. That being said this is one of my all time favorite verses.

3 John 1:4 (King James Version)

4I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

The only way to know that they will be in the truth is to teach it to them. Have them in church and bible study. Now go out there and be the spiritual leader of your family...

God Bless You and Yours
I think we'll all def. have something for this thread after tomorrow. I have a cousin and his wife coming to church with us tomorrow. He's never been involved at all, and seems to really be wanting to change. He's a great guy, just been on the wrong side of the fence for a long, long time. Ya'll say a little prayer that maybe God will work on his heart tomorrow. :dblthumb:
Great thread guys… Im a few days late because I just found the thread but I am getting caught up. I read through all the posts just sitting here tonight and I feel the need to speak out and encourage a couple of the guys who have posted.
Jimbo, Stinger, and anyone else who may be thinking that they have just done too much, or are not able to be changed by God’s love and power.

I would like to introduce you guys to a guy in the New Testament named Paul. Paul is responsible for writing a large majority of the New Testament and played a huge role in spreading the Great News of Jesus after he was crucified on the cross. At first glance you would think that Paul had always been a Christ follower or at least a decent citizen. The truth is that Paul was in charge of tracking down Christians and doing anything he could do put an end to the religion… including murdering the Christians. God made a huge change in Paul’s life and used him, who was once a know killer of Christians, to spread God’s love.

The truth is that none of us have done too many bad things to be loved and changed by God. He has open arms and would love to get to know you more. You just have to be willing to be loved and changed.
My verse for the day Psalm 18:2 - “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust.”
Hotrod, man i quit going to Church about a year ago, its funny i got saved and joined and then got my whole family involved and they joined and then i just fell off the wagon ive been saying ill get back in Church and start trying to get back on track, i never stopped believing and praying but i just didnt get back to Church. This thread has really inspired me to get back in Church and get close to God again. If nothing else it has helped me! So thanks!
I never knew there was this many people on this board that has Christ in their lives, It is good to know.
Maybe some of us can get a ride together and get to know each other better and fellowship with Christ.
Again thanks for the inspiration.
Noone is perfect except the Lord, everyone sins and makes mistakes, you just have to have personal persecution and ask for forgivness.

One of my personal favorites

Psalm 71:17-19 O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to all the generations to come. Your power and your righteousness, O God, reach the high heavens. You who have done great things, O God, who is like you?
Good Monday Morning: I know that here on Hardline we like to see, hear and be involved in Extreme things:

I read Wheelsupjeepers post about Paul: Man if there was ever a person that went from one EXTREME TO the OTHER EXTREME. Once he learn the truth he became sold out to the cause. Just like on that HUGH OBSTACLE that you pull up in front of in your 4x4. You know that if you are going to make it to the top of the hill, you can't hold anything back. Paul gave it all under every type of trial and objection. He is a great person to study from.

I also see several talking about getting together. I will remind everyone that there is an event scheduled in June in Missouri. We would love to have everyone come on down.. Here is the event web site. http://crawl4christ.com/
I love hearing about the life of people in the bible. I think alot of people think that biblical days were full of we shalt not thou shou will type stuff, but it really has alot of great storys and real heros through out. The pastor at our church explains the versus in depth, and tells the back ground of the people associated with the story. I always picture Jesus and his disciples walking around in new robes, clean and fresh, treating everyone with super kindness and spreading the word. You know just like in the movies. In reality they were guys just like us. They had to camp out in the wilderness go weeks without showering. I don't think they could wash their clothes to often either. So my guess is the disciples were at times a pretty rough group. I also think some of if not all of the disciples carried swords and I believe they new how to use them.
You think people are wild now, back in those times their were whole cities that were basicly a full time orgy. Religious cults, that part of their worship ceromony was to have sex with guys and girls while they prayed to their god.
In closing I am 100% positive that know one has done enough bad things for God not to love them.
Mine for the day:

Therefore do not worry, saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we drink?What shall we wear? For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of GOD and HIS righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Matthew 6: 31-34

We are all so troubled right now with the way this world is. These verses speak clear to me. Put your faith in GOD, not in yourself or any other worldly source, and he will take care of you and your needs! It's time for us to stop trying to fix every problem in our lives without seeking GOD's plan. HE will take care of you, you just gotta have Faith in HIM and HIS love for you.
Finally went back to church on Sunday, our pastor is doing a series on being a good samaritan. I think about that a lot and God often calls me to help strangers in need and I rarely do. Whether it is stopping to help someone that is broken down or people in need in your community, make sure you really see and not just look.
Mine today is:

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God." Mathew 5:9
Finally went back to church on Sunday, our pastor is doing a series on being a good samaritan.
Did he tell you how the phrase "a good samaritan" came to be.
My verse for the day Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6
Attacks come in very weird ways don't they. The devil always tries to find a way to do his work on things that are for the betterment of the world. Be very strong guys, CHRIST is much stronger than the devil. Keep your eyes on GOD and not on the world. :dblthumb:
my uncle is a minister at our church and he preached on forgiveness!!!!! my point is that today's technology is not always so great, as in when people argue over differences instead of manning up and talking their differences out with one another they want to text,email,voice mail,etc. etc. than just talk it man to man or what ever else may be.

just my 2 cents i think that is some of the reasons the world is the way it is today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

don't get me wrong on this i enjoy talking to each and everyone of you on here i think this post is great and since this post was created it has made me want to do better and better although i do still sin from time to time i always ask for forgiveness!!

hey HOT ROD thanks for what you have done on this post!!!! it has really made me think alot more than i normally do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

joe boyett
;D ;D