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JESUS= Hope ( a thread for encouragement)

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Lost a very close friend of mine this past weekend to Cancer. Although it is a great loss of a young man, he out lived what all the doctors had told him. You see, last September Mike was diagnosed with terminal bone cancer and was told he would not make it 6 weeks. He underwent some surgeries and was put on Chaemo therapy and we prayed that he would see it through to Thanksgiving. All our hopes and prayers were answered as Thanksgiving came and went and Mike was looking better and better. He asked the Lord to let him see one more Christmas with his family and he was granted that time, but only to take a turn for the worst and was given only to New Years. Well, he was given the strength and out lived that that date as well. His next milestone was to live to see his youngest sons 16th birthday as he has an older son in college and God also gave him that strength and saw his son grow a little older. Mike underwent blood transfusions like we might take a shower, they were all the time and were a small glimmer of hope. Mike then took a turn for the worst 2 weeks ago and had fallen and hurt his hip badly. Now this is a 52 year old man in the prime of his life, married with 2 great kids and a wonderful wife. Yesterday, on our way back from the beach, my wife got the call we had been waiting for. Mike was gone. You see, Mike had been put on so many pain pills for the hip pain as well as the Cancer, that all he had done for the past 2 weeks is sleep. I have been very lucky to have know Mike for the past 14 years and will always remember his kind laughter and small time jokes, as Mike was a genuine "nice guy". I will surely miss Mike as many others will as well, but the Lord knew it was his time to be out of his pain and misery and is now pain free. God love this man and we have and always will. Gregg
Our Prayers go out to this family and friends. Sound like he fought a mighty battle and is now earned his just rewards...
I hate that stuff and will never understand why God lets it happen, but I do understand He lets it happen for a reason, so pray that the family will also understand everything has a reason. Sorry for your loss.
blacksheep10 said:
Somebody posted it earlier, but think about Job. Even with nothing he had God

Every time I hear that story I think that guy is incredible :o
Somebody posted it earlier, but think about Job. Even with nothing he had God

Every time I hear that story I think that guy is incredible
That is exactly what I think of, everytime I get into a tight spot.
Am lifting these two up in pray this morning and also the rest of you folks that have contributed to this tread. I pray God's blessing on each of you and ask for strength in your continuing walk with the Lord. Always feel free to post up a prayer need.
I have posted before about me getting a new job and having to move to New Mexico. The application process for this job was 2 years long and I had many hoops that I had to jump through. Some of them I thought there was no way I would pass. Through this whole long and crazy process, I kept praying and telling my wife that I felt that this is the direction the Lord wants me to be going. Well I finally got the job offer a couple months ago. We then had 24 hours to decide where we would spend the next 3-5 years. None of the locations was just "wonderful", but after much discussion and praying the wife and I both believed that the Lord was wanting us to go to New Mexico. So, we made the decision and a whole alot more stuff had to be done. We put our house up for sale about a week after the offer. We was very worried because the housing market is terrible in our area, and there was no way we could move to New Mexico and pay rent or a mortgage, and still be paying one in Alabama. We both know people personally in our city that have had their houses on the market for 2-3 years. Well, it just seemed everything fell into place. I actually received 3 months before I had to report, which is awesome. Some guys only get a few weeks to get everything ready. Well, here we are, two months since the offer and we close on our house Wednesday!!!!! Not only that, but we received full asking price, we just pay closing. Selling a house around here that fast and receiving full asking price is unheard of. It is just so amazing what God can do!!!! When I tell most people they say, "well looks like the Lord is watching out for yall". They are so RIGHT! I have to head to training for about 6 months which I am dreading, but I keep telling myself that the Lord will help me through it, because just look at everything else He has helped me with. My wife is also worried about me being gone for 6 months and then moving across the country, but I tell her this is where the Lord wants us to be. On another note, there looks to be some great rocking crawling in the area also! I just felt that the Lord has had it on my heart lately to share this with everyone. Everyone please pray for me and my family during this. I really have some great friends and some great family, heck most of my close friends are like family. It's going to be hard to leave everyone, but I know God has given me and my family a great opportunity. He has given me a new job that I have always wanted. God is awesome.
That is an awesome story man. Good luck with all of it!

Well my son was baptized yesterday and it was awesome. All our family and friends where there and it was really special. My son had the flu a week ago, but seems to be doing better. Just another in the long line of illnesses he has had. We pulled him out of daycare and started looking for a nanny, even though we can't afford one. It was very stressful and we were trying to figure out what we were gonna do. We did this in an effort to get him better and avoid exposure to germs as his white blood count is LOW. Anyways, Jen's uncle stays at home with the kids and he volunteered to keep him for us. That has been a blessing and hopefully it will help Samuel recover from all the illnesses he has had.
pgpdnarc It is so Great when God Reveals his plans. We pray every things continue to fall into place during these changes in your life and to give you all remain strong during your move.

Matt O. it is great to hear of your somes baptiism. We continue to pray for his health and strength.

God Bless both of you and yours..
CHASMAN9 said:
I agree 1000% with this topic and appreciate you posting it up Rod and everyone's comments on this subject. I am no snake swinger or goat roper, but this past weekend I professed my faith in God and next Sunday I will be publically Baptised with my son at the same time. This will be an all time high for me and something my son and family will never forget. That's right, at the same time, I am so pumped to be able to do this, and it will be a first at my church before. :dblthumb:

Well, this Sunday, Easter Sunday, my son and I will formly be baptized together at the Double Oak Community Church in Mt Laurel at 10:45 a.m. We have had to postpone this event until now and we are so looking forward to this great event in both Chas and my life, as well as my wife and friends and family. It will truely be lifting and emotional. We have been praying for this day to come and now it is upon us and we can't wait for it to finally be here and on such a great day. I invite any and all of you whomever can make it to join me and my family and friends to attend. Thanks for all your support and words of wisdom, this event will surely make a better man of me. :dblthumb:
Isaiah 53-6. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.. I learned this when I was around 10 years old and have remembered it every since. It is a very true and powerful, But when do you start taking responsibility for your own actions and start answering to Gods word. I hope that I can start making the change. Very glad to see a trend like this start. Don't think I have ever seen one as long way to go HotRod. Thanks, Daniel
I'm for the old America where we was one nation under God's instead of without him,where it was OK if my child wanted to pray in school,where we raised our babies instead of killing them,where I had the right to bear arms,where the taxes we pay today didn't exist!!!
I am glad to see that this tread is continuing on. I know this event was mentioned earlier but I wanted to refresh that it is getting closer and going to be a very large event. http://crawl4christ.com/ This event is gong to be in Seymour, Mo @ SMORR Offroad Park There is already 65 rigs signed up and still 2 months to go. There will sure be over 100 rigs hitting the trails that weekend.

The Raffle is going to be huge as thing are coming in as we speak. This week I have received product from Superlift, PRP seats and a 8000# Kingone Winch. There is a lot more stuff that is coming in to the Christian Crawlers Club that is hosting this years event. You might want to mark this one down on your calender.
Guys, I think all of us, regardless of how relegious you may or may not be, can appreciate what happened thousands of years ago today. Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we would have the chance at eternal life. Also remember all the pain and agony he and his family/followers went through as he was tortured and crucified by people that knew not of what they were doing and who they were doing it to.
Congrats CHASMAN9. Tomorrow will truly be a wonderful day for you and your son! I hope everyone has a good Easter!
broncorckcrwlr said:
Congrats CHASMAN9. Tomorrow will truly be a wonderful day for you and your son! I hope everyone has a good Easter!

550 people all in tears. Truley awesome. We both were in the water at the same time and after he baptized me, I waited, and after then baptized my son, we hugged and the entire parrish broke out in tears. Best weekend of my life. Saturday- my birthday and Sunday- my spiritual birthday. Nothing better... period.

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