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JESUS= Hope ( a thread for encouragement)

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GREAT!!!!!! Wish I could have been there. Now get involved in an active Bible study group at you Church or Community and continue your growth. ;D
daveoffroad said:
GREAT!!!!!! Wish I could have been there. Now get involved in an active Bible study group at you Church or Community and continue your growth. ;D

Thanks, it will be something my son and I will remember for the rest of our lives for sure. :dblthumb:

As for the Bible study group, my wife and I have talked about it and because I coach my son's baseball and basketball teams on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the only time left is short and that is our FAMILY time. Got tot mix in some of that. :dblthumb:
CHASMAN9 said:
Thanks, it will be something my son and I will remember for the rest of our lives for sure. :dblthumb:

As for the Bible study group, my wife and I have talked about it and because I coach my son's baseball and basketball teams on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the only time left is short and that is our FAMILY time. Got tot mix in some of that. :dblthumb:

There are a lot of very good on-line Bible studies that can be done individually or as a family if a person desires to. It is good to continue to grow.

God Bless You and Yours//
Thanks for the props daveoffroad and will take that under consideration about the on line courses. It definitely is something to think about, although as you know, spiritualism is an inner feeling that in my opinion cannot be fulfilled by reading something on a screen or watching a stream. I spend enough time behind a computer each and every work day, not to say that that is not a great median for someone who is unable attend an in house service on sundays, I just prefer to have a parrish full of sinners just like myself to worship the lord with. :dblthumb:
Just want to issue you and invite to check us out...

OK!!!!! A little late but April Issue of C4X4 is now up. You will want to check out the Big Meat Run and the GREAT PICTURES by Brain Davis Photography. And a few of the lesser quality ones that I took. Brain got some great ACTION SHOOTS and some while he was on the run...... :lol:


Kick back and spend some time and enjoy..... God Bless You and Yours....
chasman set a time every day for your family to read at least 1 script. and include all the family in the reading. we try 3 verses because there are three of us , don't always happen but we try. Been GREAT. we are a lot closer to the Lord and to each other.
Every night that we are together, during our dinner prayer, each of us shares a blessing of what we are thankful for each and every day. It can range from praying for the health of a sick family member or a friend to getting my mothers house built and so on. We are very thankful for a happy and healthy family each and every day and remind ech other that without the guidance of the Lord, this would not be poissible... Thank you for your encouragement and guidance as we all need help, and we must all keep our eyes open and realize it comes in many other shapes and forms. :dblthumb:
A little Email I got today:

Truth...........from a man the media has never been able to throw dirt on.....amazing! He has certainly hit the "world" on the head!

Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation


'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'

Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God!'

Think about this: If you forward this prayer to everyone on your e-mail list, in less than 30 days it would be heard by the world. (It's worth a try!) 'One Nation Under God!

daveoffroad said:
WOW!!!! Guys I am so excited to see this tread happining. HOT ROD, good job.

Let me put a plug in here for the http://crawl4christ.com/ event that will be happening at SMORR in June. This would be a great time to get together for more discussion. This will be the 3rd event that had been put on byt WWW.UCORA.ORG and www.C4X4.com This event is being hosted by the Christian Crawlers of NW AR. Check out the link and think about it. We have a great time of wheelin, fellowship, raffle, entertainment, food ect.

Again. Great Job on this Tread..

God Bless You and YOURS
David Austin

David, good to see you. Jesus has always been a part of our family. :indianajones:

Hello Dan: Good to hear from you and thanks for chiming in. Have you notice the Crawl 4 Christ run @ SMORR that we are having in June ? Would love to have you come on up. www.crawl4christ.com We have got one SUPER Raffle coming together.
daveoffroad said:
Hello Dan: Good to hear from you and thanks for chiming in. Have you notice the Crawl 4 Christ run @ SMORR that we are having in June ? Would love to have you come on up. www.crawl4christ.com We have got one SUPER Raffle coming together.

I would like to pitch in a few things in the raffle. Let me know if I can help. booyang
You bet, we would love to have you participate. Let me know what you would like to do. You can email me at [email protected] or call me @ 405-249-9183
Let me know and we will get it posted up on the site. I guess you could PM me....
Greg just seen your post man. That is awesome. And it is awesome you guided your son in the right steps.

I have been reading different scriptures trying to find one to go in a Tattoo I am having done. It is going to be a little different and it is going to have some hidden things about my life and the people that meant the most. But most of all it is going to have scriptures within it. But reading these scriptures I read some about prayer. And I have always been taught by my grand-dad not to only pray for something but you must add the detail. And also believe!
I think a lot is over looked when praying. I know for me any way. When you pray I feel that I need to be specific and then leave it in Gods hands. Thus believing in God that my prayers are being answered. And I always pray for the Lords will to be done.

This is just my outlook on this. And reading these verses really made it click.

Matthew 21:22

22If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

Mark 11:24

24Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Who all on here is planning on going to Crawl-4-Christ,
I know DaveOffRoad and Copperhead42, I will go rigless but will be there.
Better Make Plans to attend. This is just getting better and better. Just heard that

XtremeTerrain.com just signed up to be a Premier Sponsor. Adding $1500 in Cash and Raffle Items into the event........... :spin: loller.gif

That puts the total number of vendors involved in the event at over 30 companies. That is getting some big time support... ;D
Got my tattoo done.

Still has some stray marker on it. And I scrubbed it as much as it would let me , lol. When this thing heals and the redness is gone it is going to be sweet. Artist loved the ideas we came up with. And it carry's a lot of meaning.


I have had 2 close people pass away. My dad 2 years ago and a great friend Dennis about 5 years ago. The cross says enough but the eye stands for God & Friends, Family looking down on us. There is 2 hidden initials within the wood-grain. The cross is nailed to my arm as it is a staple of my life. The fog/smoke is for how things can often be unclear in life. And there is 3 favorite scriptures in the fog.

I like it and that is all that matters. And there is not another one like it.