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Juniper Dunes

So for you guys that know the Dunes. Are there any closures out there at this time?

Where in town can we pick up ORV flags?
Tri Cities Cycle Supply in downtown Kennewick. The north end has a seasonal closure. I believe there are maps on the BLM site. Gibby, PM me your schedule so I can put it on our site and see if any of the crew want to join in for the day.
We're going to be there Sunday morning and probably early afternoon. We're staying at Pasco Faith Assembly Church at 1800 N Road 72
Pasco, WA 99301. We're there for a conference Friday and Saturday http://www.northwestministry.com/si...ls=1&ev_sub=details&event_id=1l5kjv9rznthrzsc and we're going to hang around an extra do to go play in the sand. Never done it before but it sounds like fun.

My cell is (253) 318-8188 if anyone wants to reach me and set up a time to meet. A guide is ALWAYS a nice thing at a new place.
Yeah. Sand can kinda look all the same if you don't know the area. Be advised that the first couple of miles in is on PRIVATE road. Mind the manners. And that the Franklin County S.O. and the BLM LEO's have been making unannounced runs out there, so be completely sand legal. I'll try to get a feel for who's able to go out and let you know. I need to get the MT/R's mounted tomorrow so I can play a mite.
Okay, I just called an official run for this on the Peak Putters site:awesomework: Dale, how many you got coming? I'll see about calling you later today...
The wife and I where out there a few weeks ago,great time.The big sign was up on the road NO TRESPASSING ROAD CLOSED There was a sheriff sitting over by there.I thought great im going to get a ticket,I dont like those much so I went over to talk to the sheriff about the sign.He said go ahead have fun and be safe Im not going to mess with ya just drive slow on the gravel road and be curtious to others.

I know junpier very well,I might be up for some wheelin sunday.

What time sunday?
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My plan is to meet at the Exxon at 395 & Court in Pasco at 9:00, and head for the dunes by 9:30. That's close for Gibby, and all us locals know it. We will be on CB12, and I'll have a couple of "family" radios if we need them. My contact is 509-528-9492.
Okay, I just called an official run for this on the Peak Putters site:awesomework: Dale, how many you got coming? I'll see about calling you later today...

We have 3 rigs and 3 kids on quads.shoot me a call when you get a minute.
Gotta get my flag on and I'm ready. I even spiffed up the ol' one fitty fer company:D Sounds like OG may be in for part of the day as well.
Gibby and crew survived. Here's my take on the day from the Putter's site:

Met up with Gibby from PNW/NW-W @ 9:00 this morning and headed out to Juniper. His group had 3 rigs and 3 quads. I'll add names and rigs later after I get 'em striaght. Trashy, Peanut, and bobracing came out with WT's "Toyota", and the Rodeo thing. It was to play, but b.r. took over and seemed to be having way too much fun, so we let him be. OG caught us on the way in and headed to the upper parking lot to set up. We stopped at the junction as I figured Gibby and crew had had enough abuse to the motor homes and campers by then. And Gibby stuck it. Shawnb (4runner) and RockMike (sammi) added to the rig count when we got there. Shawn had some belt issues that slowed things up for a bit, so just as we get going, here comes OG to check on us. Got to the upper area about 11ish, and Mrs. Gibby wants to know where we're going. I point to the dunes below us and say "Out there". She said something about home. I think. Any how, off we go to play. Everyone seemed to adjust to sand fairly well for a bunch of rookies. First time for all of them. Anyhow, I'm plowing around enjoying myself, and happen to look around for OG. And up on the hill I spy a blue Jeep with the hood up! Uh huh. Jimmy's in the house. I head up to check on the boy, and he's pouring gas in it. Ran out and it won't prime. Great. Then he mentions the power steering. Okay, what's up with that? Uh, blew a hose! Nice. Decides to do the prudent thing and load up. Good move. During the interlude with OG, I'd noticed that Gibby hadn't moved for a while down in the sand. Figure I'll go look. He's lost a brake line! They've just gotten him in 3 wheel stop mode, and we head up above again. While we're dicussing a run out to the north end, a gent comes up and asks if we can help retrieve a broke quad. Sure, we like to be good guys, so off we go up the draw behind him. Yup, broke wheel off. I have them toss it in my truck, and we haul it back for them, all the while with him griping about careless nephews. Get it off, and he wants to pay me. Nope, not how it works. So now we spot a black TJ below us, and if'n it ain't TJDave! He pulls in to join us. Finally. By now, Gibby and his crew are up against their schedule, so they load up and head out. No idea how much fun they had getting motor home out, but it was gone when we got back down to load up WT. Anyway, after some pretty productive bench racing, we head back out, too, load, air up, and hit the trail. I had noticed a sign down on the way in, but had too big a herd to stop then, and almost forgot till TJ and I were driving by it. We pulled off to inspect the thing, and it looked to have gotten smacked by a quad. Posts broke off at the ground. Dave has pix, and I notified the FCSO. All in all, it was a good day, even with the mechanical gremlins and rescue. I'm tired and will be ready again when anyone wants to do some sand!

Note: Pictures will be available from Gibby directly, and I'll get them up. My camera was dead this morning...
Dave, thanks for taking the time to show us around and it was nice to put some faces to screen names :) Toyrunner95 got most of the pics so we should have them up in a day or so. He's got on of Buster with all 4 tires up in the air.

We took it pretty easy giving the kids a chance to play on their quads and after I realized that I was down to 3 brakes I wasn't interested in doing anything too challenging.

I did solve the overheating problem that I had at Elbe and was happy to have not a single problem even in the sand with the heat.

I damage the brake line doing some car crushing the day before. Buster, CheaperJeeper and I played monster truck at a men's conference on Saturday afternoon. It didn't start leaking until I slammed the brakes on in the sand. It's a PITA pinching off a braided brake line but it was good enough to let us play for a little while.

I ended up hooking up the 4runner to the front of the motorhome to drag it AND the trailer out.

Dave, we got all the flags in the Dodge, EXCEPT for the one that I had on my truck... luckily it was the broken one. If it's OK with you, I'll hang on to that until we make another trip over there, or I can send you a few bucks to replace it. Whatever works for you.

Playing in the sand was OK... not sure if it's my thing. I think if the kids had some paddle tires we would have done a lot more touring around, but getting out to constantly push them around or get them unstuck isn't my idea of a good time... especially when it means getting in and out of my truck! I don't stretch so well anymore LOL!
I've been to juniper once. Great place and lots of fun. bring the horsepower or you ain't havin much fun. :redneck:
Glad you guys enjoyed youre the day,damn it was hot!!!

I had a great time good to see trash again and meet you guys.

Been agreat day if that ding bat lady hadnt pulled out and front of me and crashed my trailer.Still havnt checked to see if she bent my axle on the trailer,Ill be shocked if she didnt cause it totalled her car.:booo:
Somehow I ended up with another whip, so no big! Hope you can come over again. I don't need an excuse to go play in the sand, but it's cool to have folks over to see how we do it...
Glad you guys enjoyed youre the day,damn it was hot!!!

I had a great time good to see trash again and meet you guys.

Been agreat day if that ding bat lady hadnt pulled out and front of me and crashed my trailer.Still havnt checked to see if she bent my axle on the trailer,Ill be shocked if she didnt cause it totalled her car.:booo:

Okay, story please!!