I was driving down road 68 getting ready to turn right on argent.There was 2 rigs in front of me and 12 or better behind me.
This dumb gal was trying to leave her drive way,didnt bother to look to see if anybody was coming(on this busy street)
she kinda rolled out then stopped still didnt see her turn her head to look at me.Then I saw her tires start to roll again and I thought OH MY shes going to hit me!!!! so I yanked the wheel in an attempt to keep her from crashing into the side of truck.It worked but she caught the right front fender and tire of the trailer.Pretty violent accident,very lucky nobody was coming the other way.Cause if I hadnt swerved over she would have caught me in the rear fender and me bigass homemeade rear bumpers side.This would have smashed her front also but I think it would have launched my trailer right over the front end of a her ricer car,which could have flipped my trailer and destroyed me zuke and trailer.
So we got to stand around for an hour waiting for the cops to do the report.listen to her lame story" I was uppset and I didnt eavan see this guy coming I think he was speeding"
I told the cop I watched her the hole time I has already down shifted into 2nd gear!!! My turn was within 2OO FEET i WAS GOING UNDER THE SPEED LIMIT. she just never bothered to LOOK!!!
No peeps where hurt,so thats the good.Just more work for me to get ready for this next weekend.

Fortunatley this gal wont be driving real soon(atleast I hope so) cause her car was totalled It folded up like a taco!!
This dumb gal was trying to leave her drive way,didnt bother to look to see if anybody was coming(on this busy street)

So we got to stand around for an hour waiting for the cops to do the report.listen to her lame story" I was uppset and I didnt eavan see this guy coming I think he was speeding"
I told the cop I watched her the hole time I has already down shifted into 2nd gear!!! My turn was within 2OO FEET i WAS GOING UNDER THE SPEED LIMIT. she just never bothered to LOOK!!!
No peeps where hurt,so thats the good.Just more work for me to get ready for this next weekend.

Fortunatley this gal wont be driving real soon(atleast I hope so) cause her car was totalled It folded up like a taco!!
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