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Kalli is getting braces

P said:
Thats why you gotta drink Keystun's at home ... 14 bux for 30ea will last ya all week as long as no one else comes over thirsty plus cool **** = workin on / building 4x4's !!!


I don't drink often so I'm not worried about it but yea 14bux will keep ya dirty all week... I guess my point was I spend the $$ in my head before I gots the cash because the I'll spend on teh cool **** VS. If I have a stack of greenbacks in my hand I will make it rain on an azn stripper with nothin to show but blue balls and need for prescription creeme for this rash that won't go away laughing1.
what I meant by spent before I get it is bills bills bills. Yes, some of my bills are loan payments for shop payments and tools and land I just bought and a nice truck. that way its spent before I get it. I want a nice truck I can go out and get in and roll to the dirty south if I want and not worry about it. hell, it has warranty, which is new for me. laughing1 its also tough right now because I'm banking every other paycheck and taking unemployment (it rains us out every other week now) and working in the shop for him and me. the hours for him that weren't enough for a real check go to a bank of money that I get to spend with a trackhoe and dozer/loader at my land when I hit a couple grand. dig a basement, my laterals and my ground source geo horizontal lines in and get my driveway right with a ton of torn out asphalt. Just tough to get there skimping. thumb.gif
I pay bills first then spend the remnants of that thing I call a paycheck on entertainment / toys.

Thats why i have no real assests and have more fun then Kelly laughing1
blacksheep10 said:
what I meant by spent before I get it is bills bills bills. Yes, some of my bills are loan payments for shop payments and tools and land I just bought and a nice truck. that way its spent before I get it. I want a nice truck I can go out and get in and roll to the dirty south if I want and not worry about it. hell, it has warranty, which is new for me. laughing1 its also tough right now because I'm banking every other paycheck and taking unemployment (it rains us out every other week now) and working in the shop for him and me. the hours for him that weren't enough for a real check go to a bank of money that I get to spend with a trackhoe and dozer/loader at my land when I hit a couple grand. dig a basement, my laterals and my ground source geo horizontal lines in and get my driveway right with a ton of torn out asphalt. Just tough to get there skimping. thumb.gif

nice **** costs money that's why I got crappy old hi mileage vehicles and still am broke laughing1 pretty sad when yer video equipment cost more than your tow rig and wheeler combined :eek: laughing1 at least that ****'s payed for :woody:

I just plugged your name to a jeep guy locally that's wantin' my 35's... I'll talk to him more tonight maybe you can get a cage job outta it..
I hear you, new house purchases and related expenses will kill you. We are getting things straight again, but we had to pay for the pool out of pocket instead of being able to mortgaging it in (thanks to the shitty housing market and sub-prime bs). So I literally spent the money I was saving for a turn-key rig in a fawkin pool for the wife that we have yet enjoy. We have a solid plan with downgrading cars and getting out of this diesel truck that I rarely use
blacksheep10 said:
I'm trying to be too mature too quick laughing1
Slow down, you got the rest of your life to get there then, youll wish you were still young and free... whats the point ? laughing1

I've spent a great deal of time thinking about this matter... chasing what society says is right, doing the "mature" thing , owning **** that makes other people believe that you are happy and have all those things that everyone wants.

Its not bad mind you, but is it what makes YOU happy is what you gotta ask yourself. I think the stuff you doing and working hard for are great, Own your own land, build your house and shop, have alot of equipment in said shop. ... all great stuff and on my agenda too. ( got land covered , workin on building house for the last 2 weeks... again )
BamaTJ said:
I hear you, new house purchases and related expenses will kill you. We are getting things straight again, but we had to pay for the pool out of pocket instead of being able to mortgaging it in (thanks to the shitty housing market and sub-prime bs). So I literally spent the money I was saving for a turn-key rig in a fawkin pool for the wife that we have yet enjoy. We have a solid plan with downgrading cars and getting out of this diesel truck that I rarely use
I'm hoping to have a foundation in the ground by the fall all with out of pocket cash/sell caddi truck/sell pink 1 ton/sell ford 1 ton/michelle's lifegaurd training. I can dig it for free with my boss's equipment (free because of hundred or more banked hours he didn't pay me for) and dig the geo in. I have a guy, one of my good friends that does geo, so he's gonna get me cost on the coils and help me put it in, fuse it, and pressure it up, I have a concrete guy that'll do it for $.70 sqft. and will have to have the walls poured. I think I can get all the sitework done and pay the cost of labor on forms and flat and then open the construction loan for the 10 grand in mud for my basement and shop floor. yes, houses are expensive. I wanted a buggy this year, but a house and shop are more important.
See , you got a plan and your using all the resrources availabile to you to get it... thats badass..

I think the great thing in my seen is Amber and I are on the same page and have similar goals . We will get to the point we want to be within a year and get some other misc debt paid off on the way. Good times thumb.gif
P said:
Slow down, you got the rest of your life to get there then, youll wish you were still young and free... whats the point ? laughing1

I've spent a great deal of time thinking about this matter... chasing what society says is right, doing the "mature" thing , owning **** that makes other people believe that you are happy and have all those things that everyone wants.

Its not bad mind you, but is it what makes YOU happy is what you gotta ask yourself. I think the stuff you doing and working hard for are great, Own your own land, build your house and shop, have alot of equipment in said shop. ... all great stuff and on my agenda too. ( got land covered , workin on building house for the last 2 weeks... again )
I hope you know I'm the last person to want to put on airs to look successful. look at my rig, etc. I dont' care. I wanted that truck. badly. I love it and will keep it. Its sex on wheels and reliable. I was tired of the white one needing $500 a month in new parts to keep it going. the slow down thing, I think I've set **** in motion recently that make sure I can't. its what I love doing. I love working on this stuff and I love doing all of it. I don't like the fights with the wife over time and money, and the no rec time. I don't really get to go and do anything anymore. xrra is making sure of that. I wouldn't trade that opportunity for the world, though. I really wanna make it down to rec wheel this month, but if miles comes out and helps me put the tranny in in a night or 2, rob and heath chip in on fuel, I run bio and nothing else goes wrong, that's the only way its gonna happen. Other than that, I'll just stay home and make some monies. thumb.gif
get that house built son. i mean that steel building with a small basement type area and living quarters in it. You hearing this amber?
I am looking to buy a shop here, ****ers are hard to find though without a house on them and more land than I can afford or want to pay taxes on.

Wish I had the land to put one up.
You definately have your priorites right Kelly, get the house and shop setup and worry about rigs later. House is what you and your family live in everyday, rigs are just for fun. I have to keep that in perspective quite often. We made bad decisions with our cars, and it was basically a situation where neither of us had both been working at the same time before so we only had one income. Once we got two, we went crazy and bought her an expensive car and me an expensive diesel truck. We put a plan into motion at the Shamrock Ride to rid us of both of these and get out of car debt 100%. We are putting that plan into effect next week, and knowing that has made me feel 100 times better. I wanted to have a buggy, and now have a pool instead. I don't really care about the pool, but I know that we and all our friends will get enjoyment out of it and only I will enjoy that buggy.
There is a reason I don't have a rig...even I lived in a wheeling friendly area. I simply can't afford it and like to do other things also.
Yeah kelly don't ever talk to tiffany. I bet shed make you a sweet deal on a 555 buggy. Molaugh

You doing the right thing. And you'll be buggied up soon enough.
BamaTJ said:
You definately have your priorites right Kelly, get the house and shop setup and worry about rigs later. House is what you and your family live in everyday, rigs are just for fun. I have to keep that in perspective quite often. We made bad decisions with our cars, and it was basically a situation where neither of us had both been working at the same time before so we only had one income. Once we got two, we went crazy and bought her an expensive car and me an expensive diesel truck. We put a plan into motion at the Shamrock Ride to rid us of both of these and get out of car debt 100%. We are putting that plan into effect next week, and knowing that has made me feel 100 times better. I wanted to have a buggy, and now have a pool instead. I don't really care about the pool, but I know that we and all our friends will get enjoyment out of it and only I will enjoy that buggy.

Matt, I think you would be dollars ahead to keep your dodge, you will take a bath on that thing right now. Dealers are having a tough time giving diesels away.
I want a new diesel and plan on jumping on a steal here pretty soon, but I dread selling my '02 Duramax for the fawking bath I'll take on it.
For the bath you'll take you can cover a lot of the upcharge on diesel fuel for a long time.
InDaShop said:
Matt, I think you would be dollars ahead to keep your dodge, you will take a bath on that thing right now. Dealers are having a tough time giving diesels away.
I want a new diesel and plan on jumping on a steal here pretty soon, but I dread selling my '02 Duramax for the fawking bath I'll take on it.
For the bath you'll take you can cover a lot of the upcharge on diesel fuel for a long time.

I will not take a bath on them. The haulers and farmers still need em. I will take a small loss, but I want out of this diesel **** for the cost savings and inconvenience of fuel stops and so forth. It is easy for your to justify because you carpool to work with your wife, I drive mine 55 miles a day roundtrip and best I have ever got is 15mpg.