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KOH Logistics and Trip Planning

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Re: KOH Logistics and Trip Planning, 555 Racing and Hardline Crawlers LCQ

Kelly is the Debbie Downer... that fugger sleeps more than anyone I know when on a wheeling trip ! laughing1
Re: KOH Logistics and Trip Planning, 555 Racing and Hardline Crawlers LCQ

Wyatt I had already planned on camping or making my own arrangments because I knew your space was limited and the spots would go to your team. Plus you don't even like me fawker :flipoff1:. I am hoping the MS guys will chime in and maybe they will be intersted in splittin an RV. I don't know who may and may not come from Bama, I have only talked to one person that mentioned wanting to come help pit for Team Hardline, and they were going to fly out and meet up with us. I will talk to P some tommorrow and see what he thinks. I am sure we will have minimal support and volunteers from Bama since we don't have a for sure spot and don't have any hookups with locals in the area like other teams.

Thanks for brining the grill Wyatt, that is a huge part of the equation.
Re: KOH Logistics and Trip Planning, 555 Racing and Hardline Crawlers LCQ

Im not fuggin scared, Ill dig in a fox hole, bunker down with the 50cal and start buckin ****ers down like donkeys man... Ill get my cargo pants handy dont you worry about P. I'll recon and ration, adapt and overcome son !

OK, I got excited for a minute my bad... yea we got alot of time to sort this out, Im down for whatever. laughing1
Re: KOH Logistics and Trip Planning, 555 Racing and Hardline Crawlers LCQ

P said:
yea we got alot of time to sort this out,
laughing1 Yeah we have a ton of time. ::) :flipgotcha:

I just looked and I have 10 hours vacation after next weeks trip. Granted I accrue time from now till then, but I will be borrowing against 09's earnings fo sho.
Re: KOH Logistics and Trip Planning, 555 Racing and Hardline Crawlers LCQ

I have stayed out there for 5 days no shower nothing... did the mexican shower thing and went to the Xtremey's that Sunday night loller.gif it ain't THAT bad...
Re: KOH Logistics and Trip Planning, 555 Racing and Hardline Crawlers LCQ

I am still in the air as whether or not I am going to make it. If I do, I will have to fly in and fly out because of work. I would be more than willing to pitch in on the RV, I don't do well with camping.
Re: KOH Logistics and Trip Planning, 555 Racing and Hardline Crawlers LCQ

Cole said:
I am still in the air as whether or not I am going to make it. If I do, I will have to fly in and fly out because of work. I would be more than willing to pitch in on the RV, I don't do well with camping.
tell vic to put in teh word, you go with pay :woody: laughing1
you are too skinny to do well with freezing winds :flipgotcha:
Re: KOH Logistics and Trip Planning, 555 Racing and Hardline Crawlers LCQ

I'm not worried about food, I'll wander over to Bob's toter-home and mooch me some grub like I did this last TB Jambo in April....Tina can cook some mean grub :woody:.... Puder and I were livin' off of granola bars??? Forget what type but they were supplement bars with a buncha stuff in em they'd hold ya over for a few days. Last thing I thought about was eating :eek: $150 at albertsons in granola bars, water, ice and alcohol booyang
Re: KOH Logistics and Trip Planning, 555 Racing and Hardline Crawlers LCQ

I'm not worried about food, I'll wander over to Bob's toter-home and mooch me some grub like I did this last TB Jambo in April....Tina can cook some mean grub :woody:.... Puder and I were livin' off of granola bars??? Forget what type but they were supplement bars with a buncha stuff in em they'd hold ya over for a few days. Last thing I thought about was eating :eek: $150 at albertsons in granola bars, water, ice and alcohol booyang

Thats what Im talkin about... the 1 week crash diet . guarentee to shed 10lbs or your money back! thumb.gif
Re: KOH Logistics and Trip Planning, 555 Racing and Hardline Crawlers LCQ

RV rentals thread started

Re: KOH Logistics and Trip Planning, 555 Racing and Hardline Crawlers LCQ

What is the real cost of the RV rental + fuel?? Looked at the Pirate link and got no offical cost just a lot of intrest. Matt ,if I am in will what are we going to do???
Re: KOH Logistics and Trip Planning, 555 Racing and Hardline Crawlers LCQ

InDaShop said:
the site I checked out had different sizes of RVs of different ages and conditions. But a decent sized (6-8) in reasonable condition averaged around $250 a day. If we got it fairly close then the diesel would be minimal aside from the generator.

If we got an 8 man, and split it amongst everyone in our group 10-12 we could end up between $20-30 a day/per person. So for 7 days it would run maybe $200/ person for the week...... :dunno:

Thats not bad at all. Just got to get the final clearance from the wife.
Re: KOH Logistics and Trip Planning, 555 Racing and Hardline Crawlers LCQ

I talked to the Carter's and they were down for an RV so we may get one for our stay out there. I am not sweating right now though, I can camp if need be. I will be riding higher than a cloud of titties cause I will be at KOH at the Hammers